An Ocean Of Countless Thoughts in English Motivational Stories by Shreyas Ghadge books and stories PDF | An Ocean Of Countless Thoughts

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An Ocean Of Countless Thoughts

     Over time, there is a huge difference in human thinking. So the most important reason behind finding that difference is the situation he sees with the eye Actually, man never changes easily, when some such events in the world come before his eyes and he gets the taste of experiencing them, there is a change somewhere in his thinking.And in a sense it is also right Because unless you see some of the world's conditions, unless you travel through them, you will not be able to face future conditions.So, if you get a chance to experience some things instead of saying them literally, definitely experience them.

              First of all, if we look at this title carefully, its important meaning is that which the ocean is seen by the eye It is not a part of the earth that flows only and only in one part of the earth Because your brain is also a part of them which often flows with many thoughts instead of water Therefore, the most important task of man is to mediate the whole thing, to get information about those thoughts and to act on them.Because no conclusion can be drawn from anything without solving it, similarly, the presence of many thoughts in the head of a person means that he is stuck in some situation or the other.But to get out of that situation it is very necessary for him to verify those thoughts A person who instead of dealing with the situation only takes advantage of it, tomorrow he will regret it.The book also covers some of the most important events in such a way that every student will have a better perspective on the future.

      In fact, some important things are like when a person thinks highly when there is a fear somewhere in his mind Now it is obvious that the most important reason behind any fear is its past A person who has done things in the past with his own hands and sometimes without saying things that he thinks people will look at as a crime.In such a situation, sometimes he does not even commit the crime, but many fearful thoughts arise in his mind that he will be exposed to the public eye.So when we honestly consider any incident, there is a possibility that the compensation may be reduced somewhere or else it may get complicated and cause us a lot of trouble in the future would happen.After falling in love with someone, everything becomes happy and pleasant. Some people have even ruined their careers in the wake of this.Therefore, the thing that should be done at that age should not be done at that age, but in the future, people have seen a lot of trouble from it. who would like to imbibe some future lessons in life so that they can face any future situations at any age? And what situations should be dealt with As some of these events are given in this book, click on the link and enjoy the book.