Time Season - 1 Episode -1 in English Horror Stories by Musica books and stories PDF | Time Season - 1 Episode -1

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Time Season - 1 Episode -1


Helllo everyone Musica is back with a bang to create an engaging beautiful series,This series is about A young man who is disturbed by this world due to a reason and finally leaves earth and falls in love with his past love as a 👻 ghost .Hope you all enjoy this wonderful story line.If you like it please rate the story ,Share and follow for more series like this!Thank you and enjoy the series.
KELLY:Best friend of Lily
JACK: Bestfriend of Luke
KIRAN:Dad of Lily
BARLEY:Wife of Kiran
ZARAH:Mother of lily
RAMYA:Coworker of Kiran
Live News
Ramayya mill was burnt down due to fire out of leaked gas.How is this possible?Many people lost their lives and family members due to this.
Lily's House:Lily is sitting in her room ,Watching this Live News.After Hearing these news words ,Lily call's her dad Kiran.Her dad picks up her call .
Their conversation:
Lily:Where are you dad?
Kiran:I am in my office.What happened dear ?
Lily:(Panicks)Are you okay dad?Did you go to the Mill?
Kiran:Oh-I now know why you sound so Frightened.You must have heard the news.
Lily:yes dad .I did.Now answer my question pls Are you okay?
Kiran:I sound okay . Nothing to worry dear.My Ramayya Mill isn't that important than Lily's Hospital.

Storyline: Kiran is Lily's Dad.He runs different factories,mills and Hospitals.One of his best work is Lily's Hospital.
Lily:But...Dad isn't this suspicious?
Kiran:What do you mean Lily?
Lily:Your mills are very important too dad.You have worked Hard for them too but you are acting like it isn't needed.People died there like your workers and you are acting like you don't even care.
Kiran:Lily...This is Nature.Business nature.You have to understand that it happens all the time due to jealousy,greediness.This must be some other business person Who doesn't like our growth.When you grow people want to cut you down .One of the best examples are trees.Trees grow tall and nice but people cut them down for their need.So it is nature.
Lily:You have lost so many workers lives...
Kiran:I told you.It happens.
Lily:Dad-how did your mills have leaked gas?
Kiran: That's the problem.Nobody knows.Only the person who did it knows.
Kiran:Anyways,What is your mother doing?Where is she?
Lily:(hatred)I don't care what she is doing.Don't ask me .
Kiran:She is your mother if you are liking it or not.You have to understand and stop hating her.
Lily:(anger)She isn't.Never will she be my mother.She can't replace my real mother can she?
Kiran:Lily.....She loves you as her own daughter.
Lily:(anger)How can she lie like that.?She hates me.you will never believe me.So be it.
Lily:(anger)Bye dad.I called to know if you're fine.It seems like you are clearly fine.Good bye dad.
Kiran:Lily-Please hear me out dear-...
*Lily hangs up on her dad*
Storyline:Barley is Kiran's second wife.Lily's mother died when she was 7yrs old.Kiran Married Barley after two days of his first wife's death.Lily's stepmom is Barley.Lily's real mother's name is Zarah.Zarah died on a car accident.Lily lost her happiness since then.Lily doesn't like Barley nor does Barley like Lily.Lily is currently 16 years old.
*Lily is off to school*
Kelly: BOO!
Lily:(scared)Oh-....My! KELLY!you scared me.
Kelly:(calm)I know....That was my intention after all.
Storyline:Kelly is Lily's bestfriend since she was 5 yrs old.Since Zarah left Lily became dependent and believed Kelly.
Kelly:so.....What happened lily?Your dad's mill...
Lily:(sarcasm)Oh- don't talk about it.He is safe and fine.If I ask him.He says 'That's how business works honey.'ugh!
kelly:(shocked)What?He is fine with his workers dieing?
Lily:(sarcasm)Seems like it.is'nt it cruel? but for my dad it sounds like business.
kelly:oh...What a nice dad...(bell rings)Oh.See bell rang.Lets go to our chemistry class.
*While they are heading to chemistry class .They have to use the stairs.That time this happened:*
*lily slips **lily closes her eyes before falling*
*lily then opens her eyes too see someone holding her before falling*
Lily:(shocked) Oh my!Who are you?
Lily:(stands straight)Thanks for catching me when I tripped.
???:You can see me?
Lily:yeah.ofcouse man?(confused)
kelly:Lily...Are you okay?Are you going crazy?
Lily:I am fine.This man catched me.
Kelly:What man? Also who are you talking to ?
Lily:This man over here.Right next to me.
Kelly:(laughs)Oh-you must be dreaming.You are talking to the air.
Lily:What ?You don't see him?
Kelly:See who dummy?
Lily:Really you don't see him?
Lily:you don't hear him?
*The person who caught her when she tripped leaves*
Lily:Wait ....what-She turns to see no one standing there.

End of season -1 and episode -1 of Time.
What's wrong with Lily?Did she just encounter a ghost?Stay tuned for the next episode.Untill then like,Share and follow for more episodes, stories and series that are enjoyable like this.