The Sore Beach - Part 7 in English Thriller by Joy Bandyopadhyay books and stories PDF | The Sore Beach - Part 7

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The Sore Beach - Part 7

[Due to severe sickness, I was happened to be hospitalised for 15 days and couldn't appear on this platform. I am extremely sorry to keep you all waiting.]


The mention of "Chotelal" sent shivers down Dipankar's spine. Chotelal was a notorious name in the Mumbai underworld, a shadowy figure with tentacles in every illicit trade imaginable—drugs, illegal trafficking, political machinations. He was a name whispered in fear, a kingpin who ruled through fear and ruthlessness.

However, there was a peculiar and unexpected aspect to Chotelal's reputation that stood out starkly—he never permitted harm to come to women. In a world tainted by violence and brutality, Chotelal was known for his code of conduct when it came to women. There had never been whispers of elopement or rape associated with the gang of Chotelal. Even a hint of such actions within his team would earn a member a brutal retribution from the crime lord himself.

Dipankar pondered this newfound information, perplexed by the unexpected connection between Shalini Mhatre and Chotelal's gang. What could possibly link the nurse, who worked in a government hospital, with a figure as dark and powerful as Chotelal?

His curiosity gnawed at him, urging him to delve deeper into the mystery. He returned to his investigation, determined to uncover the hidden threads that connected Shalini, Rajesh, and Chotelal.

Late into the night, Dipankar sifted through police records once again, scouring for any information on Rajesh, Shalini's missing boyfriend. The search yielded little, leaving him with more questions than answers. It seemed that Rajesh had vanished without a trace, a puzzle piece that refused to fit.

In parallel to his research, Dipankar instructed his diligent assistant, Sanjay, to formulate a plan for a visit to Madh Fort the following morning. He had a hunch, a gut feeling that everything was somehow connected to Rajesh, and there might be a crucial clue waiting to be uncovered at the old fort.

The night passed in anticipation, and as the first rays of dawn bathed the city in a soft glow, Dipankar and Sanjay made their way to Madh Fort. The fort stood as a silent sentinel, a relic of Mumbai's history, its ancient stones weathered by time and the elements.

The two officers explored the fort methodically, their eyes scanning every nook and cranny, searching for any hint or clue that might shed light on the enigma surrounding Rajesh's disappearance. They combed through the dusty chambers and climbed the uneven stone steps, their footsteps echoing in the stillness.

As they explored the fort, Dipankar couldn't shake the feeling that they were on the verge of a breakthrough, that the answer to the puzzle lay just around the corner. He shared his thoughts with Sanjay, urging him to keep their eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary.

And then, in a dimly lit chamber at the South balcony of the fort, they stumbled upon it—a journal, old and tattered, hidden beneath a pile of decaying books. It was a stroke of luck, a hidden treasure that could potentially unlock the secrets they had been chasing.

Dipankar carefully opened the journal, his heart racing as he read the handwritten entries. It belonged to Rajesh, Shalini's missing boyfriend. The journal chronicled his experiences, his fears, and his suspicions about the dangerous path he had inadvertently stumbled upon. It was a testament to his desperation to uncover the truth.

As Dipankar and Sanjay pored over the journal, the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. Rajesh had inadvertently crossed paths with Chotelal's gang, stumbling upon their illicit activities. He had become entangled in a web of intrigue and danger, and in his quest for answers, he had vanished.

Dipankar realized that Shalini's connection to Chotelal's gang had been through Rajesh, a fact she had kept hidden to protect him. The cryptic message, the mysterious meeting at the coffee shop, and the shadowy figures—all of it was connected to Rajesh's pursuit of the truth, a pursuit that had led him into the heart of darkness.

Armed with this newfound knowledge, Dipankar knew that he was closing in on the final pieces of the puzzle. He had a journal that held the key to unraveling the mystery, and he was determined to uncover the truth, no matter where it led.

The sun climbed higher in the sky as Dipankar and Sanjay left Madh Fort, their hearts heavy with the weight of the secrets they had unearthed. The journey had been long and treacherous, but they were now on the cusp of uncovering the truth, a truth that had remained hidden in the shadows for far too long.

The mystery surrounding Rajesh's disappearance, the cryptic message, and the enigmatic figures in Shalini's life was reaching its climax. With the journal in hand, Dipankar knew that the final chapter of this intricate tale was about to be written, and the answers they sought lay just ahead.

To be continued...