A GIRL ON THE ROOF in English Love Stories by Sanjay Kumar books and stories PDF | A GIRL ON THE ROOF

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"The Girl On The Roof.

I never thought of sharing this story with anyone, but somewhere, my heart says that I must put this into words.

If you have ever fallen in love, the story is for you. If you haven't fallen in love, still the story is for you. If you had a crush on someone, this story is for you. If you hadn't had a crush on anyone, still, this story is for you.

Navi Mumbai 2018, November 24th, Saturday.

I would wake up every day at 5:30 in morning. First, I would drink a lot of water and freshen up, and then I would go to my rooftop for 30 minutes bodyweight exercise to keep myself fit and healthy. One fateful day, After my workout, I saw someone on my neighbor's rooftop who changed my life forever, who stole my sleep, who did not enter my mind, but directly entered my heart.

I heard a beautiful sound of a pair of anklets, fading in, when I shifted my gaze towards that. I saw a young, about 20-year-old stunning girl in a yellow suit and surwal with open hair, holding a golden worship Lota in her hands, came onto the roof to offer water to the Holy Tulsi (Basil) plant in a white Pot.

Her long, dark, wet, and stunning hair gracefully flowed down to her hips, giving her a truly refreshed appearance.

She was chanting something; I think it was Gayatri Mantra. I couldn't help myself but look at her with 101% attention. Something had happened to me. I had seen thousands of girls in my life so far, but I had never felt like that.

"Who is she? Where did she come from?" I have never seen her before. Is she Nitesh brother's sister-in-law? I don't think she is Neera Bhabhi's sister; she doesn't look like her sister at all. My mind was contemplating while she was offering the water slowly to the infant Holy plant, with her eyes closed and deep in prayer.

She opened her eyes slowly, bowed down to the Tulsi pot, basically she greeted the plant. She immediately left, not even glancing at me, although she must have noticed me. I watched everything in surprise, my mouth hanging opened in air.

I believe in God, but I had never offered water to a Tulsi plant. I wanted to see her beautiful eyes, but she didn't even look at me. The sound of her anklets faded out as she left.

I immediately wanted to know everything about her. It was not that easy to gather information about her, despite her being in my neighborhood. I thought of going to her house, but I needed to make an excuse. It was 6 in the morning, so why would I go to someone's house at that hour? What would I say? My curious brain searched for every option to visit the neighbor's house and find out about the beautiful girl, but it didn't come up with any idea or excuse.

It had only been a few minutes, but both my almond-shaped eyes and young 2-year-old heart were eager to see her again for no reason. When the seed of love grows in our hearts, it's difficult to convince ourselves not to think of the person. Her elegant presence and blissful aura had planted the seed of love in both my heart and mind. I spent almost my whole day on the rooftop in the hope of catching another glimpse of her.

She did come onto the roof in the afternoon to hang and dry the washed clothes on the rope in the sunlight. Even this time, she didn't look at me. not even around, but she did notice my presence without paying attention. I knew she was a confident girl. You must be wondering how the hell I knew. Well, she was singing an English song, 'My Heart Will Go On,' from the movie Titanic while hanging the clothes.

I wanted to talk to her, to ask her something, but my heart was not in a condition to do so. It wasn't just beating; it was racing. By the way, I am an extrovert, but that day in front of her, I became an introvert. Nervousness had completely taken over. She left again. I couldn't ask anything. I loved how her anklets were producing a beautiful sound, that was not an ordinary sound, It was like a melodious music to both my ears. I was still happy, I knew, soon I would get another chance to see her. How I knew? Well, She was the one who was going to take back the clothes later. Meanwhile, I had given a task to my cousin Runchi to figure out everything about the elegant girl who had stolen my peace.
About 3 hours later She did come again to take all the clothes back which were hanging on the rope and dancing due to the wind.

This time She couldn't ignore me, She did notice and Looked at me, My heart raced as she looked at me. She didn't speak anything. I wanted to say 'Hi', but it remained in my head only. Although I managed to smile, She too smiled, and left. The sound of her anklets, 'Chhan, chhan, chhan, Chhan, was soothing to my ears.
"Shit, stupid, why didn't you ask her name? At least you could have said 'Hello' to her". My inner voice scolded me.

By the evening, I managed to figure many things about her. I had to pay for those informations. I paid for my cousin Runchi's most favourite writer's Novel which had been published a day ago. Why did she do it for me? Well, Runchi had a boyfriend, Who had given 2nd attempt UPSC, I was the only one who knew that, they both were waiting for the positive result to reveal the relationship to their family. I didn’t have any issues with that, why would I have though, the guy was perfect for her, but yet I blackmailed her for the sake of information. If I blackmailed her, why did I pay for the Novel? Well, because of the good news, Anika was single! Yes, the mysterious girl's name was Anika who had attacked on my heart by her innocent appearance. She was Neera Bhabhi's sister. Neera Bhabhi was expecting her first child, in her 8th month of pregnancy. Anika had come from Pune to take care of and help her until she delivered the child. She was an undergraduate B.B.A student.

I wanted to go to Neera Bhabhi's house to catch a glimpse of her, but my stupid brain couldn't come up with any excuse, I couldn't sleep whole night, thinking about her. "She must have asked Neera Bhabhi about me, she must have told that how I was closely staring at her. Neera Bhabhi must have asked her to stay away from me, as I am a jobless guy" my brain was processing multiple possibilities. In the middle of the night, I looked myself in the mirror about 10 times. Thinking that I was a good looking boy or not. Before that I never cared about my look.

I was unemployed, because I was looking for opportunity in a gaint corporate, like Google, Facebook Amazon, Infosys and TCS as a software engineer. My campus placement wasn't that great, specially the package, they all were third class companies. I refused them. I had already failed 2 interviews, the first one at Google, and the 2nd one at Facebook, but I learned a lot from those interviews. Most people call it an interview. But I would call it Competition as Candidates goes through multiple Rounds, at every stage there is elimination, in one of those interviews I lost in the final round, maybe due to lack of English language proficiency, as I was not able to answer most of their questions in English language. Next interview was 2 days later at Amazon, I was fully prepared and 100% confident that I would crack it.

The next day, She again came to offer water to that holy plant. I must tell you, The plant was most lucky on earth. I waved to her with 'Good morning' fumbling and maintaining a wide fake smile on my face, she must have noticed my all the front teeth. By the way, I had brushed my teeth 10 minutes extra to make them as white as possible. She too said 'Good morning' with a warm smile. I had seen countless girl's smile, but Anika's smile felt the most beautiful one, I wanted to ask many thing, but my mind was filled with anxiety and nervousness.
"May I ask you one question?" I asked.
She looked around, took 5 seconds pause. "Yeah, sure"
"wh..why do you offer water to the plant?" Holy crap. I felt Iike I asked the most stupid question. Instead of answering it, she asked a question to me.
"Do you believe in God?" She asked.
"Yes' I certainly do" I replied.
"Then you are supposed to be aware of that".
I lost my ability to speak. My heart was punding like a gaint speaker as someone was playing the DJ beat.

"By the way, I water the Tulsi plant because it's sacred in our culture. We believe it's where God resides. It's a way of staying connected to our traditions and showing respect to nature and the divine. Plus, it brings me peace and helps me feel calm." She gave a long answer like a spiritual guru. I understood that she was religious and spiritual as well.
"Do you want to ask anything else?" She asked looking straight into my eyes.

I noticed her closely, I saw even my face reflection in her deep drak brown eyes. Let me tell you, in all my years, I had never seen eyes as captivating as hers, They were the most beautiful. Anybody would drown into her eyes which are deeper than the ocean.

"Yes, I want, Can men also offer the water or women only? Sorry, I do believe in God, but I am not aware of this" I asked with apology for not being aware of it.

"Yes, Anybody can do this. God doesn't see gender, religion or cast, it's human perception only. She again replied with her sensible answer. All of a sudden I felt calm, and finally my heart started beating at normal pace. She made me feel that way. her voice was so sweet and soft, anybody would feel relaxed after exchanging a couple of words with her. Her voice and innocent childish tone was soothing to my ears and heart.

She asked my profession, and lot of thigs, I was surprised to see her asking me questions one after another . She asked almost everything except my current relationship status and my Name . I did the same. We got to know each other a little bit. 2 things were common between us. One, we were inquisitive. Two, our hobbies were novel reading. She was telling me about her education, but all of a sudden she left, which was very disappointing.
"What the hell? What happened to her why did she leave?" My mind whispered.
When I looked around, I found my younger brother Abhinash there with a coffee cup in his left hand and smartphone in the right one. I don't think he noticed Anika, as he was too engrossed in his phone. To be frank, I loved him a lot, even today I love him, but at that moment I felt like he was my enemy. It happens when the love knocks on the door of our hearts. everyone becomes less important than the person we fall for. The conversation, her beautiful eyes, smile, and sweet voice. kept replaying in my mind throughout the day, making me smile like an idiot, but I had something important going on, which became even more important after meeting and talking to Anika. I will tell you later why it is more significant?

The next day

I woke up at 5 a.m., went to workout on the roof. The tulsi plant-pot cought my attention, I looked at it closely, It suggested something to me. I went down, took a cold shower which was exception, I had never ever taken shower in the morning in winter before. I offered the water to the plant before Anika could do it. When she came to offer the water, She noticed that some had already offered water before her. She did everything as usual, praying, chanting gaytari mantra, I observed everything sitting on a chair, and pretending to read a news paper, I never read any news paper, it was an old newspaper and an excuse to watch her do everything. She walked up to me.
"Hi, good morning," I said.
"Radhe Radhe," she said. I loved the way she greeted saying Radhe Radhe.
"You offered the water before me, right?" She asked politely.
"Yes, I did, actually...Actually It's my interview today. That's why.
"Wow!! All the best!!"
"Could you do one favour on me?"
"Sure, what is that"
"Could you pray to God for my interview success, please?" I requested.

"Of course Why not, what's your name?" We had talked before, but she didn't know my name.

"Aayush, Aayush Yadav" I told my name.
She immediately went to the Tulsi plant bowed down, and prayed for my interview success for about 2 minutes with her eyes closed and chanting some Mantras. You can call me pathetic, to be frank, I clicked her pics and recorded one minute video as well. How can't you stop yourself from falling for a person who was so kind and adorable. I can't describe it in words how adorable she is.

I had decided to ask for her Facebook ID, Before that I had searched her on Facebook, I had gone through Neera Bhabhi and Nitesh brother's Facebook friends list but I didn't find her there. She finished the pray, walked up to me.
"I prayed to devine, you will succeed in the interview for sure" She eagerly said.
"Thank you" I said.
Ask stupid, ask if she is On FB. My mind commanded.
All of a sudden an Uncle arrived there with a newspaper and coffee in his hands and sat on a red plastic chair. He was Nitesh brother's Father. Anika left immediately.

"Radhe Radhe, Uncle" I greeted him. Anika stopped, turned back, looked at me, smiled and left. She did so, because I greeted saying "Radhe Radhe" Uncle was a retired high-school teacher. Auntie had left him alone at 55, 4 years back. please don't think too much, I meant she passed away. He would do just one thing in his life after his retirement, He would read the local news paper in the morning and discuss politics whole day with anybody, Mostly with my 50 years old dad.
"Radhe Radhe, Beta." Uncle said it without looking at me. He was too busy to open the folded newspaper

He didn't pay any attention that I was talking to Anika, He opened his folded news paper and started reading. I escaped from there and came back to my bedroom to prepare for the interview, it was online at 3 PM. Her smile kept replaying in my mind. It wasn't easy to focus on my preparation. She had invaded every part of my brain , whenever her smile replayed, The happy hormone exploded in my head and spread all parts of my body through the viens, making me lost in my dream world, Thankfully, soon the sensible part of my brain realized and scolded me not to think of her and focus on my preparation.

The interview went on for 4 days. the battle was unexplainable. About 10,000 Candidates had submitted their resume, but just 306 Candidates were eligible for the competition. Thankfully I was one of them in 306. The vacancy was just for 32 software engineers. By the grace of God, Anika's prayers and four sleepless nights I cracked it, I secured the well paying Job.

Do you know? Anika helped me a lot during the interview, you must be wondering that how a B.B.A undergraduate student helped me? Well, She inspired me to do whatever it takes to crack it. My mind and heart both were not ready to fail the interview in front of her at any cost. I hardly slept during those 4 days, I spent all my time to prepare well for every round.

Every day I would water the plant and pray for my interview success, I didn't pray just for the interview success, I also prayed for Anika. She also would water the plant and pray for my interview success. We would talk for a few minutes and get back to our daily routine. Finally After 4 days, I told her the good news. She jumped like a kid with happiness, clapping and smiling. She immediately went to the plant and thanked God first.
She walked back to me.
"Congratulations Mr. Yadav!!" She said shaking her hand.
"Thank you, the credit goes to you". I said.
"No, pleas don't give me any credit for that, You know, God gives something to them only who believes, wants, and works hard for it wholeheartedly, and I am sure you wanted it and worked hard for it passionately.
"How do I tell you, I want one more thing wholeheartedly, Hope your words turn out true one day" my mind spoke inwardly.

"Really!!? Do you know? I want one more thing wholeheartedly? And I hope god will give me that too" I said.
"Sure! God will give that! By the way, may I know what is that?" She asked.
"Yes, Your friendship, I want your friendship wholeheartedly". I said and smiled.
"Done! but just friendship, nothing more than that" she said shooking her hands one more time.

"For the time being, just friends, but I am not sure about the future," I said. She burst into laughter. "Hahahahahahahah, ahahahahahaah, ahahahahah." She was a cool and sensible girl.

We exchanged our WhatsApp, FB, and Insta as well. When she gave me her WhatsApp, I felt like it was just a dream, but thankfully it was real.

Again, Uncle came there with a newspaper to spoil our morning and love journey. I didn't know at all what was going on in her mind about me. But my mind was filled with dreams, fantasies, and a lot of other things. This time, she invaded my thoughts. She was included in all my future plans, whether it was going to a movie, going on vacation, living together, getting married, going on a honeymoon, or having kids.

The day passed somehow, celebrating the good news amongst my family members.

I texted her at 9 PM; she replied after 1 hour. Meanwhile, I went through her FB and Instagram profiles thoroughly. She was a good Kathak Dancer, something I didn't know until I saw the clip of her performance at her school function. Anika had won the 3rd prize in the dance competition.
I downloaded all her FB pictures. We chatted for a few minutes; she didn't like to chat much, thinking it's a waste of time. I asked for her permission to call her, and she sent the thumbs-up emoji. I called her, and we talked. Oh my God! When we talked over the call, we discovered we had many common interests, like our favorite foods, our most favourite Novel, Author, Dream places to visit, and, Fitness, we were like minded. She also mentioned how I was staring at her on the first day. She deliberately ignored me that day, thankfully my cousin Runchi had filled her brain with good things only about me, highlighting how caring, intelligent, and creative I am. Runchi had contributed the most to our friendship.

We talked until midnight. I spent 3 hours watching countless Bollywood love songs like "Kya Ye Mera Pahela Pehla Pyar Hai," "Tum Hi Ho, Meri Zindagi Ab Tum Hi Ho," "Dil Tu Sambhal Ja Zara," and "Tu Hi Hai Aashiqui, Tu Hi Awaargi."
Etc. I woke up the next day at 11 AM, as you already know, I was sleep deprived for the last 5 days.

When I checked the phone, I saw a text message with "Good morning, Aayush".with 4 Roses emoji. She had sent good morning at 5:34 am
"Good Morning, Anika. Sorry For late reply, I had been sleep deprived for the last few days" I replied.
"Don't be sorry please, I understand, you had to go through the several sleepless nights." She replied.
Wow!! What a girl!! what else do you want Aayush? She understands things so well. The sensible part my brain smiled in my head.

We would talk over the call almost every night for about a month, Some nights we would talk till the morning .We knew almost everything about each other.

One day she mentioned something which made me very insecure. She wanted to go to the U.S.A for higher study after her graduation, which I never thought She would think of going out of India for higher studies. Before she go back to Pune I wanted to Express my feelings to her. Indirectly I had told her many times that I loved her, but She always took it as a flirt or joke. I knew, she liked me, but I was just afraid of being friend zone. Neera bhabi successfully brought a Laxmi in her house after a month as doctor had told them. She was going to go back the next week, which made me even more insecure, it had been 42 days since we had met.

"She loves you 100%, Aayush. Otherwise who talks on call for hours in midnight with frineds? You should express your feelings as soon as possible. My inner voice commanded.

Midnight over the call

"Anika, Can we meet now on the Roof?" I requested.
Wonder why, when I asked her to meet me on the roof in the midnight, my heart beat went up.

"Why?" She asked.
"I have something important to tell you". I replied.

"But why? you can tell me now on call itself" she said.
"No, I want to tell in person".
By now she had realised that I was going to propose her.

"What if someone catches us there?". She asked
By now I knew she too wanted to meet me.
She didn't tell me that she couldn't meet, She was just afraid of being caught.
"It's midnight, no one will catch us" I replied.
"But what's the matter?" She asked once more
"It's important. you are coming or not?" I said.
"Ok, I am coming, but just for 5 minutes, okey?" She said.
"She would define Say 'Yes', Aayush. Otherwise Why someone would agree to meet you in the midnight? My inner voice whisper in my head.

5 minutes Later

In the middle of the night Under the illuminating stars and the shining moon on the rooftop
I waited nervously for Anika, My heart was beating at the speed of a bullet train, My palms were sweating, legs were shivering. A minute later she arrived there.
I Jumped to her Roof.
I didn't speak, So did she, there was an awkward slince in the air for a minute, with excitement and nervousness at once.

"Tell me, Why did you call me?" She asked.

"Are you sure, You are going next week?" I asked nervously.
"Yes, I have to resume my college, I wanted to go back tomorrow itself, but Didi is not
in a position to handle household chores"

"Are you sure you want to go to the U.S.A for the higher studies?"
"Yes, why are you asking this?" She replied.
You can talk about higher studies later stupid, first tell her that you love her, this is the perfect time. A voice scolded in my head.

"Anika, actually.... I.... I ....."

" 'I, I' W-H-A-T? She whispered.

"I... I never saw you as a friend, when I saw you for the first time, I... I... know you don't believe in love at first site, but I do, I fell in love with you when I saw you for the first time. I had seen and talked to hundreds of girls before I met you, but I had never ever felt before, the way I felt that day, I felt like you are the one who was missing peace of my puzzle. I have been living the life to the fullest since the day I have met you. Since the day you smiled at me and left saying nothing"

There is something in you which makes me feel over the moon all the time and inspire me to climb every mountain and sweem every ocean, it feels something incredible in my heart, which can not be defined by words.
All the beautiful adjectives are useless when it comes to describe the feelings, the way I feel for you. I am not prefect, But one thing I can always do for you, I will stick to my flowing words forever.

No matter what happens in our future, I will always be there for you through thick and thin.
I will be 100% transparent to you. It would be a lie if I say that I won't expect anything from you,
I would always expect you to be honest, transparent, and the way you are now. I am not sure it's my bad or good quality, I am a little more possessive.

Like a filmy hero I don't want to promise you that I will do everything for you, but I will try my best to fulfill all your desires and wishes. I will expect one more thing from you, I would like you to travel around the world with me, That's the final wish I have, I want to explore every corner of this planet.
I have many things to say, but If I do so, it will become a lecture.
I never ever want to lose you. I love you, Anika."
Her eyes were filled with tears, All of a sudden She hugged me tightly. I could feel her heartbeat. She looked at me with full of happy tears in her eyes, and punched very hard on my chest saying.
"Stupid, I had been waiting for this moment for many days"
"Anika, you forgot something to say"
"I love you too, I love you too" She said.

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Next chapter will uploaded soon.