Love By Accident - 16 in English Love Stories by Amitanshu Samal books and stories PDF | Love By Accident - 16

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Love By Accident - 16

Arnav woke up at about 5.15 a.m. He finished his morning routine in 15 minutes and went out to the garden. It was refreshing. The whole scenery of fog and flowers was no less than heaven. Birds are chirruping sitting on the nearby trees. He sat on the wooden bench. He closed his eyes and felt the song of nature. The cold breeze was kissing his body softly and healing him. His messy hairs were swiftly fluttering in that cold breeze. He was peaceful at the moment. He slept on the bench while sleeping.
After about one and a half hours, his mom came to the garden. Seeing his son sleeping on the bench, she became irritated. She woke him up and sat beside him.
Urmila(irritated): Again……….. How much time should I tell you not to sleep here? Why don’t you listen to me anytime? You will catch a cold.
Arnav: Mom. I won’t catch a fever or cold. I am perfectly fine and healthy.
Urmila: When did you come? What was the time?
Arnav: Around 5.15.
Urmila: It is winter beta. And you are only in your pajamas.
Arnav: Ok mom. Fine. Has Gudu gone to school?
Urmila: Yes.
Arnav: Then I should go and prepare for my college.
Urmila: You better go. And don’t get a bath with cold water. Turn on the water heater.
Arnav: Ok mom.
Arnav went to his room and got prepared for college. He came down at 7.30 am. His mom had prepared a bread and omelet sandwich for him. He ate the food and went to the college. His bike was all new and he was looking so stunning that day. Perfect hair set with wax, glowing eyes, trimmed and perfectly shaped beard, and a silver-white Titan watch. Though he was in his college uniform, he was looking breathtakingly handsome.
However, he reached the college at about 8.20 a.m. Sahil was standing near the college gate and enjoying gupchup(in Odisha panipuri is called gupchup). Upon seeing Arnav, Sahil called him. Arnav gestured to him that he would join him after parking the bike. He parked the bike in the bike stand and came near the gupchup cart.

Sahil: Hey. Good morning. How are you?
Arnav: I am fine. Why are you eating alone? Please give me some.
Sahil: Nope. I am not giving you. Spend your own money.
Arnav: What yaar? Now I have to change 100 rupees to 20 rupees gupchup?
Sahil: Who told you to change when we can spend all the 100 rupees.
Arnav: Whaat? Have you lost your mind? I can’t eat that much. .. Wait. Are you saying that’s your bill? If it is then forget that I am paying.
Sahil: Ummm hmmmm. No not mine.
Arnav: Then what?
Sahil: Wait.
Sahil waved his hand to someone behind Arnav. Arnav turned his head in that direction. He saw that Ayesha, Ritu and Sara were coming in their direction. Seeing Ayesha, Arnav smiled unknowingly. The girls approached them and greeted them “Good morning”. In return, Sahil and Arnav greeted them too. Sahil told,
Sahil: Hey ladies! My friend is in a good mood. And he is saying that he is going to give us free gupchup today.. Hurray .. (Arnav was giving a side look at Sahil. Not irritated not annoyed. But a mix of thankness with a little hatred)
Sara(irritated and angrily): So, you are not listening. Today I am definitely going to complain.
Ritu: Hey!!! Ease baby.. Don’t be so rude. They already have sorted out their problems and misunderstandings. Now they are friends.
Sara(confused): What and When did that particularly happen?
Ayesha: I will tell you later. It’s a long story.
Ritu: Yes. And poor you, who missed a great treat.
Sara: What treat?
Ayesha: I told you na.. I will explain everything later.
Sahil: Hey guys. Enough talking. Let’s enjoy the treat number two.
Arnav: Yes ladies. It will be my pleasure.
Arnav, Sahil and all the girls encircled that small cart. One after another. Small, rounded, crunchy ball filled with potato stuff along with sour and spiced water. Sometimes more spiced. Arnav even coughed and his face turned red and drank all the water in his bottle in one go. Ayesha and others laughed looking at him. He was hiccupping after regular intervals of time. He made an annoyed look at them but still……. they were laughing. Arnav took out a 100 note and handed it to the seller. The seller gave all of them another dry gupchup with some potato stuff and some kind of sauce. It was already 8.50 a.m. They all have their first class at 9.00 am. So they rushed to their respective classrooms.
The hectic schedules of the theory and practical classes made Arnav and Sahil tired and frustrated. After 3 periods and one practical class, each of 2 hours, the college finally ends at 4.30 pm. At the bike stand, when Arnav was about to start his bike he received a notification on his phone. He took out his phone and checked only to find out that Ayesha had texted him.
“Arnav! I need your help. You know that the mid-term is coming and I need some theory notes. So, if you don’t mind then could you lend me some of your previous year's notes?”
Arnav replied “OK. I will bring the notes tomorrow. 😇”
He then started his bike and went home with Sahil.
In the Evening…..
Arnav was studying in his room after doing the prayers. A message popped up on his iPhone's black screen. It was another message from Ayesha.
“Hlo. Good evening. I am sorry to disturb you. But, please don’t forget to bring the notes. It is very important.”
“Arey, don’t say sorry. And you didn’t disturb me. I was just revising. And I won’t forget.”
“OK ok.”
“What r u doing?”
“Just reading and scrolling insta.”
“Doing both things at the same time?
“ No no. Sometimes reading and sometimes scrolling. Alternate in half an hour.”
“Ohh… What about the preparation?”
“Ummm. Not that bad. Going well.”
“I see”
“Ok….. So what’s next?”
“What’s next????”
“I mean …. Nothing… Leave it.”
“Tell me.”
“I was just saying which notes do you need?”
“Diverting the topic… Haaan….”
“No. Tell me which topics?”
“Umm...Wait a min.”
After a pause, Ayesha replied “Math and physics.”
“Well… Let me see..”
Arnav went off from his chair and searched his bookshelf. He found the notes and texted back to Ayesha.
“Yep! I found it. I am keeping it in my bag right now. So, don’t be worry.”
“Ok sir..”
“Ohk Arnav…”
“Ohk bye. I have also exams ahead. Have a good night.”
“Bye. Gntcsd”
“Phirse…. Ok bye.”

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