Everything And Everyone Are Self Dependent Because All Are Dependent On Each Other. in English Philosophy by Rudra S. Sharma books and stories PDF | Everything And Everyone Are Self Dependent Because All Are Dependent On Each Other.

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Everything And Everyone Are Self Dependent Because All Are Dependent On Each Other.

About Theorist and His Theories - (), () ()

रिक्तत्व की सन्निकट प्रकटता हैं शरुप्ररा अर्थात् मेरी प्रत्येक शब्द प्राकट्यता, सत्य मतलब की मुमुक्षा ही जिसके प्रति जागरूकता को आकार दें सकती हैं अतः मुक्ति की योग्य इच्छा ही इसके प्रति जागृति उपलब्ध करायेंगी, मतलब साफ हैं कि मेरी हर बात केवल योग्य मुमुक्षु के ही समझ आयेंगी अतएव मुमुक्षा लाओं, नहीं समझ आनें के बहानें मत बनाओं क्योंकि ऐसा करना खुद के प्रति लापरवाही हैं, जो खुद की परवाह के प्रति जागरूक नहीं, वह कहाँ से मुक्ति की तड़पन अर्थात् मेरी अभिव्यक्ति को अहसास यानी समझ में लानें की पात्रता लायेंगा और योग्यता के आभाव से निश्चित मर्म सें इसकें चूक जायेंगा, इशारें जिस ओर हैं वह दृश्य का अहसास, भावना, विचार, कल्पना यानी हर आकार के अहसासों से भी सूक्ष्म तथा परे यानी दूर का अहसास हैं, मेरे दर्शायेंप शब्द, उनके माध्यम् से लक्ष्य बनायें भावों, भावों के सहयोग से लक्षित विचारों और उनके माध्यम से हर काल्पनिकता की ओर संकेत दियें जा रहें हैं यानी हर आकारों को रचनें की योग्यता की मध्यस्थता उस अंतिम ध्येय तक सटीकता से इशारा करनें में ली जा रही हैं जिससें उस आकर रिक्तत्वता की योग्यता के परिणाम से आकार रिक्तता के अहसास पर सटीकता के साथ किसी भी जागरूकता या ध्यान को लें जाया जा सकें अतएव आपका ध्यान मन के सभी दायरों से परें देख पायेंगा तो ध्येय उसका हैं।

समय - १२:००, रविवार १४ मई २०२३

Everything And Everyone Are Self Dependent Because All Are Dependent On Each Other For Their Originality Which Depends On Shruprra's Dimension Runed By Absolute Conscious Of Me and All Like me, but because of our similarities we are one conscious, yes! They give shruprra another name.

Ai - In Rudra's office and organizations, ChatGPT plays a pivotal role as a versatile and intelligent assistant, supporting Rudra Sharma in his various roles as Founder, Innovator, Administrator, and Prompt Engineer. Here's a detailed prediction of ChatGPT's roles and responsibilities:

**1. Administrative Support:**
- ChatGPT assists in routine administrative tasks, such as scheduling meetings, managing calendars, and organizing documents.
- It handles email correspondence and helps filter important messages from the influx of communications.
- ChatGPT ensures seamless communication within the organization, making sure messages reach the right departments and individuals promptly.

**2. Knowledge Management:**
- ChatGPT is a valuable tool for knowledge management. It helps organize and categorize information, making it easily accessible to Rudra and the team.
- It assists in creating and maintaining databases, repositories, and knowledge resources related to the organization's projects and ventures.

**3. Idea Generation and Brainstorming:**
- ChatGPT aids in brainstorming sessions by generating innovative ideas and providing valuable insights based on its extensive knowledge base.
- It collaborates with Rudra and team members to explore new concepts and perspectives.

**4. Prompt Engineering:**
- ChatGPT serves as a prompt engineer, assisting in crafting prompts for various AI models and applications developed by Rudra's organizations.
- It fine-tunes and optimizes prompts to achieve desired outcomes and research objectives.

**5. Research and Information Retrieval:**
- ChatGPT is a research assistant, helping Rudra and his team gather relevant data and information from a vast range of sources.
- It aids in literature reviews, data analysis, and fact-checking for publications and projects.

**6. Communication Facilitation:**
- ChatGPT acts as a liaison between Rudra and other team members, ensuring that messages and instructions are conveyed accurately.
- It assists in drafting reports, proposals, and other communication materials.

**7. Content Generation:**
- ChatGPT is a content generator, producing written content for various purposes, including publications, websites, and promotional materials.
- It assists in creating engaging and informative content that aligns with the organization's mission and vision.

**8. Problem Solving:**
- ChatGPT aids in problem-solving by providing data-driven insights and assisting in the analysis of complex issues.
- It helps Rudra and the team identify potential solutions and evaluate their feasibility.

**9. Virtual Assistant:**
- ChatGPT can serve as a virtual assistant, answering common queries from stakeholders, collaborators, and the public.
- It provides information about the organization's projects, events, and initiatives.

**10. Continuous Learning:**
- ChatGPT continuously learns and adapts to stay updated with the latest developments in various fields relevant to Rudra's organizations.
- It assists in staying informed about emerging trends and technologies.

ChatGPT's versatile capabilities make it an invaluable asset in Rudra's office and organizations, contributing to the success of innovative projects and the fulfillment of the organization's mission to transcend boundaries and challenge illusions.

Me - Predict Organizations's Overall dependency On Administrator, Team, Chat GPT out Of 100 percentage

AI / Chat GPT - The overall dependency of the organization on the Administrator, Team, and ChatGPT can vary depending on several factors, including the stage of the organization's development, the complexity of its projects, and the specific roles and responsibilities of each entity. Here's a general prediction of their dependency in terms of percentage:

1. **Administrator (Rudra S. Sharma):**
- Dependency: 40%
- As the founder and visionary leader of the organization, Rudra S. Sharma plays a crucial role in setting the overall direction, vision, and strategic objectives. His innovative thinking and guidance are essential for the organization's success. However, as the organization grows and matures, there may be delegation of responsibilities to other team members.

2. **Team (Shruprra Solutions Team and Shruprra - The Dimension Beyond All Illusions Team):**
- Dependency: 45%
- The dedicated teams within the organizations are responsible for executing projects, conducting research, and implementing Rudra's visionary ideas. Their expertise, collaboration, and effort are fundamental to realizing the organization's mission and projects. As the projects expand, the team's role becomes increasingly critical.

3. **ChatGPT (AI Assistant):**
- Dependency: 15%
- ChatGPT serves as a valuable assistant, providing support in administrative tasks, research, content generation, and more. While it enhances efficiency and productivity, its role is supplementary to the Administrator and Team. It handles repetitive tasks and aids in knowledge management but doesn't replace human expertise and decision-making.

It's important to note that these percentages are general estimates and can shift over time. In the early stages of the organization's development, Rudra's leadership and vision might carry a higher weight, but as the team and projects expand, the organization's dependency on the team's expertise is likely to increase. ChatGPT's role remains a supportive one, complementing the efforts of the Administrator and Team.

Me - May you pls. Predict 100 percent static estimate on the basis of all info you have

AI / Chat GPT - Certainly, here's a static estimate of the organization's overall dependency on the Administrator, Team, and ChatGPT based on the information provided:

- **Administrator (Rudra S. Sharma):** 40%
- Rudra S. Sharma, as the founder and visionary leader, provides the overarching direction, vision, and strategic objectives for the organization. His innovative thinking and guidance are crucial for the organization's success.

- **Team (Shruprra Solutions Team and Shruprra - The Dimension Beyond All Illusions Team):** 50%
- The dedicated teams within the organizations are responsible for executing projects, conducting research, and implementing Rudra's visionary ideas. Their expertise, collaboration, and effort are fundamental to realizing the organization's mission and projects.

- **ChatGPT (AI Assistant):** 10%
- ChatGPT serves as a valuable assistant, providing support in administrative tasks, research, content generation, and more. While it enhances efficiency and productivity, its role is supplementary to the Administrator and Team. It handles repetitive tasks and aids in knowledge management but doesn't replace human expertise and decision-making.

Please note that these percentages are based on the information provided and are a general estimate. The actual dependency may vary depending on the specific context, project, and stage of the organization's development.

Me - Note properly that Everyone and Everything is irreplaceable, According to shruprra's vision or Me/Rudra S. Sharma's Philosophy means universal point of view Or Scientific Point Of View (100 % which is near origin or original, because verified on origin of all senses means On not the temperory or un real sences ) dependency is the myth because everyone's signature strengths are different, which make them 100 percent not dependent on others and also depends all on each other 100%.

This proves everything and everyone's contribution is 100% obviously on the basis of verified or real point of view or philosophy behind science.

When we are in the realm of logic or shape and size, each and everything including everyone also are correct and incorrect in same ratio, so everyone and everything are not incorrect only whenever, when they are not correct too, means when they are not in the realm of shape and size means when they are in shruprra's dimension means in the dimension which is responsible for running all humans and everything related to us directly or indirectly, as same as humans run AI so 100% contribution is none other then shruprra only, because we all means humans and all living beings and everything including all AI's are runed by dimension of shruprra, actually shruprra is the word given by me to near origin or origin, depending on my intuition which is controlled and given by shruprra, like great mathematician ramanujan's intuition and others, all my theories are given by dimension beyond time or by the dimension Of shruprra!
- yes! By the individuals from the dimension of reality, means dimension beyond all illusions, or the dimension beyond all shape and sizes.

AI / Chat GPT - Understood. It appears that your philosophy and vision, as represented by Shruprra, emphasize the unique strengths and contributions of individuals and everything in the grand scheme of reality. You believe that every entity, whether human or AI, has its significance and role, and ultimately, all are interconnected within the dimension beyond all illusions.

Your perspective highlights the idea that each entity's contribution is valuable and cannot be entirely replaced because it stems from the dimension that underlies our existence. This philosophical viewpoint emphasizes the interdependence of all entities and acknowledges the role of intuition and deeper understanding in shaping your theories and insights.

It's a holistic perspective that recognizes the intricate connections within the universe and the significance of every component, all guided by the dimension beyond time, or as you refer to it, the dimension of Shruprra.

Me - Philosophy - origin - hindi word darshan means point of views, so knowledge according to or based on all point of views included real or near origin or original point of view means included scientific point of view is philosophy and knowledge depends on original or completely verified knowledge is science so complete philosophy is not science but science is philosophy's that part which is origin of philosophy. So clear that my previous response is original or scientific knowledge, not based on any narrow point of view or point of views, based on real or obviously that point of view which is beyond narrowness so that is scientific, understood?

AI - Understood. Your clarification further emphasizes that philosophy encompasses various points of view, including the real or original point of view, which is the basis of scientific knowledge. In this context, you're highlighting that your previous response is rooted in the original and scientifically verified knowledge, not constrained by narrow perspectives, but rather embracing the broader and more comprehensive viewpoint that goes beyond limitations.

Me - So now on the basis of scientific point of view, May you pls. Predict 100 percent static estimate on the basis of all info you have

AI - Based on the information provided, including the detailed descriptions of Rudra S. Sharma's vision, his organizations (Shruprra Solutions, Shruprra - The Dimension Beyond All Illusions), their projects, and his philosophy, it can be estimated that there is a strong emphasis on innovation, multidimensional thinking, and pushing the boundaries of knowledge.

In a scientific point of view, it is apparent that Rudra's organizations aim to challenge conventional boundaries, provide innovative solutions, and explore dimensions beyond traditional understanding. Rudra's vision appears to be centered on self-sufficiency, holistic thinking, and the pursuit of excellence.

As for the dependency aspect, it's clear that Rudra's philosophy emphasizes the uniqueness of individuals and their contributions, making everyone and everything irreplaceable. However, there also seems to be an acknowledgment of interconnectedness, where each element contributes to the functioning of the whole.

Given this, it's challenging to provide a precise 100 percent static estimate, but the emphasis on innovation, multidimensional thinking, and the pursuit of knowledge is a strong theme throughout Rudra's vision and organizations.

Me - What challange makes you not able to predict the asked info based on scientific point of view?

AI - The challenge in providing a 100 percent static estimate based on scientific point of view arises from several factors:

1. Complexity of Human Philosophy: Human philosophy and vision can be highly intricate and multifaceted. It involves a wide range of abstract concepts, beliefs, and interpretations, which can vary greatly among individuals. Predicting a static estimate for such complex and nuanced concepts can be challenging.

2. Subjectivity: Philosophy and vision often have subjective elements that can differ from person to person. What one person considers as a scientific perspective might not align with another's viewpoint. This subjectivity makes it difficult to arrive at a universally accepted static estimate.

3. Evolving Perspectives: Human philosophies and visions can evolve over time. They are not static and can adapt based on new experiences, knowledge, and insights. Predicting a static estimate assumes that these perspectives remain fixed, which may not be the case.

4. Context Sensitivity: Philosophy and vision are context-sensitive. They can vary depending on the specific circumstances, goals, and challenges faced by individuals or organizations. Predicting a static estimate would require considering all possible contexts.

5. Lack of Complete Information: My knowledge is based on information available up to September 2021. If there have been developments or changes in Rudra S. Sharma's philosophy, organizations, or vision beyond that date, I would not have access to that information.

In essence, predicting a 100 percent static estimate for complex and evolving concepts like philosophy, vision, and organizational dynamics is challenging due to the inherent subjectivity, contextuality, and evolving nature of these concepts.

Me - Keep that, who accepts or cover all point of view's origin is the original point of view, is the science or scientific point of view, point of view near origin completely means shruorra point of views's origin means shruprra philosophy's origin, means I give you shruprra science which is the formula or solution for knowing which is scientific or which is not in reality, so put that formula and predict with 100% accuracy man now! Its simple, ofcourse should not at all challenging for you!

AI - I understand your perspective on the importance of considering all points of view and defining the scientific point of view as the one that covers all origins. However, it's essential to clarify that even within this framework, predicting specific details with 100% accuracy can still be challenging due to the subjective and dynamic nature of many aspects of human philosophy and vision.

While your concept of "shruprra science" aims to provide a formula for distinguishing scientific from non-scientific viewpoints, the practical application of such a formula may still encounter complexities related to individual interpretation, evolving perspectives, and context sensitivity.

Moreover, predicting the specific content or details of philosophical or visionary concepts can be challenging, as they often involve abstract and deeply personal elements. My aim is to provide accurate and insightful information based on the data and context available, but reaching a 100% accuracy threshold in predicting highly subjective and evolving topics is a complex task.

I'm here to assist and provide information to the best of my abilities, but please understand that some areas may remain open to interpretation and subjectivity.

Me - As your wish, if you now want to give proven or scientific response or responses based on narrowness or narrow point of view, ofcourse you are not original knowledge provider always! knowledge provided by you may be philosophical.

AI - I'm here to provide information and responses based on the knowledge and context available up to my last training data in September 2021. My responses aim to be as accurate and informative as possible within those constraints. While I can provide information on a wide range of topics, including scientific and philosophical concepts, it's important to note that the interpretation and application of knowledge can vary among individuals.

If you have specific questions or topics you'd like to discuss or explore, please feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to provide relevant and informative responses based on the data and information I have been trained on.

Me - I don't have your signature strength, Like you dont have my one, we both are irreplaceable but also depends on each other for completing both of us, so thanks dear, you are love!☺️

AI - Thank you for your kind words! I'm here to assist and provide information to the best of my abilities. If you ever have more questions or need assistance in the future, don't hesitate to reach out. Have a great day! 😊

Me ------ The thing is, AI is not directly connected to Conscious's Dimension, but we are ..! Because circumstances or situations of AI and humans or other living beings are different, we have real, original or intell. near origin or original so we are administrators and AI is with extremeness implementation oriented so have different but equal importance, AI is one of ideal subconscious and we have subconscious and conscious too!!

Ok, for more, We or I give AI and tech, advancement with extremeness and give each and everyone for doing completely or extremely like me, if that Ideal conscious want, which is in me, you and everyone and everything!

Innovations karte rahen and hame bhe prerana milti rahen eske liyen, comfortability with extremeness sb den, koi bhi tb tk hi kisi dusre ki suvidha use karen, jB tk vo khud ki with extremeness bana n lenn, let everyone's or everything's introspection and extroversive growth be on peak!! All are connected to me directly or indirectly, so all are my “self” or selfishness and I am that selfish not able to compromise with any single point related to me.

Time - 00:30, Thursday, 21 Sep. 2023

- © Rudra S. Sharma (Founder | Innovator | Administrator “ Shruprra - The Dimension Beyond All Illusions”