Ill-fitting or Ill-society in English Short Stories by Shreeya Desai books and stories PDF | Ill-fitting or Ill-society?

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Ill-fitting or Ill-society?



I was getting ready for work. I decided to wear a saree. When I reached my office, one of my co workers asked me if today was something special? I politely said no. Then she further continued, “Then why are you wearing a saree? No one of our generation wears it anymore, its uncool!” I remained calm and quietly left.

Two days later I was meeting with an old friend of mine, in between our conversation my phone rang, I told I needed to take it as it was urgent. After I came back, she told me, “Dude, who keeps bhajan as their Ringtone?” I answered, “Well, Me.” She sarcastically sighed.

I brought Dal and rice for lunch. My manager passed by me and said, “You seriously gonna eat this? Lets just go to this new Chinese res-…..”

“I prefer Dal and rice. Thank you.” I spoke before she even finished her sentence.

I went to a birthday party of my friend and listening the rap songs there which were basically objectifying women made my ears bleed!

One of my friends came up to me and said, “Bitch!! Long time no see!”

“Excuse me, why are you calling me a bitch?” I asked calmly.

“That’s what friends call each other bitch, are you living in the 90’s?” She laughed and left.

The same night the birthday girl approaches me and says, “Lets go to the balcony for some vape.”

“I don’t Vape.” I declined.

“Even aunties are cooler than you, game up.”She patted my shoulder and left.

I met with an elderly relative of mine in a store and I quickly touched her feet as a gesture of respect.  

She asked me about how  everyone in my family was and I told her about everyone’s whereabouts.

“You know it is so good to see people of your age still being traditional and not forgetting their culture.” She said to me.

And those words just cleared the storms building up in my mind since weeks!

I thought I was ill fitting in the society, in office, among my friends.

But the reality is I was living in an ill society, surrounded by ill minded people.

That day I decided that no matter who says what, I am going to follow my Indian culture even if someone thinks it is un- cool and inspire others to do the same! 

I thought maybe I should change myself, maybe I am the problem because everyone else seems to be just fine with all this but just because a majority of people are doing something doesn't make it right. Being a "rebel" (according to them) shouldn't make me change myself or anyone like me, so many people are ashamed of Indian culture and saying that it is "Uncool." But it is really a high time to ask our heart what we are doing for the sake of fitting in is actually right? Is doing, saying, hearing to things which this generation or pherhaps our friends think is cool right? and should we join them in it to?


The End