Romance in Murder - 18 in English Crime Stories by Iffat fatma books and stories PDF | Romance in Murder - 18

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Romance in Murder - 18

When everyone sleep veer woke up at midnight and wear a mask on his face that no one can recognize him outside the house and than he went downstairs with the bag and then he hide the bag behind the sofa and went upstairs to see that everyone is sleeping or not? And when he checked that everyone are sleeping than he come down stairs and open the door and then he hold the bag and went outside the house and than he went near to the village pond . Than he opened the bag and take out the body and then he throw that body in the water and then he began to say that, if you have not seen me than you may not be killed. And than he went back home and when he was entering the house he take off his mask and kept it in his back pocket and then he entered the house and he saw that yash was coming downstairs and then yash said to him that, where are you coming from? Than veer said to him that, I have gone out for a walk and than yash said to him that, you have gone out for walk at midnight and then veer said to him that, that's not your problem I will go out in night or in morning that's my choice so please go and sleep and then yash said to him that, okay okay I am going but why are you getting angry?

And than veer said to him that, but what are you doing at this time? And than yash said to him that, I am going to drink water and then veer said to him that, okay then I am going to sleep and after that he went upstairs to his room and yash went in the kitchen for drinking water. And when veer went to his room and than he think that, my one problem is gone now but I have to do something about that old man and that meer . After that he went near to his almirah and than he take out the knife from the almirah and went to the bathroom and then he began to wash the blood tresses of the knife. And than he kept it in his luggage and went to sleep and then in the morning they all woke up and than in the morning meera went to meer 's room because in night she thinks that, he will need some alone time to understand the truth and to believe that his own brother killed his parent . And when she enter the room meer come near her and hugged her and than he began to cry and than he said to her that, why my brother did all this to his own family?

Why did he killed them ? And i am also very bad meera that i suspected you because that day , i had seen you there and i thought that your family killed my parents for revenge and that's why i was not able to accept you love for me , i am really sorry for not believing your love . After saying all this meer hugged meera and he cried a lot . And than meera said to him that, okay we will find the truth behind all this and this time we will surely catch that killer , so don't be upset . When meer listened this he hold meera's face and kissed her on forehead and said to her , from now on i will help you in finding that killer and if it is my brother.....i am not going to leave him too. Than meera told meer about her plan to trap the killer. And than she said to him , , I am not going to tell anyone about this plan and we will work on it together and then meer said to her that, but it is really a dangerous plan and you both will be in danger because of that .

And meera said to him , don't worry we will surely do it and then she went out of the house and went to the old man 's house. And than she said him everything about the plan then she come back home and she went to veer 's room and than she said to veer that, today I will go to market with some girls so please don't disturb me in my work and than veer said to her that , okay then I can drop you all there and than meera said to him that, no meer is going to drop us there .

So you can be here and help them to find out the clues and than veer said to her that, okay I will go to the villagers to ask more about the killer . And than meera went to meer 's room but veer was very angry because of meera and than he also went down stairs . And after that meera went out of the house with meer and than veer and his teammates also went outside to investigate the villagers and there they hear that the old man is going to the police station for complaining about the killer and to tell the police man about meer 's parent killer . But when veer hear this he was totally shocked and then he said to the villagers that, but why he is going there when he has told us everything about the killer and than from the crowd a man said to him that, because when meer 's parent died the police man had asked everyone about the accident but he didn't tell them anything about the killer.

So at night he thinks about it and said to us that , when I had told the truth to meera and meer so now I am going to tell the police about it also and that's why he has gone to the police station . Than veer said to them that, but we are also police and then the man again said to him that, but he didn't believe in you all and that's why he wanted to tell that person who can surely help him ? And after that yash said to veer that , so now we have to go from here because the old man is not here so we cannot get more clues about the killer and than they all went home and then veer said to yash that, okay now I am going out for buying some house product so you can be in the house and than he went out the house and said to him self that, now I have to kill that old man or else he will spoil my plan and then he take a car on rent and went to the forest which come in the way to the police station and he went there by shortcut and that's why he reached there early before the old man but he reached there he was fully disguised into another man that now one can recognize him .

After waiting for sometime he saw that the car was coming and when he saw that meera and meer was also with him he was fully shocked but he falls in front of their car and then meer suddenly stopped the car and then meera asked him that, why did you stop the car? And than meer said to him that because a man falls in front of my car and that's why I had stopped it and then meera, meer and than old man come out of the car to help him but now one was able to recognize him and when veer see that everyone is out of the car. He suddenly stand up and take out his gun from his pocket and he shoot the old man on his heart and when meera and meer see this they try to catch him and then they both run toward him but when veer see this then he suddenly shoot meera and meer on arm and run from there but meer also run toward him.

And after running behind veer for a while meer and veer stop at the top of the hill side and meer suddenly grab veer from back and try to stop him but veer push meer down from the hill and hide himself behind the trees because he saw meera who was coming there in search of meer , but when she saw meer falling from the hill she shouted , " Meeeer "......and she get conscious.

Now what will happen next?

Did meer died after falling from the hill?

Will meera be able to find out about veer ?

And what make veer a dangerous killer ?