Romance in Murder - 13 in English Crime Stories by Iffat fatma books and stories PDF | Romance in Murder - 13

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Romance in Murder - 13

Than they all went to meer 's house and start the investigation first meera went inside the burned house to find some evidence from the house and than she collected some bricks pieces to test it and then she asked to meer that were was your parent room and on that day where were your parent ? Than meer said to her that, on that day my parent were in their room and I was playing with my friends in front of the pond and I was not in the house but my big brother was in the house with my parent and I think that he also died in house that day with my parent . Than meera asked him that, where is your parent room and than meer take them upstairs in his parent room and that room was totally burned and than meera checked that room but she didn't find anything there and than she went to veer who was standing outside the house and was asking the neighbors about that day. Than veer asked meera that, did you find anything in the house and than meera said to him that, no I didn't find anything but first I have to examine the bricks than I can tell you anything. Than veer asked that neighbors that, did you know anyone about the accident which was happened ten years ago. Than a man said to him that, how will we remember that. Than veer said to him that, please focus and think about that than you will remember something.

Than everyone said to him that, No we don't remember anything and they went to their houses. Than meera said to veer that, it's okay that they didn't remember anything let's go home and then I will examine the evidence and than they went to meera's house and than meera went her room and start to examine the bricks and than she find a clue and tell his teammates that, in this bricks I find out some tresses of kerosene on it. It means someone had killed meer 's parent so first we have to find meer 's parent killer than we will find something about that murderer. But listening this meer was not surprised than meer was talking with himself and said that, why will I be surprise because I know who is the killer? But if I will tell you you all will not believe me so first I have to find some evidence against him than than I will tell you all about the killer of my parent . Than he went to his room and than yash said to his teammates that, I think meer is hiding something from us because when he come here he was very silent and all the time he was thinking something. Than meera said to him that, ' yes' I know that but also think that meer knows the killer but he is not telling us about him. Than they all went to there room but meer was sitting on his bed and was thinking about his parent and there meera was thinking about meer that, what is he hiding from us and then she went to his room. Than she knock on his door but meer didn't open the door then she said from outside the door that , I have some thing to told you about your parent .

So please open the door and listen to me and then meer open the door and then meera went inside the room and than meer asked her that, what were you going to say me ? Than meera said to him that, I lied to you to come in so please forgive me and listen to me . Than meer said to him that , say fast and go from here than meera asked to him that, what are you hiding from me? Do you know that killer who killed your parent ? Than meer said to her that, No I am not hiding anything from you all . So now you can go from here because I have to sleep. And than meera went to her room and meer went to sleep but when meera went to her room she began to examine the picture to find the fingerprints match but she didn't find it.

And than she went to sleep. In morning they all went to meer 's house to investigate his neighbors and there veer show them that picture and said to them that, did you all know anything about the picture than they say to veer that, we don't know about it but there is a old man in our village who collects picture from the studios and made a album of that so may be you can find the picture near him. Than yash asked him that, why the old man collect photos from the studio ? Than the man said to him that, the man has mental problem that 's why he do that but it is very useful for us because if we lost some important photos we went to him to get that and he gives it to us. Than veer said to them that, where is his house ?

and than a man said to him , I will you to his house follow me and they all went to his house and they asked him about the album and see the old album and after searching for two hours meera find the picture and when she saw the photo she was totally shocked and then veer and his teammates saw the photo and when meer saw the photo he was also shocked and then he look meera and than yash said to meera that, why you and meer are shocked after seeing the photo . Than meera said to him that, in this photo there are three children in which one is a girl and two childrens are boys. And in the girl in the picture is me and the first boy is meer and than meer said to him that , and the other boy is my big brother Karan .