Romance in Murder - 8 in English Crime Stories by Iffat fatma books and stories PDF | Romance in Murder - 8

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Romance in Murder - 8

Than meer told to veer that no there is no one who wanted to harm me but the killer is trying to trap me in the murders. So I really don't know about it than meera asked meer that , did you know anyone in the restaurant who 's behavior is bad or he look very nervous in the work time like that he is hiding something from you all or he is doing something wrong and than meer didn't say anything than veer ask the same question from him than he said to him that , ' yes ' there is one chef in our restaurant who always behave rude but from some days his behavior is very weird and always try to be friendly with me in the restaurant .

And I think he is hiding something , than veer told meera to take meer 's fingerprints. When meer hear this he said that , I will not give my fingerprints to this girl and than told to meer that, this is our forensic doctor so only she can take your fingerprints because we don't know how to take fingerprints . So only Dr meera can take your fingerprints. Than suddenly Yash asked meer that , why did you hate girls ? Did any girl cheated on you? Than meer told him that , that's not your problem it's my so why will I tell you that why I hate girls.

Than meera sit near meer and keep her forensic bag on the table and take out her fingerprints powder and than suddenly hold meer hand and start to apply fingerprints powder on it and meer was trying to free his hand but meera was not letting go of his hand and than in some time they went to police station . Than veer start to investigate in the restaurant and they went to the restaurant and ask everyone about the cook but the new manager told them that the cook has resigned yesterday and when he was going he was very scared and nervous about something.

Because when I asked him that, why are you leaving this restaurant when you are working here from many years and now suddenly you are going. Is any problem that you are leaving from here ? because you are getting good money from this restaurant so why are you leaving. Than he said that, No there is another problem so I have to go to other city so I am leaving this city that's why I am leaving this job. Than meera asked him that, did he told you were he is going. Than the manager told him that, No he didn't say anything about it. Than veer asked him that, did you have his house address and then the manager said that, ' yes ' I have his address in the dairy and then veer take the address and than they all went to police station to find the cook and from police station yash and Abhi went to the cook house to find about him and they knock the door but no one open the door and then they broke the door and went inside and when they enter the house they saw that, all the things in the house was broken and then they call veer told him everything about it. Than they began to find some evidence in the house and suddenly yash see a picture under the table and put it in the evidence bag .

Than they went to the police station and give the evidence to meera and meera check it but the photo was not clear and was blur so see didn't get any thing from the picture but she has taken all the fingerprints from the picture and try to match it with the criminal report but she didn't find it but she saw meer fingerprints on the table and than she try to match it with the photo fingerprints and one fingerprint matched with meer fingerprints and after seeing this meera was shocked. Than she suddenly get out of the office and went to meer 's house and knock meer's house door and shout out of his door taking his name but meer didn't open the door.

Than meera think that, he is not going to open the door for me so I have to find another way to get inside the house. And than meera went back door to search any window or door and she find a small window and she enter from there and went inside a small room and than she went outside the room and there was a living room in front of it and then she began to search meer in the house. Than she silently went upstairs to see where meer is and she saw meer in kitchen and he was cooking his dinner and he was cooking sandwiches and after seeing this she was very emotional. And than thinking that , a boy child is bringing some sandwiches for her. But she control her emotions and went inside the kitchen and suddenly hold meer 's hand bring him out in the living room and than put him on the sofa. When meer Saw meera in his house he asked her that , how did you come inside my house because the door is lock .

Than meera said to meer that , we will talk about it later but first tell me that, did you know anything about this picture and than meera show that picture to meer and meer watched it and said to her that, No I didn't know anything about the picture. Than meera said to him that, 'if you don't know about the picture than how your fingerprints come on it. When meer hear this he was shocked and said to meera that , I didn't know anything about it that how my fingerprints come on the picture.

Will meera able to find out anything about the picture ?