HEALTH in English Health by Aanchal Singh books and stories PDF | HEALTH

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This is very important for us.. We sae nowadays we can't able seat for long day.. We can't able to do work just because of this day by day we all become greedy we just want luxury lifestyle we want everything branded just because of all of these things we all stops taking care of ourself.. And this is so Mandatory to do.. Follow a healthy lifestyle live in a healthy Environment makes are life more beautiful... We don't want to do lot's of expanses for a healthy lifestyle we just need to eat ghar kha khana.. Specially I want to say with girls because if u not start eating your periods start coming late, always u find yourself lazy, not in a mood do a lot's if things, You get very easily tired with doing little work, just do it don't abandon.... Following only few tips doesn't required a lot of time whenever you are free morning or night just do 30 minutes exercise.. Like we saw nowadays there's is a lot's of competition going on Instagram 90 day challenge 75 day challenge just take it one and follow me believe me your love life is going to change u start feeling good your periods start coming on time... Just be loyal to yourself don't cheat yourself while you are in dieting because you are not cheating you detention, your trainer you cheat yourself ghar kah khana is AMPLE for you.. Day by day your confidence get increased drink a lot of water... 10000 steps walk everyday just make it on you to do list goal.... Whenever you hve a craving for sugar just eat chew gum because sugar is not good for health... Sugar cause a lot of problem.. One thing is more important your don't have to do things for looking so beautiful and for impressing for someone you just have to do for yourself.... Just always make sure beauty doesn't matter because it is temporary not a permanent day by day when you get order your skin is also not tht much gloo tht much glow one your teenager time your nature your qualifications what is your status only these things matters a lot...
I saw there is a lot of girls when they saw rejection then they cry whole night .. They do a lot of trump and the city reasons is I don't look good that's why he don't except me... The first thing it doesn't matter if some one love you ku because of your body so soory girl you don't dating a guy not a man... Having a stretch marks on your body is normal having a toomy bally fat is normal, having a pimple on your skin is in your skin is normal, having a dark color is also a normal, but what is not normal that you are not taking a care of yourself guy's we live in India.. We have lot's of things to make and use it we don't have to pay every single thing a money.. Daring yourself nowadays people called self love... By the way I really linking when people start priorities themselves because this is important if you are not happy not healthy not satisfied then how you can makes other happy whatever you wnt to do whatever you want do wear is completely your choice... Just like for we charge our phone. As same we also have to charge ourselves every single day.. For a better beautiful future ... This is bad scrolling your phone watching web series there is no schedule no time table you just simple lay on your bed enjoy it is not good for your health just make your day do things at a time don't procrastination whatever you do today tomorrow you definitely get a result
Nowadays lot's of things is happening like yoga clss medication clss zumba class dance clss jym you just have to do every thing is just like a cup of tea.... There is a lot of issue if you are not taking care of yourself .... Health is everything without a healthy lifestyle you can't do anything in life always you feel not good you have to eat a lot of medicine you always have to visit a hospital.. I don't think you have tht much of time to do.. Because nowadays people have lot's of things to do.. It's not happening the way I want to make my day.. I have lot's things to do bt I don't know🤷‍♀ I can't do I just feel every minute.. I don't know whyy this this you definitely feel maximum time. ...
Har har mahadev helath is a not a topic it is a very serious topics tgt we never talk to anybody we just do all of these things bt we never take it health In a serious note... so those who love to their loved ones say to them not in negative way say to them just take care of your health if you are not taking care of your helath your health also take care of your body just like for a better life we need food proteins nutrients same as our body need good thing for make our body got healthy.. if God make a schedule to wake up in the morning at a perfect time whyy you guys spoiled it.. maybe there is some reason nowadays to look good people start taking protein we this you are harming your body.. eat seasonal food eat green vegetables avoid as much as you can fast food wake up morning at a perfect a time whenever you wake up in tha morning you definitely realise the energy is so good you feel so good on that time.. your started feeling so good... for a perfect day start your day by 5:00 only for a productive day start your by 8:00 only eat healthy sleep early .....try to avoid take heavy food in night always have a light food...try to do fasting in week.... take all the vitamin A, B, C, D because health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.. healthy is a outfit that look different on everybody..

note some points
🌺smile a lot
🌺 Drink plenty of water
🌺halp someone
🌺find new music
🌺 take small break
🌺move around
🌺take care of your body
🌺make yourself first priority
🌺to get rich never risk your health
🌺health is a perfect practice not a 30 day diet
🌺Exercise should be regarded as tribute to the heart

if one wants to lead a healthy life, one must eat well and maintain the sleep cycle. one can stay fit by exercising daily and maintaining a proper time table for everything. keeping a healthy life will definitely encourage you towards a wealthy life maintaining a good health is not only about having a good physique and appearance it is about self satisfaction, inner peace and your behavior but in toady competitive era, maintaining a healthy mind and body is not easy so easy but if you're make it a habit from a young age, then your stay fit and healthy at a very young age....

lots of love keep doing.. for a better lifestyle...