A Love So Pure in English Short Stories by Vaman Acharya books and stories PDF | A Love So Pure

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A Love So Pure

A Love So Pure

Meera was practising as a lawyer in Raghavpur town. One night, she was on the open terrace to celebrate the 23rd birthday of her only daughter Pratibha in the moonlight. Sumptuous food was prepared. The birthday cake was ready waiting for the birthday girl. She arrived at the right time.

“Mom, I am so happy that you have arranged my birthday on this full moon day. It shows your love and affection towards me. Your special care has given me a lot of joy,” said holding the mother’s hand.

Meera embraced her daughter and said,

“Pratibha, you are my lovely daughter. If you are happy, I am also happy. On this happy occasion, I have something special in my mind. I am disclosing in a short while. I am unable to know how to begin,'said Meera.

“Mom, I am eager to know what is special in your mind? "

Meera was silent for some time. She was very much worried. Meera had feared that the mother and daughter's cordial relationship would be adversely affected.

Pratibha had completed a law degree and decided to work as a junior with her mother.

“Pratibha, I am confident that my wish would be fulfilled if you give me a positive reply,” said mother with hope.

“Mom, what is your wish?”

“You have attained the marriageable age. I am worried about you. If you agree to marry my younger brother Manish, my wish would be fulfilled, " said mother.

On hearing this, Pratibha without losing her presence of mind and temperament replied coolly.

“Mom, you know pretty well that your younger brother Manish is a criminal. He was booked for committing a fraud in the bank. Do you want me to marry a fraudulent person? Manish has lost dignity and prestige in society.``

“Don’t believe everything you hear. There are always three sides to the story: yours, others and the truth. Hearsay may be untrue. He is repenting now. Once he is married, I am fully confident he will settle in his life. Do you know he is the owner of a reputed Akash medical store, two big residential houses. He wants to settle abroad. As a mother, I want you to lead a happy life."

“Mom, I am really surprised and sad to know your strange wish. You must always think about the welfare of your daughter. But you are acting against your own only daughter. This is nothing but affection towards your younger brother. Your brother is a criminal. Don't think your brother would become a pious person after going abroad. No mother in this world wishes for her daughter to be sorrowful throughout her life. I have grown up under your guardianship to become a good citizen. What is the use of my education? I am totally against your wish."

Pratibha came down without a birthday cake and food. Meera was not expecting that the situation would go to this extent. She was upset and followed the daughter.

"I am extremely sorry for disturbing your mind. I promise you, Pratibha, I will never raise this issue of Manish. You may choose your life partner of your choice. Please excuse me," said with folded hands."

"Mom, you need not apologise. I know your affection for your brother. Every sister thinks about the welfare of her brother. You are no exception."

Both went to the terrace. After the birthday cake cut, mother and daughter had sumptuous food. Pratibha regained happiness and spent happy moments with her mother.

“Pratibha, if you have another boy in your mind please let me know. Your wish is my wish

Their conversation was inconclusive.


Three months passed.

One day in the morning at 8, Meera's mobile was ringing. She was in the bathroom. Pratibha had a look at this and didn't reply. After five minutes, Meera came out and attended the call.

"Meera behen,your brother Manish speaking."

"Good morning Manish, how are you?"

" I am fine. Bank fraud case hearing is on the day after tomorrow. "

"Yes, I know. Meet me this evening."

"Okay, I will come at 5 pm."

Meera called Pratibha and said,

"Manish is coming this evening to discuss a bank fraud case. You know the hearing of the case is coming up on coming tuesday."

"Mom, ask him to talk only about the case. If he starts speaking about me, I will leave the place."

'Don't worry."

The day being a Sundy, both had a glance over the cases handled by them.

Manish arrived half an hour late. He prostrated his elder sister and smiled towards Pratibha.

"Manish, tell me in detail about bank fraud."

Pratibha takes notes on a paper, when he starts narrating the events that happened connected to the fraud.

"Meera, circumstances forced me to commit fraud. On Monday last year I was alone in the medical store. Pharmacist Anand took leave to meet his ailing father in Bengaluru. I received a phone call from the bank that due to insufficient balance in the account check for rupees sixty thousand favouring Orient Pharma held up.I had a balance of fifty thousand rupees. While searching the drawer I found a chequebook and a pass book of Anand. I thought, in a hurry, he might have forgotten. There was a rupees 15000 balance in his account. My mind was working on how to honour the check? I knew the specimen signature of Anand and used his check for ten thousand rupees by forging his signature for credit to my account. My check was paid. Anand came on the same day and went straight to the bank. He was surprised to know this fact. Heated arguments took place between us. I dismissed him from the service. Anand was angry and lodged a complaint against me in the court."

Meera patiently heard the narration and Pratibha noted down.

Manish left the place.

"Mom, why did Manish commit fraud? He would have asked for your help."

"Yes, you are right. When you went to the kitchen to prepare coffee, he told me some surprising news."

"What surprising news did he reveal?"

"Manish wanted your help to come out of the case?"

Pratibha was too surprised.

"You love Anand and he loves you. Your love affairs have been going on for the last year."

"Who told you?"

"That question is irrelevant now."

Somebody was knocking at the door, when their conversation was in full swing. Pratibha went to the door and opened it. Mother and daughter were surprised to see Anand and Manish standing outside.

Thereafter, the court cleared the case against Manish with honour and Anand tied the knot to Pratibha. Lovers became life partners.

It was a love so pure.