She Stole my Heart - 4 the love begins... in English Love Stories by Story Junction books and stories PDF | She Stole my Heart - 4

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She Stole my Heart - 4

Harish, Vidhya, Sanjay, Mahesh along with Vidhya's dad & mom they were went to the beach
They were enjoyed the beach… but Harish feels something lonely… Vidhya noticed that and she stay with Harish and she supported Harish.
Harish likes Vidhya's support then Harish started loving Vidhya ….. Harish loved Vidhya's cuteness and her support ..♥
Next day evening…
Vidhya and Harish coming home after completing the school.. Vidhya noted some changes in Harish's activity..
Vidhya: hay nowadays I noted some changes in your character….
Harish: what..?!
Vidhya: yeah..! Do you love someone..?
Harish: nope..( In mind: say your love to her. It's a right time..)
Vidhya: hay what are you doing.?! Say something..
Harish so nervoused
Harish: nope.. I.. I'll see you later bye
(meanwhile: Vidhya realized that Harish loves her ♥ )
Harish thinking : why? I didn't say anything to her… And he so feared
Days moved
Their school annual day function has planned. In that performance Harish and Vidhya are selected for same dance event and same team too.
During the practice time Vidhya is notching Harish's activity.. She likes his attitude.
Vidhya's friends also noted Vidhya's activity)
Vidhya's friend: Hay.. Vidhya what are you doing..?!
Vidhya: nope.
Vidhya: nope nothing.
Vidhya's friend: no…. You hiding something….
Vidhya: noo…..
Vidhya's friend: okay…. Who is that..?
Vidhya: who..?
Vidhya's friend: that guy.. You sighting him. for mor than 15 minutes..
Vidhya: noo.. He is me neighborhood boy I'm no sighting him..
Vidhya's friend: okay.. But why you sighting him, did you like him..?!
Vidhya: I, I don't know..!.. But….
Vidhya's friend: but..? What.?
Vidhya: nothing..
Vidhya's friend: ok ok.
Vidhya: what ok ok..?
Vidhya's friend: nothing..
Harish is noticing Vidhya's activity
Harish: what..?
Vidhya: what.? What..?
Harish: why you guys are laughing and watching me..
Vidhya's friend: nothing bro..
Harish: are you sure..?
Vidhya's friend: sure bro sure bro..
Harish: okay..
Vidhya: have you finished..?
Harish: what.? Which.? Why.?
Vidhya's friend: hay Vidhya.. Why are you disturbing us..
Vidhya: hay Harish go man go and do practice.
Harish: okay okay..
Harish went from there and start his practice with his friends..
(meanwhile: Vidhya's friend and Vidhya)
Vidhya's friend: possessiveness….
Vidhya: what possessiveness..
Vidhya's friend: ok leave it..
Vidhya: hay.. Can you please explain about this..?
Vidhya's friend: which..?
Vidhya: what happening here..?
Vidhya's friend: okay …. Vidhya See here. You loving Harish..
Vidhya: no.. We are just a friends.
Vidhya's friend: that's wrong. you loves Harish without your knowledge..
Vidhya: nope….
Vidhya's friend: hahaha.
At evening school bus.
Harish: what happened to you..?
Vidhya: what?. What happened..
Vidhya: nothing..
the next day..
Again Vidhya started sighting Harish. She can't able to focused on dance practice. She did a mistake in dance steps.
Vidhya's friend: hay Vidhya what are you doing.?
Vidhya: I don't know. I can't focused on dance.
(meanwhile; Harish with his friends.
Harish: hay buddy it's very interesting dance right..
Harish's friend: yeah dude.
Harish: hmm.. And can you say about your love story.