Expectations in English Motivational Stories by Sandra books and stories PDF | Expectations

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As we all know expectations always hurts but still manyof us used to do it by knowing the whole consequences of it ! ..
Today I am going to share a story of a teenage girl who always have a habit of expecting so much from the people's she loved. Wait it's not the end ! the other problems she faced was anxiety, mood swings, and mainly small dipression . she know that it's all happen because of her over expectations habit she really wants to stop it but she can't. As I said this problems always made her angry for small things . But she used to talk to people with all her heart she was such an extrovert while she was around the family and her friends.but she was such an introvert while she was alone . she had strict parents because of this she was so anxious and worried about sharing her problems with her family so she used to keep it herself. But her parents used to love her so much and cared so much for her .
All People's she trusted hurt her without any regret.
Days passed years passed oneday she used to meet one guy who was so loving and caring well handsome too . But she doesn't felt any feelings for him but he did it was all of a sudden flow he entered her life and totally changed her she felt like she was in an heaven when she used to talk with him, yeah overthinking starts expectations starts beyond the boundaries. Slowly she starts to ignore the people's around hers she starts to grow as an introvert even with her close people .she used to talk so less than before.

Months passed her smile and happiness start to get faided he start to ignore her and always made a distance from her it made her so broken but she always tried to make herself comfortable she always said herself that "maybe it could be because of some personal issues or busy works " . But her heart understands the truth that he is losing intrest in you but she was not ready to accept it because of her blind love and trust towards him. Atlast the days come he said it, it was just an infatuation just stop this .her heart broken in to pieces she controlled her tears and said good bye and stay happy.
She was all alone now . The time she realised the truth that nothing and no-one is hers .now the truth hit her hard that every situation will help you to understand the deep truth and big realisation .this incident made her understand about the consequences of her deep expectations towards the temporary peoples in her life . .

Expectations are always the reason for your unhappiness just like drugs it can distroy you and your happiness.Try to understand the fact and move on everything and everyone is temporary in your life .The one who always stay with you is always you , trust yourself love yourself..stay single and die single no worries but don't waste your time by being someone's time pass ...
Trust me God always have different plans ❤️

Thank you