MOTHER THE GIVER in English Poems by Deepankar Sikder books and stories PDF | MOTHER THE GIVER

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long ago our originator was a fire ball
was a place not suitable for life,
The unexpected still happened
as after years of cooldown life slowly but gradually began to bloom.

Progress didn't stop since she knew, she was not perfect yet
Therefore, she kept on growing and changing as she knew her ultimate aim.

Then, after years of evolution came her perfect creation
At the inception, this creation was not perfect as well
Mother, being experienced, knew the flaw
Hence, she decided to shape her best creation into a perfect being.

She taught everything the hard way, her child even being wild didn't ever try to complaint
Elapsion of time never stopped so happened with her teachings
And ever moving wheel of time, being the evidence can articulate the devotion in her work.

And it was now evident that her hard labour didn't go in vain
Her perfect creation was no more a wild savage
But a perfectly civilized being, capable of doing everything
Had gained knowledge, enough to give him assurance to go along on his terms not mother's

Mother being mother didn't severed the cord of her eternal love
Though her son did, yet she provided everything that he needed to survive
Once an obedient child had now again become wild
Since the perfect creation being perfect had gained enough knowledge to understand that he was not still perfect enough

Now her once obedient child had embarked his journey for the attachment of the perfection,
Mother being in the state of her motherhood suffered all the destruction
Her child being adamant of the attainmet of his ultimate aim, had lost his sight
That he was unable to see his mother's pain
Having lost his sight due to his desire, he had become even more detrimental.

She didn't ask anything from her creation, but gave all the freedom that he needed,
In return what she got was nothing but rudeness and all kinds of torture
And being a son had he ever been seen concerned for her mother,
No, not even once, but she didn't even flinch for once from her duties to provide him what he needed.

Son being son continued his aberrant behaviour
Selfish, he had become
Continued what he had once started and really he gained success in achieving what he wanted to achieve,
He only thought of himself and thus he made a mess for both mother and himself

Everything was changed now once where there were trees
Are now filled with buildings and industries
And very soon there won't a thing be seen that mother once had created except for the one once she had thought perfect.

In the pursuit of the perfection he has caused so much harm to her that it is irreparable
And deep down now he is realising his mistakes
He is trying to fix things to make up for his mistakes
But it is too late for any kind of reparation

And wish he tried enough to fix things up with dedication and determination
But long for getting more and being supereme has always been there
Which is restricting him from treating his dying mother
On the contrary, constantly there is a thought of how to use the things mother has provided

One day he may become evolved enough to be called superior
But at what cost?
It is just too high, it is not unnoticed that evolving was necessary
But it could have been done in a right way which the mother may also have expected.
But what could she do?