The Sore Beach - Part 2 in English Thriller by Joy Bandyopadhyay books and stories PDF | The Sore Beach - Part 2

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The Sore Beach - Part 2

The ambulance's siren wailed a piercing lament as it navigated the silent streets, racing against the shroud of night to reach Varsova Government Hospital. Within its confines lay a puzzle of a man, his lifeless form both a canvas and a riddle. The hands of the clock had etched their way past midnight, painting an air of eerie anticipation over the entrance to the hospital.

In the morgue's sterile environment, the man's body was gently laid on a cold metal table, surrounded by an air of solemnity. The police officers, like sentinels of truth, stood by, awaiting the unveiling of the enigma that death had brought forth.

Dr. Vipin Solanki, a seasoned doctor with a demeanor that belied the mysteries he often confronted, stepped forward. His experienced eyes swept over the scene, observing the body's state, and an unspoken tension seemed to hover in the air.

"The time of death," he murmured, his voice a whisper that broke the silence, "no sooner than 2 a.m." The declaration was rooted in the state of rigor mortis, a biological timeline that held the key to the man's final moments.

But even as these words were spoken, doubts emerged, for poison's treacherous touch could warp the body's rhythm and skew its testimony.

Dr. Solanki's examination painted a picture that puzzled the mind. The man's body held no visible wounds, no telltale signs of a struggle. Instead, it was an image of composed serenity, clad in a smart suit that was belied only by the absence of labels. As if erased by an invisible hand, the maker's identity remained a secret.

His attire, a knit pullover beneath a double-breasted coat, spoke of an odd choice for a beach visit, where the sun's warmth and sea breeze should have dictated lighter wear.

The missing tie, a symbol of incomplete attire, only deepened the mystery. And in an act that seemed to carry a peculiar symbolism, a torn pocket had been stitched back together with precision, the seams a splash of orange on muted fabric.

Beside the body lay a collection of mundane possessions, each holding its own silent story. An unused train ticket from LTTS to Jogeswari, a bus ticket from Panvel to LTTS, a pack of Juicy Fruit chewing gum, matchboxes, an aluminum comb, and an unusual pack of four square cigarettes containing seven of a more opulent brand—Gold Flake. These items, seemingly unrelated, posed questions that danced like shadows on the wall of a dark room.

The autopsy's progression painted a narrative that was at once eerie and hauntingly human. The man's leg muscles were not just muscle—they spoke of discipline, of a life perhaps spent in dance. A ballet dancer, the experts speculated, their voices a mere whisper in the vastness of the room.

His pupils, contracted beyond the norm, spoke of secrets yet untold. His spleen, enlarged in a manner both puzzling and ominous, whispered of a battle fought within. And his liver, swollen with congested blood, was a canvas on which the story of his life seemed to be painted.

But it was within his stomach that the most perplexing revelation lay. Amidst the folds of his organs, remnants of a pastry clung stubbornly. Lab tests, however, revealed no trace of poison within its crumbs. The pastry was cleared of suspicion, yet the mystery remained, gnawing at the edges of understanding.

Dr. PR Choudhary, the pathologist who had stared into the abyss of the man's inner workings, found himself equally baffled.

How could there be no trace, no sign of the poison that suspicion whispered of? The answer came in the form of two deadly toxins—digitalis and strophanthin—substances that vanished from the body even as they wreaked havoc.

If either had been the instrument of death, they had chosen to dissipate before the autopsy's probing gaze.

As the investigation broadened its horizons, fingerprints were shared with law enforcement across the English-speaking world. The image of the man traversed continents, searching for a connection that would unravel the knots of his identity. But silence reigned supreme—no one recognized the face that stared from photographs, offering no answers.

His mismatched attire and the peculiar collection of possessions hinted at a traveler, one whose journey had led him astray. In response, a call resounded through the city—an appeal for any trace of abandoned property. Hotels, dry cleaners, railway stations, bus depots—all were summoned to share their secrets.

And then, a glimmer of hope materialized—a call from a hotelier who recognized the face that had baffled so many. "I know him," his voice crackled over the phone, a note of excitement that couldn't be contained. "He stayed at my hotel, but there's more to his story."

The pieces were shifting, the puzzle inching closer to resolution. The threads of the man's existence were weaving together, as if the very universe were conspiring to unveil its hidden truths. The beach, once a scene of tranquility, now whispered its secrets to the wind, bearing witness to a mystery that was slowly, inevitably, revealing itself.

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