Pyramid Of Egypt in English Mythological Stories by Deepak Singh books and stories PDF | Pyramid Of Egypt

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Pyramid Of Egypt

In ancient Egypt, the construction of massive stone structures such as the Great Pyramids of Giza was a feat that required incredible engineering knowledge, skill, and laborious effort. These monumental buildings were built during the reign of Pharaoh Khufu, who ruled from 2589 BCE to 2563 BCE over 4,5000 years ago. The pyramids are considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and have fascinated people for centuries due to their size, complexity, and mystery surrounding how they were constructed.
The process of building these iconic monuments began with selecting an appropriate site for construction. Architects would choose a location based on its geological features such as stability, accessibility, and proximity to transportation routes. Once the site was chosen, workers dug into the bedrock using copper chisels and stone hammers to carve out a trench that served as the foundation for the pyramid's base. The base was then leveled and filled with rubble and mud brick to create a stable platform for the structure. Workers used ramps made from wood or sandstone to haul heavy stones up the pyramid as it grew higher.
The next step involved constructing the outer casing of the pyramid, which consisted of smooth white limestone blocks meticulously cut and placed together without mortar. This process required precise measurements and intricate planning to ensure each block fit perfectly into place. Once the outer layer was complete, workers moved on to building the inner chambers and passageways that led to the pharaoh's burial chamber deep within the pyramid. The walls were also constructed using stone blocks, some weighing over 80 tons apiece, and were carefully positioned by a team of skilled craftsmen.
The most challenging part of constructing the pyramids was transporting these massive stones from distant quarries to the construction site. Workers used sledges pulled by animals or humans to drag the heavy stones across rough terrain and then hoisted them into place using pulleys and levers. Some historians believe ramps up to 30 meters high were built for this purpose. It's estimated that it took around 10 years just to move the stone blocks to the building site. Once in place, workers secured them with mortar made from mud and water before continuing construction on the next layer.
As the pyramid grew taller, the work became more dangerous as laborers had to navigate steeper inclines and higher elevations. Safety measures such as ropes and harnesses were likely used to prevent falls or accidents during the precarious process of

stacking stones at great heights. The pharaoh's burial chamber was located deep within the pyramid and contained a sarcophagus made of solid granite that required specialized tools and expert craftsmanship to carve out. The walls surrounding the chamber were also decorated with intricate hieroglyphics depicting scenes from the pharaoh's life and reign, adding to the grandeur of the final product.
The Great Pyramids of Giza are estimated to have taken over 20 years to construct and involved thousands of workers who lived in nearby camps during the process. They worked long hours under harsh conditions, often facing injury or death due to falls and exhaustion. Despite these challenges, they persevered through their dedication to creating a lasting monument for the pharaoh and their belief in the afterlife. The pyramid was not only a symbol of power but also served as a testament to Egyptian engineering prowess that continues to inspire awe today.