Vasantvilla - A Haunted House - 7 in English Horror Stories by MITHIL GOVANI books and stories PDF | Vasantvilla - A Haunted House - 7

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Vasantvilla - A Haunted House - 7

Chapter 7

 Vinita and Vishal rest for a while and decide to go back to the corner of the villa. And this time the two will be together in the villa so that what happened to Sandhya yesterday does not happen to Vinita. Vinita and Vishal first decide to go to the left wing of the villa where Sandhya went to investigate and was found unconscious in the room in the left wing. According to her, she saw three ghosts there. The composition of Vasantavila was something like this. Enter through the main gate and there was a paved road of about 500 meters. And there was a garden on the side of the road. Which was now covered with bushes. It can be estimated that there was a grand garden in one era. There was a paved road to enter the house between the two gardens. And a temple was built in a side garden. Vishal and Vinita had cleared some bushes from around the temple and lit the lamps in front of the idols after cleaning the temple. Out of which one idol was of the Pandit clan's clan goddess and the other idol was of Mahadev, the god of gods. Beyond the main entrance was the main entrance to the building. Beyond that was the foyer. Crossing the foyer was a large living room and in the middle of the living room was a large staircase. which went upwards and had wings falling to its left and right. To the left were five rooms. And on the right side there were six rooms. Similarly, the rooms were situated upwards. The living room had elegant furniture made of old-fashioned teak and cedar wood. Which showed the past glory of Vasantvilla. A tiger was kept in the living room. A deer's head was kept in the wall. On one wall were oil paintings of ancestors. And a shield and sword were mounted on one wall. The living room was cleaned yesterday. Because Siddhidevi had performed havan and rituals there yesterday and had cleaned the two rooms on the right side. Siddhidevi and her family were to stay in one and Sandhya and Vishal in the other. All the other rooms were covered with the dust of months. If one looks into the darkness of the living room of the night, the burning eyes of the tiger will be blinded. Vasantvilla was completely closed for the last five years. Only electricity and water connections were on. Lokesh used to pay the electricity corporation bill. And his staff used to go and clean Vasantvilla once a year. Before that, a care taker lived during the day. But the body of that caretaker was found in the swimming pool behind Vasantvilla in a very horrible condition. All the blood was drained from his body. No local person was willing to work there after this incident. Hence, Lokesh assigned his Dehradun staff to go and maintain Vasantavila once a year. If a buyer is found for the villa, he will be freed from the hassle of property. And property money can rise. Cleaning was not done for the last six months. Yesterday, Siddhidevi and family came and did the necessary cleaning. So Vinita and Vishal didn't have any problem today. Vinita and Vishal started checking in the room on the left side. As soon as they entered the first room on the left side, they got a general confined smell like the room had been closed for a long time and it was open. The room was cobwebbed and dusty. The room was furnished with elegant old style furniture. Both looked at the furniture and room and wondered how glorious their past must have been. Vinita also saw the magnificence of the villa and if it is proved that there is no ghost in this villa, then the deal of this villa is said to be very cheap. And Siddha Devi's guru should also be called once in this villa if there is a solution to drive away the ghost, then that should also be done. They stayed in that room for a while but there was no movement in that room so both of them went to the adjoining room. There also did not seem to be any presence. Thus they did not feel any ghost in the four rooms of the left wing. It was around ten o'clock in the night, both of them came to the last and fifth room of the left wing where Sandhya experienced the ghost. Vishal entered the room. But Vinita hesitated going into the room and remembered the video recording she had seen in the morning. But she went into the room behind Vishal. Upon entering the room, they both felt the same confined and uninhabitable smell that they had experienced in the four rooms before them. Apart from that, no one felt that anyone was present there. Even after spending almost half an hour in that room, nothing seemed strange. So Vinita said, I have heard that ghosts also have a certain time to come. This experience may have occurred in the early evening between three and four o'clock in the morning. We will come back to this room after two o'clock tonight because it may be the time of ghosts. Now that we are resting in the cleaned room, the ghosts come at midnight. So we will rest now and check the right wing after twelve o'clock and come back to this room after two o'clock. Vishal agrees with her. And both go back to the cleaned room to relax.

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Meanwhile, Sandhya has taken the hotel car and left for Vasantvilla to give holy water. She suddenly remembers. In her haste, she forgets to give Rachna and Bharat the number of Pratap Singh Thakur, Vishal's uncle. If any of the three do not return to the hotel by noon, contact them and give them all the details. So he calls Rachna. But Rachna does not receive the call. So she messages Rachna and Bharat on WhatsApp. "If we will not come to hotel by tomorrow evening kindly contact Mr. Pratapsinh Thakur uncle of vishal Thakur his contact No is : 98xxxxxx10 “It is not certain when the weather will turn bad in the hills. Today there was more fog. It was difficult to see even at a distance of five feet, but Sandhya was slowly moving towards Vasantvilla.

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On the other hand, Vishal and Vinita woke up hearing the alarm of Vishal's cell phone at midnight. Both of them first looked in all the rooms of the right wing and finally decided to go to the last room of the left wing. All the remaining rooms of the right wing were retaken, but there was no strange feeling in any of the rooms. All the rooms felt a sense of unease. The rooms looked like they had not been cleaned for months. They had another experience. They walked around all the rooms for about two and a half hours. As much time had passed. There was absolute peace in the villa. The soft hooting of an owl could be heard from the forest behind the villa. The barking of some jackal was heard. Apart from that there was silence. Vinita and Vishal Sandhya saw the ghost in the room. He comes into the room. He cleans the necessary chair in the room and decides to spend the night sitting on it. Both of them are sitting on the chair talking and almost an hour has passed. Suddenly the lights of the villa start going on and off. And suddenly the light goes off. Vishal switches on the torch he has. And the torch light is thrown on Vinita's face. So Vinita gets scared and screams. Vishal explains to her that he is Vishal himself and has lit your side with a torch to check if you are safe or not. Suddenly something sounds in the next room. So Vishal and Vinita rush towards that room.