Vasantvilla - A Haunted House - 4 in English Horror Stories by MITHIL GOVANI books and stories PDF | Vasantvilla - A Haunted House - 4

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Vasantvilla - A Haunted House - 4

Chapter 4
Hearing Sandhya's scream, Vishal runs. And if you look, Sandhya is found unconscious in the bedroom on the left side. It is already morning. Vishal takes out water from his backpack and sprinkles it on Sandhya. And brings him to his senses. As soon as she regains consciousness, the panic on Sandhya's face increases. Huge and absolutely clinging and trembling says. Let us go away from here soon Siddhidevi is right. I have seen ghosts in this room. There was not one but three ghosts in this room. Yes Vishal I am telling the truth. I have seen not one but three ghosts. One of them was the ghost of a seven-eight year old child. And a woman and a man were also in this room. whose appearance was hideous. Vishal explains it. The story of the so-called Haunted House is covered on our channel. Why do you forget that we have made videos based on the legend we have heard with the help of artists and technology? Such a thing as ghost or soul does not exist in this world. Seeing that is your illusion. Because you have worked hard day and night on the story of the haunted house in the last week and worked hard to make the legend a true story, maybe you have the same illusion now, so please be relaxed and stress free. Sandhya screams in response. You know I'm not mentally retarded. Even before that project I have done many projects based on the legend of haunted houses. So it was not my illusion but the truth..When I entered this room, I saw that the light of the room was going on and off. Suddenly the light stopped flashing and stopped and my gaze went to the roof, then a woman was walking on the roof like a chubby animal on the roof. And was making loud strange noises. Me and her eyes were united, the woman attacked me and dug her three teeth into my neck and grabbed me by the neck, but as her hand touched the protective shield given by Siddhidevi, she screamed as if touched by a flame and She threw me away from me. At that time, a seven to eight year old child was seen in the upper fan who was sleeping upside down on the fan blade. He says don't you worry, I will take out the safety shield around his neck by turning this fan around his neck. Saying that he jumped down and grabbed me by the waist saying that he will spin the fan around with him. stuck At that time I heard another roar, I looked in that direction and across the opposite window, a man was hanging upside down and laughing. Suddenly, the fan started spinning loudly. I held the safety shield as hard as I could. So that it does not come out of my throat. And I felt dizzy and screamed and fainted with fear. And when she came to her senses, she saw you sitting in front of her, saying this, Sandhya turned her hand around her neck and saw that the safety shield was not around her neck. Looking around, she found the safety shield lying down. Thanking Siddhidevi, she put on a protective mask. Is it possible that when the demon tried to turn me round and remove the safety shield, and before the safety shield I was holding fell, it had risen and its power was reduced, leaving me in a faint state? Because it is said that the power of evil spirits is weakened in sunlight. Could it be that the ghost has disappeared as soon as the sun rises? Suddenly, Sandhya remembered something, says Vishal. When I entered this room, the light came on, so I put my purse and torch on the table in front of me. The hidden camera in that purse must have recorded what happened in this room because I did not turn off the camera to see what was captured. So let's get out of here as soon as possible. And reach Pithoragarh hotel. And let's take out the camera chip and connect it to the laptop and see what has been recorded so that you can be sure that I am not lying. Vishal agrees with her and says well let's leave here quickly and reach Pithoragarh Hotel. So that we know what to do next. Vishal and Sandhya come to Vasantavila's compound. Where they have parked their car. Vishal starts the car and says that I should call Siddhidevi. If they are at the hotel, they should stay at the hotel so that they can also help us in this matter. Vishal goes to make a call but the call is not received, he sees in the mobile that the network is not caught. Sandhya says you seem to have forgotten. There is no network in this area. We still have to go three kilometers towards Pithoragarh to make a call, then the network will come. Vishal says yes, forgot about that. And both leave for Pithoragarh side. As they come within the range of mobile phone network. Vinita and Siddhidevi's cell phones receive a message saying that Vinita and Siddhidevi have not received calls. Till now, Vinita has called both of them more than hundred times. And since both of them do not answer the call, Vinita also gets a message saying that she has left from Dehradun to Pithoragarh to meet both of them. Vishal calls back Vinita. But Vinita doesn't pick up his phone. When Siddhidevi calls. So his cellphone comes out of reach. Vishal and Sandhya reach the hotel where they are staying in Pithoragarh in two hours. So Vinita finds him at the reception desk.

He gets angry at both of them. Vishal asks him to calm down. And I explain to reach the room and answer all your questions. Vishal and Vinita take the key from the reception desk and go to Vishal's room. And Sandhya goes to her room Vishal tells Sandhya. After she gets fresh, till she reaches Vishal's room, Vinita and I will also get fresh and we will discuss the incident that happened last night while having breakfast. And both go to their room. Vishal thinks till Vinita has gone to freshen up. That I should talk to Siddhidevi, calling on Siddhidevi's intercom, Rachna picks up the phone and says that ever since they returned from Vasantvilla, Siddhidevi's tongue has been burnt and she has vomited blood and fever. She is not in a position to speak. Yes but even in this situation she has written a paper for you and asked to keep it in a cover and give it to you. So you will take that cover. Vishal disconnects the call saying I will be in a while. Vishal thinks by the time Vinita gets fresh, I will go to Siddhidevi's room and get the cover from Rachna. Vishal takes the cover from Rachna and goes to his room and opens the cover and reads it.

Hon'ble Vishal

You should give up your insistence on buying Vasantavila, it is inhabited by not one but seven ghosts. All of which are dangerous. He has captured my body so that I do not become a hindrance to His work. He has called you for some special purpose.. I don't know what his intention is. Please stay away from Vasantvilla. I myself do not know how long I can live in their clutches, so I am giving this letter to Rachna. Although I know I have used the system very little. But believe that a dying man does not lie, stay away from Vasantavila. May Mother Kali and Kalabhairav protect you

Jai Kalbhairav

Vishal quickly hides the letter so that no one sees it. He feels that Siddhidevi is mentally scared. It has affected her body. And if this letter falls into the hands of Vinita or Sandhya, then Vishal hides the letter believing that it can become a hindrance in buying the villa. Vinita comes fresh in a few minutes. So Vishal goes to the bathroom to freshen up. Sandhya comes to Vishal's room. So Vinita says Vishal is in the bathroom. Come sit till Vishal comes. Sandhya tells Vinita what happened to her in the villa last night. So Vinita asks Sandhya to remove the chip from the camera and connect it to the laptop. Sandhya takes out the laptop, connects the camera chip in it and peels off the laptop. And starts watching the recording. In the recording for a few minutes, nothing is visible, only darkness is visible, but as soon as Sandhya enters the room and watching the next recording, Sandhya and Vinita become speechless.