Vasantvilla - A Haunted House - 3 in English Horror Stories by MITHIL GOVANI books and stories PDF | Vasantvilla - A Haunted House - 3

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Vasantvilla - A Haunted House - 3

Chapter 3
Vishal and Sandhya are shocked to see the fact Manali. Bharata and Siddhidevi get scared'. Because Manali is none other than Rachna, Bharat's daughter and Siddhidevi's niece. Rachna Siddhidevi and Bharat get scared when their disguise is exposed. And starts apologizing to Vishal with two hands. Seeing this, Vishal says. I already knew about your pretense. And I caught your pretense and there is no ghost in this villa. To prove the same, I also played a drama, in fact I and Sandhya are not husband and wife. So there is no question that I have a daughter. I just made up a false story. Because I wanted to prove to my wife. There is no ghost in this villa so that I can buy this villa. You created a plot just as I expected and your drama in my pocket spy camera pan and from another angle with the camera in Sandhya's purse. All these incidents have been recorded. With which I will prove it to my wife and buy this villa. Siddhidevi says in reply. I believe that I met with my brother and niece and played the drama of speaking to the soul. But I really know the art of invoking the soul. But using that knowledge is equally dangerous. So I don't use that knowledge as much as possible. But this is the person I come to meet. And knowing his problem in detail, I remove the problem of people mentally by creating the same play. Please don't do this to anyone, otherwise my business will be closed, but the way I mentally solve people's problems will also stop. You told me that my daughter was burnt to death. So I did my niece's make up as you did. But my intention was to earn some money and to remove you mentally from your problem. So please don't show this video of mine to anyone. Otherwise, my business will be closed, the purpose of which is to solve people's problems and earn my living. I will prove what you say to your wife but please delete this video. In reply, Vishal says that my intention is not to stop your business. I just want to buy this villa. But my wife is against it. So she needs to show this video to buy this villa. I promise you. I will not show this video to anyone except her. The talk of this video will be between us six people, you three and us three. Siddhadhidevi thanks him and says. I will never forget your kindness. There is a conversation going on between them. The third watch of the night takes place. And suddenly the atmosphere around Vasantvilla changes. The lights of the villa suddenly start turning on and off. The scary surroundings become even more scary. And the lights of the villa go off. Scary and scary sounds start coming in the dark. Everyone except Vishal gets scared after hearing this sound. Vishal says to Siddhidevi. It is not to be feared now, so tell your friends to remove the atmosphere and stop scaring us. Siddhidevi says. This is not his drama but I really feel the presence of spirits here. They are more than one. You believe me. We should leave this villa as fast as possible. In that time, a sound like the cry of an owl has been heard. And the wolf's snarling sound is heard. It seems to be coming from the next room. Vishal rushes to that room. To see who is there? He shouts that someone is there, but there is no answer. opens the room. So there is nothing to be seen except owls. He thinks that since the villa has been deserted for a long time, it is not a new thing that the owls have entered. He goes back to the hall having performed the ritual. Then Siddhidevi tells him in a pleading voice. I feel this place is haunted by more than one spirit. Please we should leave this place as soon as possible..but Vishal doesn't have to. He will not leave this place until he knows the reason for the lights and noises coming from this place. If you are afraid of people, you can leave this place. She asks Sandhya for the torch she brought. Siddhidevi says don't be stubborn and leave this place as fast as possible. In response, Vishal firmly refuses. Sandhya also stays with Vishal to support him. However, she is scared inside. But she doesn't want to leave Vishal alone. In reply Siddhidevi says as you wish. Take these two protective shields that have been achieved. Put them on. They will protect you. May God Kaalbhairav and Maan Kali protect you, I leave this villa with Bharata and Rachna. Saying this, Siddhidevi and her companions go towards the main gate of the villa and leave the villa. But Vishal and Sandhya go inside the villa determined to check every nook and cranny of the villa. They decide that Vishal will go to the right side of the villa to check his share and Sandhya will go to the left. It has been like half an hour since Bane went out for investigation. Vishal has not found any suspect yet. But scary sounds are coming from the villa every now and then. Where exactly is that sound coming from? It is not understood.Suddenly the scream of Sandhya is heard. Hearing that, Vishal runs in the direction from which the sound came to see what happened. In about ten minutes he reaches Sandhya. And if you look, Sandhya is lying on the ground fainted. He takes water from his backpack and pours it on Sandhya's mouth. And brings Sandhya to consciousness.It is already morning