Konark - is a famous tourist destination of Odisha in English Travel stories by manas kumar kar books and stories PDF | Konark - is a famous tourist destination of Odisha

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Konark - is a famous tourist destination of Odisha

Once again the konark in the discussion. The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, during his visit to the United States, praised the Konark architecture and said that its ancient craftsmanship had a touch of modernity.

Shri Modi said that the reflection of the type of clothes that women are wearing in modern times can be seen in Konark Gatra many hundreds of years ago.

However, this speech of the Prime Minister has again attracted the attention of the world population towards Konark. Konark temple has its own identity and glory as the best and most beautiful example of Kalinga craft art and architecture.
The living beauty is embodied in the angular black muguni stone set up by the Ganga King Langula Narsingh Dev. Here are some interesting facts about this famous temple which is one of the wonders of the world and attracts tourists from all over the world.
1-. It is one of the few Sun Temple standards in India. However, it is unique in shape and beauty. It is bigger than all the sun temples in India.
2-Narsingh Dev king of the Ganga family built this temple in 1255. There are many stories and legends about this huge temple built at the mouth of Bay of Bengal and Chandrabhaga River in Odisha. It is said that 1,200 sculptors were working on the construction of this temple for 12 years.

3-Built in the shape of a chariot, this temple was adorned with 12 pairs of chariot wheels and 7 well-armed horses. Built of quartzite stone, this Kalinga architecture has the original sanctum sanctorum, the aviary, the Jagmohan and the nat mandap.
4-Now Nath Mandap and Vog Mandap including 128 feet Jagmohan are still standing.

In each part of the corner there are living idols of Meithun, Dalmalika, Shal Vanyika, Jharpabadini, Mridanga Badini, Nayika, Gaika, animals, birds, creepers, leaves and flowers. Angular sculptors have tried to flawlessly shape the living world of almost all geographical regions of the earth. The statue of the giraffe of the continent of Africa is also carved in it.

In every part of the temple, you can see wonderful examples of fine carvings and architecture.
4-Angular idols are as rich in beauty as they are in liveliness. If you think of the technique used to build such a delicate and massive temple on the seashore in the 13th century, you bow your head before the greatness of Utkala architecture. The original vimana of the Konark temple, which collapsed in 1837, is said to have been 229 feet high. Many ancient sailors have told that this temple was acting as a kind of temple from the sea.
5-Now Nath Mandap and Vog Mandap including 128 feet Jagmohan are still standing.

In each part of the corner there are living idols of Meithun, Dalmalika, Shal Vanyika, Jharpabadini, Mridanga Badini, Nayika, Gaika, animals, birds, creepers, leaves and flowers. Angular sculptors have tried to perfectly shape the living world of almost all the geographical regions of the earth. The statue of the giraffe of the African continent is also carved in it.
6-This temple was half-buried in the sand for many years after the fall of the oxen. At various times, the stone of this temple was used to build the Puri temple. Even the temple's worshiping sun deity was shifted to the Jagannath temple.

The Arun pillar installed in front of Sri Temple was also shifted from the corner.
7-Currently, the conservation and management of the corner temple is entrusted to the Archaeological Survey of India. However, historians and local people are complaining that there are many errors and deviations in its preservation system. However, the Archaeological Survey of India has refuted this allegation.
8-To go to Konark, one has to travel 65 km from Bhubaneswar and 35 km from Puri. So far Konark has not been connected by railways.
9-There are many religious and natural tourist centers around Konark. Just a short distance from Konark lies the lovely beach of Chandrabhaga. There are many beautiful natural tourist spots like Ramchandi, Beleshwar, Kushabhadra Estuary on the Konark-Puri sea beach road.
10-Konark hosts the classical dance festival 'Konark Festival' and International Sand Art Exhibition every December.