Cursed Village - 7 - Dispatch in English Horror Stories by Priyanshu Jha books and stories PDF | Cursed Village - 7 - Dispatch

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Cursed Village - 7 - Dispatch

As you read in the previous part, Devika's journey took a new direction when she made the conscious decision to shift her focus from worshipping Kali as she entered the transformative phase of pregnancy. The news of her impending motherhood brought a sense of joy and responsibility, causing her to redirect her energies towards nurturing and creating a loving environment for her unborn child.



Life always seems happy and astounding before dark 

same with devika..:-(

After nine months of anticipation, a beautiful baby girl entered the world, bringing immense joy to Devika's heart. Her happiness knew no bounds as she held her precious daughter in her arms, marveling at the miracle of new life. Devika was overwhelmed with love, embracing her role as a mother with open arms and a heart full of adoration.

However, Sudit's reaction was different. He didn't share the same level of excitement and happiness as Devika. Instead, his demeanor reflected a sense of disappointment or dissatisfaction. Devika couldn't comprehend why Sudit wasn't as elated as she was, which created a cloud of confusion and concern in her mind.

Despite her own joy, Devika couldn't ignore the fact that Sudit's lack of enthusiasm dampened the initial bliss of their daughter's arrival. She longed for him to share in the profound joy and wonder that parenthood brought, hoping that with time, his heart would open and connect with their little bundle of joy.

Devika's love for her daughter remained unwavering, and she poured all her love and affection into nurturing and caring for her. She hoped that as Sudit witnessed the bond between mother and child, he would eventually come to understand the immeasurable happiness and fulfillment that their daughter brought into their lives.

While Devika celebrated the arrival of their daughter with utmost joy, she also yearned for Sudit's heart to be touched by the love that enveloped their little family. She held onto the hope that with time, their daughter's presence would bridge the gap between Sudit's initial reservations and the immense love that she, as a mother, felt for their precious child.

As the days and weeks unfolded, Devika remained steadfast in her love and devotion towards her daughter, embracing the role of a nurturing mother. She believed that, in time, Sudit would come to appreciate the profound gift they had been blessed with and that their family would unite in the unconditional love that their daughter brought into their lives.

After a few days of the little girl's birth, Devika and Sudit decided to take her to a priest to officially name her. The priest, with his wisdom and spiritual guidance, bestowed upon the baby girl the name "Meera." The name held a special meaning, symbolizing love, devotion, and strength.

Devika and Sudit embraced the chosen name, finding it to be a perfect fit for their precious daughter. Meera became the name that would accompany her throughout her life's journey, carrying with it the hopes and aspirations of her parents.

With the naming ceremony, Meera's identity became solidified, and her name became a beacon of love and significance in their lives. Devika and Sudit held onto the belief that the name Meera would inspire her to live a life filled with love, devotion, and inner strength as she grew and flourished in the world.

As Meera listened to the priest bestowing her name with its beautiful meaning, tears welled up in her eyes. The significance and love embedded in her name touched her deeply, resonating with her soul. In that moment, her Amma, sensing her emotions, enveloped her in a warm embrace, offering unwavering support and understanding. Amma's presence and comforting words provided Meera with the reassurance and strength she needed to embrace her identity and embark on her journey with confidence and love. 


Sudit, driven by his dissatisfaction with Meera, devised a plan to convince his family to take a trip to Delhi. He carefully presented the idea, highlighting the need for a family getaway and the excitement of exploring a new city. With persuasive words and promises of a memorable experience, Sudit managed to convince his family to embark on the trip.

The day of the trip arrived, and Meera, unaware of Sudit's true intentions, joined the family with a glimmer of hope. They embarked on their journey to Delhi, with anticipation filling the air. The family ventured through bustling streets, visited popular tourist attractions, and savored delicious local cuisine. The trip seemed like an opportunity for bonding and creating cherished memories.

During the initial days of the family trip, Devika, Sudit, and Meera embarked on a journey filled with moments of joy and togetherness. Exploring the vibrant streets of Delhi, they immersed themselves in the city's rich culture and heritage. Devika, with her enchanting presence, added a spark of excitement to every experience.

The trio ventured to bustling markets, where they indulged in delightful street food, trying an array of flavors that tickled their taste buds. Laughter echoed through the narrow lanes as they shared anecdotes and relished the simple pleasures of discovering new cuisines together.

As the sun set, casting a warm glow over the city, they visited iconic landmarks, capturing cherished memories in photographs. Devika's radiant smile illuminated each frame, while Meera reveled in the affectionate bond she shared with her mother and father.

The evenings were adorned with cultural performances, where they witnessed traditional dances and melodious music. Meera's eyes sparkled with wonder as she absorbed the vibrant expressions of art, mesmerized by the graceful movements and captivating melodies.

During their explorations, Sudit and Devika took turns narrating ancient legends and folklore, intertwining the stories with their own tales of adventure. Meera, enthralled by her parents' storytelling prowess, hung onto every word, her imagination transported to magical realms and heroic sagas.

Days turned into nights, with each moment etching deeper into Meera's heart. She cherished the moments spent in the embrace of her family, feeling a sense of belonging and love that she had longed for. The bond between Devika, Sudit, and Meera seemed unbreakable, forged through shared laughter, love, and the exploration of a new city.

On the third day of their family trip, the sun rose over the bustling city of Delhi, casting its golden rays upon the streets. Devika, Sudit, and Meera embarked on another day of exploration, unaware of the imminent turn of events.

The day started with a visit to a renowned historical monument. Meera's eyes widened with wonder as she beheld the grandeur of the architectural masterpiece. Sudit and Devika, caught up in their own world, admired the intricate details and shared whispered conversations, their smiles painting a picture of contentment.

On the third day of their family trip, the sun rose over the bustling city of Delhi, casting its golden rays upon the streets. Devika, Sudit, and Meera embarked on another day of exploration, unaware of the imminent turn of events.

The day started with a visit to a renowned historical monument. Meera's eyes widened with wonder as she beheld the grandeur of the architectural masterpiece. Sudit and Devika, caught up in their own world, admired the intricate details and shared whispered conversations, their smiles painting a picture of contentment.

Sudit's decision to plan a trip with his family to Delhi was a plan to leave Meera alone . He left her in front of a temple . As Meera watched her father and his family depart, she felt abandoned and filled with a mix of confusion and sorrow.

With tears streaming down her face, Meera tried to make sense of the situation. She wondered why her own father would choose to leave her behind in such a way. It was a difficult and hurtful experience for her young heart to comprehend.

Left standing in front of the temple, Meera felt a glimmer of hope amidst the despair. She gathered her strength and stepped inside, seeking solace within its sacred walls. The peaceful ambiance and the flickering candles provided a sense of comfort and reassurance.