Cursed Village - 6 - Happiness in English Horror Stories by Priyanshu Jha books and stories PDF | Cursed Village - 6 - Happiness

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Cursed Village - 6 - Happiness

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One day, Devika's mother found her meditating on Kali, a powerful demon from Hindu mythology. Her mother was worried and asked her to stop, but Devika persisted in her meditation. She believed in understanding all aspects of the spiritual world and was fearless in her pursuit of knowledge. This moment marked a significant turning point in her journey, as she fearlessly explored the mystical realm, even if it seemed forbidden or risky to others.



Later that day, Devika's mother shared the incident with her father during dinner. Concerned about their daughter's deep involvement with the mystical world, they discussed the situation at length. Meanwhile, unaware of the conversation, Devika was out enjoying some quality time with her cousin.

Then, as the conversation unfolded, Devika's father, with a mix of concern and admiration, suggested that they should find a suitable partner for her through marriage. He recognized the unique qualities and beauty that Devika possessed , in her physical appearance,

At the age of 16, Devika's beauty had blossomed, capturing the attention of many boys and men in her hometown of Suryanagar. Her enchanting presence seemed to cast a spell on those who encountered her, leaving them mesmerized by her grace and charm. Everywhere she went, heads would turn, and whispers of admiration would follow in her wake.

Devika's beauty was a combination of natural features and an inner radiance that set her apart. Her expressive eyes sparkled with a warmth and kindness that drew people in, making them feel seen and valued. Her smile, genuine and infectious, had the power to light up a room and uplift the spirits of those around her.

Her youthful vitality was mirrored in her lustrous, flowing hair, which cascaded down her back like a dark waterfall. Its silky texture seemed to reflect the very essence of her inner vibrancy. Her graceful movements, as if guided by an unseen force, added an ethereal touch to her beauty, capturing the attention of all who witnessed her presence.

But it wasn't just her outward appearance that made her captivating. Devika's true beauty emanated from within. Her compassionate nature, her genuine concern for others, and her ability to empathize and understand made her a magnet for those seeking solace or companionship.

In essence, Devika's beauty went beyond physical allure. It was a combination of her captivating looks, her radiant personality, and her ability to touch the hearts and souls of those around her. Her beauty was a beacon, drawing people in and leaving an indelible impression on their lives.

Devika, with her natural beauty, had a simple yet enhancing makeup routine that accentuated her features. One of her favorite cosmetic products was mascara, which she delicately applied to her lashes. With each stroke, her lashes appeared longer and fuller, framing her captivating eyes and adding an alluring touch to her look.

To enhance the natural color of her lips, Devika loved using a cute pink lip balm. Its gentle tint added a subtle and youthful hue to her soft lips, giving them a natural and fresh appearance. The lip balm also provided nourishment, keeping her lips smooth and supple throughout the day.

The mascara and the pink lip balm were her go-to choices, as they allowed her natural beauty to shine through without overpowering her features. Devika embraced a minimalist approach to makeup, focusing on enhancing her already radiant and captivating aura.

In essence, Devika's makeup routine was a reflection of her effortless beauty and her preference for a subtle yet enchanting look. With just a few simple products, she enhanced her natural features, allowing her inner glow and charm to take center stage.

n an unexpected turn of events, Devika found herself married to a young man named Sudit. Although they had never met before, Devika felt a strange sense of connection and intrigue towards him even before their marriage. She had heard stories of his endearing presence and observed his adorable actions from a distance, which had sparked a fondness in her heart.

Sudit's charming and cute demeanor had caught Devika's attention. She had seen glimpses of him in social gatherings and noticed his playful interactions with others. His gestures of kindness, his infectious laughter, and his ability to bring joy to those around him left a lasting impression on her.

Despite the initial unfamiliarity between them, Devika sensed a certain compatibility and an unspoken understanding between her and Sudit. There was a magnetic pull that drew her towards him, fueling her curiosity and excitement about their shared journey together as husband and wife.

As they embarked on this new chapter of their lives, Devika held onto the hope that Sudit's presence and his adorable actions would create a bond built on love, trust, and mutual respect. She eagerly anticipated the opportunity to get to know him better and discover the depths of their connection, embracing the mystery and potential that lay ahead in their marriage.

In an unexpected turn of events, Devika found herself married to a young man named Sudit. Although they had never met before, Devika felt a strange sense of connection and intrigue towards him even before their marriage. She had heard stories of his endearing presence and observed his adorable actions from a distance, which had sparked a fondness in her heart.

Sudit's charming and cute demeanor had caught Devika's attention. She had seen glimpses of him in social gatherings and noticed his playful interactions with others. His gestures of kindness, his infectious laughter, and his ability to bring joy to those around him left a lasting impression on her.

Despite the initial unfamiliarity between them, Devika sensed a certain compatibility and an unspoken understanding between her and Sudit. There was a magnetic pull that drew her towards him, fueling her curiosity and excitement about their shared journey together as husband and wife.

As they embarked on this new chapter of their lives, Devika held onto the hope that Sudit's presence and his adorable actions would create a bond built on love, trust, and mutual respect. She eagerly anticipated the opportunity to get to know him better and discover the depths of their connection, embracing the mystery and potential that lay ahead in their marriage.

In the midst of the unknown, Devika's heart remained open and hopeful, ready to embrace the love and happiness that awaited her alongside Sudit, the boy who had already captured her affection through his endearing presence and adorable actions.

she loved her not because of only his aura and his caring attitude but once sudit made her feel like a princess that she admired , share a cute incident with them is easiest eanglish and 9 para
Devika's love for Sudit went beyond his captivating aura and caring attitude. There was a particular incident that deeply touched her heart and made her fall even more in love with him. It was a moment when Sudit made her feel like a princess, and it left an everlasting imprint on her soul.

One day, Sudit surprised Devika with a meticulously planned picnic in a picturesque garden. The sun shone brightly, casting a warm glow on the surroundings as they strolled hand in hand, enjoying the beauty of nature. Sudit's eyes sparkled with excitement as he led Devika to a beautifully adorned blanket spread with an array of delicious treats.

As they sat down, Sudit unveiled a small velvet box. With a mischievous grin, he gently opened it, revealing a dainty tiara adorned with sparkling crystals. Devika's eyes widened in astonishment and delight as Sudit carefully placed the tiara on her head. In that moment, she felt like a princess, cherished and adored.

They spent the day laughing, sharing stories, and creating memories. Sudit's attention to detail was evident in every aspect of the picnic, from the delectable food he had prepared to the soft music playing in the background. He catered to her every need, ensuring that she felt loved, valued, and cherished.

At one point, as they danced to a melodious tune, Sudit pulled Devika close, whispering sweet words in her ear. Their laughter filled the air, and time seemed to stand still. It was a moment of pure bliss and enchantment, where their love enveloped them in a world of their own.

Throughout the day, Sudit showered Devika with affectionate gestures, from picking flowers for her hair to stealing kisses that made her heart skip a beat. Each act of love reaffirmed the bond they shared and deepened the love that blossomed within their hearts.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the horizon, Sudit surprised Devika with a heartfelt handwritten poem. The words flowed with tenderness and expressed the depth of his love and admiration for her. Tears welled up in Devika's eyes as she read the poem, overwhelmed by the depth of Sudit's affection.

That day, Sudit's gesture of making her feel like a princess reminded Devika of the fairy tales she had cherished in her childhood. It was a magical moment that encapsulated the beauty of their relationship, filled with love, thoughtfulness, and the ability to make each other's dreams come true.

From that day forward, Devika held the memory of that cute incident close to her heart. It served as a reminder of Sudit's unwavering love, his ability to make her feel special, and their shared journey of creating a love story that would endure the tests of time.

As Devika's life took a new turn with the joyous news of her pregnancy, she made the conscious decision to shift her focus from worshipping Kali to nurturing the life growing within her. The arrival of motherhood brought a sense of responsibility and a deep desire to create a loving and nurturing environment for her unborn child.

Devika embraced this new phase with immense joy and began channeling her energies towards preparing for motherhood. She immersed herself in reading books on pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting, seeking knowledge and guidance to ensure a healthy and happy future for her child.

Throughout her pregnancy, Devika focused on self-care, engaging in gentle exercises, meditation, and bonding activities with her baby. She surrounded herself with positive influences, seeking the wisdom and experiences of other mothers, and embraced the nurturing love of her family and friends.