The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 2 - 82 in English Spiritual Stories by MB (Official) books and stories PDF | The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 2 - 82

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The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 2 - 82

Canto LXXXII. 
The Departure.
The prudent prince the assembly viewed

Thronged with its noble multitude,

Resplendent as a cloudless night

When the full moon is in his height;

While robes of every varied hue

A glory o'er the synod threw.

The priest in lore of duty skilled

Looked on the crowd the hall that filled,

And then in accents soft and grave

To Bharat thus his counsel gave:

“The king, dear son, so good and wise,

Has gone from earth and gained the skies,

Leaving to thee, her rightful lord,

This rich wide land with foison stored.

And still has faithful Ráma stood

Firm to the duty of the good,

And kept his father's hest aright,

As the moon keeps its own dear light.

Thus sire and brother yield to thee

This realm from all annoyance free:

Rejoice thy lords: enjoy thine own:

Anointed king, ascend the throne.

Let vassal Princes hasten forth

From distant lands, west, south, and north,

From Kerala,360 from every sea,

And bring ten million gems to thee.”

As thus the sage Vaśishṭha spoke,

A storm of grief o'er Bharat broke.

And longing to be just and true,

His thoughts to duteous Ráma flew.

With sobs and sighs and broken tones,

E'en as a wounded mallard moans,

He mourned with deepest sorrow moved,

And thus the holy priest reproved:

“O, how can such as Bharat dare

The power and sway from him to tear,

Wise, and devout, and true, and chaste,

With Scripture lore and virtue graced?

Can one of Daśaratha's seed

Be guilty of so vile a deed?

The realm and I are Ráma's: thou,

Shouldst speak the words of justice now.

For he, to claims of virtue true,

Is eldest born and noblest too:

Nahush, Dilípa could not be

More famous in their lives than he.

As Daśaratha ruled of right,

So Ráma's is the power and right.

If I should do this sinful deed

And forfeit hope of heavenly meed,

My guilty act would dim the shine

Of old Ikshváku's glorious line.

Nay, as the sin my mother wrought

Is grievous to my inmost thought,

I here, my hands together laid,

Will greet him in the pathless shade.

To Ráma shall my steps be bent,

My King, of men most excellent,

Raghu's illustrious son, whose sway

Might hell, and earth, and heaven obey.”

That righteous speech, whose every word

Bore virtue's stamp, the audience heard;

On Ráma every thought was set,

And with glad tears each eye was wet.

“Then, if the power I still should lack

To bring my noble brother back,

I in the wood will dwell, and share

His banishment with Lakshmaṇ there.

By every art persuasive I

To bring him from the wood will try,

And show him to your loving eyes,

O Bráhmans noble, good, and wise.

E'en now, the road to make and clear,

Each labourer pressed, and pioneer

Have I sent forward to precede

The army I resolve to lead.”

Thus, by fraternal love possessed,

His firm resolve the prince expressed,

Then to Sumantra, deeply read

In holy texts, he turned and said:

“Sumantra, rise without delay,

And as I bid my words obey.

Give orders for the march with speed,

And all the army hither lead.”

The wise Sumantra, thus addressed,

Obeyed the high-souled chief's behest.

He hurried forth with joy inspired

And gave the orders he desired.

Delight each soldier's bosom filled,

And through each chief and captain thrilled,

To hear that march proclaimed, to bring

Dear Ráma back from wandering.

From house to house the tidings flew:

Each soldier's wife the order knew,

And as she listened blithe and gay

Her husband urged to speed away.

Captain and soldier soon declared

The host equipped and all prepared

With chariots matching thought for speed,

And wagons drawn by ox and steed.

When Bharat by Vaśishṭha's side,

His ready host of warriors eyed,

Thus in Sumantra's ear he spoke:

“My car and horses quickly yoke.”

Sumantra hastened to fulfil

With ready joy his master's will,

And quickly with the chariot sped

Drawn by fleet horses nobly bred.

Then glorious Bharat, true, devout,

Whose genuine valour none could doubt,

Gave in fit words his order out;

For he would seek the shade

Of the great distant wood, and there

Win his dear brother with his prayer:

“Sumantra, haste! my will declare

The host be all arrayed.

I to the wood my way will take,

To Ráma supplication make,

And for the world's advantage sake,

Will lead him home again.”

Then, ordered thus, the charioteer

Who listened with delighted ear,

Went forth and gave his orders clear

To captains of the train.

He gave the popular chiefs the word,

And with the news his friends he stirred,

And not a single man deferred

Preparing for the road.

Then Bráhman, Warrior, Merchant, thrall,

Obedient to Sumantra's call,

Each in his house arose, and all

Yoked elephant or camel tall,

Or ass or noble steed in stall,

And full appointed showed.