The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 2 - 79 in English Spiritual Stories by MB (Official) books and stories PDF | The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 2 - 79

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The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 2 - 79

Canto LXXIX. 
Bharat's Commands.
Now when the sun's returning ray

Had ushered in the fourteenth day,

The gathered peers of state addressed

To Bharat's ear their new request:

“Our lord to heaven has parted hence,

Long served with deepest reverence;

Ráma, the eldest, far from home,

And Lakshmaṇ, in the forest roam.

O Prince, of mighty fame, be thou

Our guardian and our monarch now,

Lest secret plot or foeman's hate

Assail our unprotected state.

With longing eyes, O Lord of men,

To thee look friend and citizen,

And ready is each sacred thing

To consecrate our chosen king.

Come, Bharat, and accept thine own

Ancient hereditary throne.

Thee let the priests this day install

As monarch to preserve us all.”

Around the sacred gear he bent

His circling footsteps reverent,

And, firm to vows he would not break,

Thus to the gathered people spake:

“The eldest son is ever king:

So rules the house from which we spring:

Nor should ye, Lords, like men unwise,

With words like these to wrong advise.

Ráma is eldest born, and he

The ruler of the land shall be.

Now to the woods will I repair,

Five years and nine to lodge me there.

Assemble straight a mighty force,

Cars, elephants, and foot and horse,

For I will follow on his track

And bring my eldest brother back.

Whate'er the rites of throning need

Placed on a car the way shall lead:

The sacred vessels I will take

To the wild wood for Ráma's sake.

I o'er the lion prince's head

The sanctifying balm will shed,

And bring him, as the fire they bring

Forth from the shrine, with triumphing.

Nor will I let my mother's greed

In this her cherished aim succeed:

In pathless wilds will I remain,

And Ráma here as king shall reign.

To make the rough ways smooth and clear

Send workman out and pioneer:

Let skilful men attend beside

Our way through pathless spots to guide.”

As thus the royal Bharat spake,

Ordaining all for Ráma's sake,

The audience gave with one accord

Auspicious answer to their lord:

“Be royal Fortune aye benign

To thee for this good speech of thine,

Who wishest still thine elder's hand

To rule with kingly sway the land.”

Their glorious speech, their favouring cries

Made his proud bosom swell:

And from the prince's noble eyes

The tears of rapture fell.