The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 2 - 68 in English Spiritual Stories by MB (Official) books and stories PDF | The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 2 - 68

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The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 2 - 68

Canto LXVIII. 
The Envoys.
Vaśishṭha heard their speech and prayer,

And thus addressed the concourse there,

Friends, Bráhmans, counsellors, and all

Assembled in the palace hall:

“Ye know that Bharat, free from care,

Still lives in Rájagriha339 where

The father of his mother reigns:

Śatrughna by his side remains.

Let active envoys, good at need,

Thither on fleetest horses speed,

To bring the hero youths away:

Why waste the time in dull delay?”

Quick came from all the glad reply:

“Vaśishṭha, let the envoys fly!”

He heard their speech, and thus renewed

His charge before the multitude:

“Nandan, Aśok, Siddhárth, attend,

Your ears, Jayanta, Vijay, lend:

Be yours, what need requires, to do:

I speak these words to all of you.

With coursers of the fleetest breed

To Rájagriha's city speed.

Then rid your bosoms of distress,

And Bharat thus from me address:

“The household priest and peers by us

Send health to thee and greet thee thus:

Come to thy father's home with haste:

Thine absent time no longer waste.”

But speak no word of Ráma fled,

Tell not the prince his sire is dead,

Nor to the royal youth the fate

That ruins Raghu's race relate.

Go quickly hence, and with you bear

Fine silken vestures rich and rare,

And gems and many a precious thing

As gifts to Bharat and the king.”

With ample stores of food supplied,

Each to his home the envoys hied,

Prepared, with steeds of swiftest race,

To Kekaya's land340 their way to trace.

They made all due provision there,

And every need arranged with care,

Then ordered by Vaśishṭha, they

Went forth with speed upon their way.

Then northward of Pralamba, west

Of Apartála, on they pressed,

Crossing the Máliní that flowed

With gentle stream athwart the road.

They traversed Gangá's holy waves

Where she Hástinapura laves,

Thence to Panchála westward fast

Through Kurujángal's land they passed.

On, on their course the envoys held

By urgency of task impelled.

Quick glancing at each lucid flood

And sweet lake gay with flower and bud.

Beyond, they passed unwearied o'er,

Where glad birds fill the flood and shore

Of Śaradaṇḍá racing fleet

With heavenly water clear and sweet,

Thereby a tree celestial grows

Which every boon on prayer bestows:

To its blest shade they humbly bent,

Then to Kulingá's town they went.

Then, having passed the Warrior's Wood,

In Abhikála next they stood,

O'er sacred Ikshumatí344 came,

Their ancient kings' ancestral claim.

They saw the learned Bráhmans stand,

Each drinking from his hollowed hand,

And through Báhíka345 journeying still

They reached at length Sudáman's hill:

There Vishṇu's footstep turned to see,

Vipáśá346 viewed, and Śálmalí,

And many a lake and river met,

Tank, pool, and pond, and rivulet.

And lions saw, and tigers near,

And elephants and herds of deer,

And still, by prompt obedience led,

Along the ample road they sped.

Then when their course so swift and long,

Had worn their steeds though fleet and strong,

To Girivraja's splendid town

They came by night, and lighted down.

To please their master, and to guard

The royal race, the lineal right,

The envoys, spent with riding hard,

To that fair city came by night.347