The Unseen Power - 2 in English Thriller by rudra tiwari books and stories PDF | The Unseen Power - 2

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The Unseen Power - 2

First of all be sur you have read it chapter-1
As it is chapter 2 so for you can understand story so please 🥺 read it first part

And also thanks for supporting previous part


So let's have a quick eyeshot on the last part

Era the ruler of sankudu have said he have something that can stop 🛑 the power of key but what is that let's see

👍 So Enjoy the story


Era- is every spaceship ready have you find a planet which have favorable condition to live

Minister- yes my majesty a planet called sychte 271 have found its about 700 light year far from our planet
Era- that is a good 😊 news 📰🗞️ move ahead

Minister- but a problem is there our planet have nearly 300 million population but we have only spaceship for 260 million people

Era- i don't know i want to move my everypeople so find a solution of it

Minister- there is a solution but that is too difficult if you say then i tell it to you

Era- what is that tell me fast ⏩⏩

Minister- we can take help of your brother planet ankudu

Era- no no no tell me other solution

Minister- i known that your mind situation but forgot that thing and there is also no other solution otherwise i have not said it to you because I know you from 40 year's

Era- ok then talk with him but I will not go there i have tell his thing first

Minister- ok then i will send a messanger there

Era- do it fast ⏩⏩


While on planet Thainer

Homan- finnally we have reached

Minister- yes my majesty

Homan- where is my great son keyyy!!

Minister- please come with me

Homan- take me there fast I can't wait anymore
In the capsule room

Scientist's- oh my God!! I can't believe what a power he have

Homan- what happen tell me fast

Scientist's- his power have risen to 50 k

Homan- what the hell is that how can he handle that much power

Scientist's- that's right but i am thinking in this age he have this much what will happen if he will rise up

Homan- that will be seen later | i want to meet him this time

Key screaming 😱😱


Key- please take me from here dad I can't handle this experiments 🧪

Homan- 😭😢😭😢😭😭 oh my son i also cannot see you in this situation but 😡💢😡💢💢😡💢💢😡😡 but we have to take revenge from the universe there king and the king 👑 multicosmos

Key- don't remember that all thing again to me i can otherwise i cannot handle my anger and my power

Homan- i am going i will meet you tomorrow

Key- please 🥺 take me from here


What is the revenge for homan from the universe and multicosmos

What happen between Era's and his brother because of what he is not 🚫 taking help of his brother

Too many twist's are waiting so follow and review so i can do change's in


Writteen by,
Rudresh Kumar tiwari