Paradise Regained - Part 5 - Last Part in English Fiction Stories by S Sinha books and stories PDF | Paradise Regained - Part 5 - Last Part

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Paradise Regained - Part 5 - Last Part


                                               Paradise Regained 

Concluding Part -5

You read earlier - Siya’s father refuses her from marrying Anil . Both were happy with this but accepted this fact . In the meantime Anil gets transferred to Pune . Nor read further how surprising events happened in their lives and how in the end they could unite with the help of Prachi , clever younger sister of Siya  ….

I joined as head in my Pune office . I felt quite alone and isolated for a few weeks but Siya used to call me almost daily and on video chat on the weekends . Her calls and chats used to give me some relief . 

After a few days I got a call  from Prachi “ Jiju , do you remember I told you that I will give you a surprise . I got married in Abu Dhabi with an Indian colleague . Incidentally he is from your city and belongs to your caste . “ 

“ Please don’t talk about  caste . And please don’t call me Jiju , it hurts me .  Anyway  I am happy that you didn’t bother with the cast factor. But what about your father? Is he going to accept your marriage ?  “ 

“ Doesn’t matter . I don’t care . And I will keep on calling you Jiju and will make it happen with  God's wishes .“ 

“ Well , you are bold enough but not your elder sister . “ 

“ She will  also get bold . Siya Di told me she is missing you . Your very presence near her gave her strength and happiness . “ 

“ Good , may God bless you and your hubby . “      ///////////

“ Jiju , I am getting Di”s call . Will call you later . Bye .”  she hung up 

Since then one  month passed and I didn’t get any calls from Siya or Prachi . I was anxious to know what might have happened to them after Prachi’s love marriage . I called Siya twice but her phone was either switched off or out of network area .  It was the end of June and too hot so I decided to take one week off from my job and relax at the nearby Khandala hill resort . 

Khandala was nearly 70 km from Pune and I reached there in less than one and half hours . I found this place to be a  beautiful hill station which could surely comfort me for a week . Far from the madding crowd and traffic of a metro I checked in at a five star resort . First day I was mostly in my room and did some official work remotely on my cell phone itself . I told my juniors not to disturb me for three or four days unless it was a matter of extreme emergency .

It was my  second day at Khandala . It was cloudy and humid . I enjoyed it for a few hours near the mist of Kune falls . I was returning to my resort and it started drizzling. I hurried back to my room . Hardly after 15 minutes , heavy downpour started with flashing lightning and roaring thunder . I sat on the rocking chair and watched the outside panoramic views , though hazy due to weather , from the glass window . I had already arranged for dinner and some wine in my room but for the time being I was in no mood to dine .

After about an hour , though the  heavy downpour had stopped, it was drizzling heavily enough to drench anyone in a few minutes . It was somewhat  dark in the room as I had switched on only the night lamps  by the side of my bed . I heard a knock on my door , I said “ Come in , it’s open .” 

I saw a silhouette of a woman standing at the door . She just entered the door and was standstill there for a couple of minutes . Then she was slowly walking towards my chair and pulling a luggage spinner . I was surprised to see an unknown woman that night in Khandala as only my parents and a few office staff knew my location . 

I said “ I am sorry , who is this? I don’t know you . Why are you here in my room ? “

Without telling a single word   the silhouette was moving towards me. I saw a badly drenched woman in saree but couldn’t recognize the face due to poor light in the room . Though I was not scared but was definitely surprised a lot . I said “ Hold on there itself .” 

But she kept moving towards me . I got up from my chair hurriedly and switched on the main lights . Even though she had moved closer to me it took me a minute to recognize her  .

“  O my God . It’s you . Siya . How could you come here and that too in such odd weather ? “

Siya didn’t say a word but fell into my arms and started sobbing . Comforting her I said “ You are terribly drenched . First of all you go to the washroom . Dry yourself and change your dress . You can wear my night Pajamas and T shirt , they are in the wardrobe there . You can change to your own dress later on .  Get ready soon , in the meantime I will get coffee ready for you . “

I made two cups of coffee in the coffee machine . Siya came out in my blue Pajamas and white T-shirt . Even without any makeup she was looking gorgeous . She sat on a chair adjacent to me .I took one of her hands in my hand and said “ Have your coffee first then we will talk further . I am interested in hearing your story after we departed last time . ” 

By the time we had finished coffee, the rain had almost stopped . I asked Siya to narrate her story and how you could reach out here ? “ 

Hardly had she  started  saying “ Well look , lots of events happened in between ….. “ 

Another knock at the door interrupted us . I said “ It’s open , please come in . “ 

This time I could clearly see two people, a man and a woman coming in with smiles on their faces . Though I had seen a couple of photos of Prachi in Siya’s  family photo albums , it was very tough to recognize her .  She came near me “ Hi Jiju , you failed to recognize your only Sali , Prachi . “   and she hugged me then pointing to her husband she said “ Meet my hubby and your brother in law , Sahshi .” 

Shashi shook hands saying “  Hi bro . “

I said “ What surprising events are happening here today . But it's so nice anyway to see all of you here . “ 

“ It may be surprising for you but it’s all pre pre-planned stage managed by Prachi . Even Though she is pretty younger to me, she has started to behave like my mom ever since she got married to Shashi . She has become too smart and bold nowadays .”  said Siya 

“ Let me order dinner for all of you before the restaurant is closed . “ 

No need , I have already ordered and it’s coming shortly here itself .” said Prachi 

And within minutes dinner for all was delivered . “ Shall we have dinner first and then talk ? “ asked Shashi 

“ No , first of all Siya will tell her  story . What made you come here and how could you locate me in Khandala .” 

“ I will tell you Jiju , Di can’t tell . Just look at her face , she is still timid and shivering . “ 

“ Well you can go ahead , Prachi .” 

“ After I got my true love in Shashi , both  decided to marry . When I informed Di about it she was scared of papa’s reactions . I talked to mom in detail . What I learnt was that papa was more concerned  about the mortgaged house for which he had already paid half the sum with my and Di’s help . I convinced her that both I and Di will get  loans from our  offices and see that at least our house would be free of mortgage . That has been achieved recently . Now some land is also there on mortgage which I and Di will get it freed by paying the balance sum . Mom thought that after paying back the loans papa would be free of tension and he might rethink about our marriage  .But unfortunately  dad is still against marriage with a lower class boy . Then I told mom - I didn't care and I am not going to ruin my life like Siya Di . “ 

I said “  Had Siya  told me earlier I too could have helped you as my company has given me a handsome amount in bonus .”

“ No , Siya DI’s ego can’t allow it .”  said Prachi 

“ Once you call me Jiju  , I become a member of your family and to help one another is not a matter that should hurt the ego or self respect of any member .  “ 

Siya said “ Now at least stop these talks . “

“ How did you know that I am here in Khandala ?”

“ I called Rita , Rita talked to your friend Alok who in turn called your Pune office guy and so finally we could reach you . Above all I knew that both you and Di love each other and were ready to wait  for quite some time so that the matter gets resolved . I challenged Di to be bold enough to win her love and marry you .“  Prachi said laughing

“ Where are your luggage Prachi ? “ 

“ It’s in this resort itself . We are lodged in a room close to yours. I asked Di to pack up her luggage and go to your room . Shashi also helped us all to be here together to unite Siya and you . “ 

Shashi interrupted “ Anil , you have got a very good life partner in Siya and a very good sister in law in Prachi . Now let us celebrate this union.” 

Shashi poured red wine in four glasses , giving one to each . All of us said cheers and had a few sips and kept our glasses on the table . 

“ Let us have our dinner now .” I said 

We all enjoyed dinner . After dinner was over Prachi and Shashi got up and said “ Okay Jiju and Di , good night . “ 

“ I am also coming with you . “ said Siya 

“ No you can’t . We have done so much to see you with Anil Jiju .”  said Prachi 

While leaving Prachi said again “ Good Night Jiju and Di . But Di don’t let Jiju take undue advantage of  you before your marriage . You are getting married tomorrow morning in a temple with Arya samaj rites . And for your information Jiju’s  parents and my mom will also be arriving shortly to bless you people. I am sorry I couldn’t convince papa but hope he too will reconcile in the coming time . All arrangements are there, so be patient for one more  day like a good boy Jiju  .”  

“ Ok , my mom . “ I replied 

After they left I embraced Siya and said “ When you left me , I was totally broken  and felt like paradise slept out of my arms . Thank God , I regained my Paradise . “ 

When I started tightening my grip Siya said “ No , No . We should wait for tomorrow . “ 

I let her loose from my grip and she said “ That’s like a good boy . “  

                                                            The End -