Paradise Regained - Part 3 in English Fiction Stories by S Sinha books and stories PDF | Paradise Regained - Part 3

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Paradise Regained - Part 3

Part -3

You have read earlier -  Anil meets an Indian girl Siya and her friend Rita in Venice again and he helps the girls by offering a free room in the hotel . Now further …..

“ Do you want dinner served in your room or all of us can get together here itself or would you like to go to the dining room? “  I asked  before they left

“ What about you guys ? “ 

“ We are tired , we will get in this room . “ 

“ So do we . “ 

After an hour or so dinner for all four of us was served in my room . While dining I asked Siya “ Why is it always haunting my mind if I have seen you earlier . Do you remember seeing me earlier? “ 

“ Sorry ,  I never met you earlier except in the Vatican city . “ 

After finishing dinner , while Siya and Rita were leaving I asked Siya “ What about your tomorrow’s plan .“

“ We will leave for Pisa  tomorrow at 12 noon by bus.” 

“  I have booked a Gondola for the  grand canal ride. If you like you can give us company . I will drop you to the proper ferry station nearest to the bus station .” 

“ Ok. Thanks . Then we will check out with our backpacks . Good night guys .”

Next morning after our complimentary breakfast we left for a gondola ride . Siya and Rita both were with us for about two hours , then they parted with us saying “ Thanks a lot . see you guys .” 

After spending one more day in Venice our next destination was Paris. We reached there the next day . After a short rest in the hotel we  got a cab for the Eiffel tower .

 Both of us were in queue for tickets for the Eiffel tower elevator. There was a huge queue of a few hundreds standing in the queue for their turn . In an hour we were also on the Eiffel tower watching the beauty of Paris . From the landing stages, one can embark for a discovery tour of Paris .All around, huge skyscapes, monumental palaces, esplanades and century-old trees , lovely gardens all provide an extraordinary panorama of the French capital . After the Eiffel visit we went for a cruise in the river Seine .

 The River Seine flows below the Eiffel Tower. Both I and Alok were seated in the cruise 

It was a surprise to see both the girls Siya and Rita already sitting in the cruise . We too moved to  seats next to them . I said to Siya “ What a nice meeting once more. Where are you staying in Paris? If you need, we can help you here also . “ 

“ No thanks , we found a cheap hostel , rather two beds in the dormitory to be more precise .We are leaving for India late night today . “ 

After about an hour of cruising, all four of us got down . I asked them to have some refreshments in a nearby cafeteria . I asked Siya “ Is there something in our destiny , we are meeting again and again ?” 

She said laughing “ Might be , might not be also . I am not an astrologer .”

“ But still I feel I have seen you earlier also but don’t remember where . Do you remember any encounter with me ?” 

“ As I said earlier , I never met you . But why are you stuck up on earlier meetings? Think of our recent meetings . “ 

“ And also about future meetings in Hyderabad ? . “ Alok taunted 

Siya and Riya both parted with us and flew back to India as per their plan .Next day  I and Alok visited  the famous Chateau of Versaille , the famous palace of kings of France .

 I got a call from my client  asking me to see them before leaving for India . We flew to Rome . My client gave me a sealed envelope about our draft  deal and terms and conditions of the agreement to be signed jointly by both sides  in Hyderabad . 

We flew back to India the same night . Next day late in the afternoon I met my boss and handed over the envelope . Boss was extremely happy with our success . Usually on weekends I go to a particular hotel in Hyderabad . This hotel offers buffet breakfast in the morning for a limited period . Many young bachelors and even some couples come to this hotel and enjoy unlimited brunch . This  Brunch at Rs. 99/ - only  was a combo of  both breakfast and lunch for me and for most people . My apartment was close to this hotel . One Sunday morning I along with Alok went to this hotel . Picked up our favorite eateries and took our seats . After a few minutes we heard a big laughter of girls emanating from a corner . Alok was first to sight Siya and said ‘ Look Anil , your girl is here . “ 

I also looked there and found Siya enjoying brunch with her friends . Then suddenly I could recall this is the place where I might have met her . I tried to wave my hands to Siya but she didn’t notice me .I wanted to attract her attention . I could have gone to her table with my plate but her table had only four chairs , all occupied by Siya and her friends . But fortunately Siya's friend drew her attention towards me, probably saying ‘ look at those two guys staring at us .’  This was an opportunity for me to wave at her and she too responded similarly . 

I asked Siya to come to my table for a minute and she did surprisingly oblige me . She and Rita came to our table with their plates and said “ Hi , guys . So we are meeting once again . “ 

Now I remember I must have noticed you here on some weekends as this is my favorite place for brunch on weekends . Do you also visit here on weekends ?” I asked 

“ Yes sometimes , but not on all weekends . “ 

“ Then you must have noticed me here , I am always here on weekends . “ 

“ Hey , you guys have a habit of looking at girls , it’s not our habit . “  

“ Just chill , it’s natural . If you burst into laughter it can draw anyone’s attraction . And I know girls are too talkative and you guys  also notice boys very  much , I know . “ 

“ Might be , but not me . “ Siya said with a smile . She further said “ Okay , that’s it now can I join back my friends ? “ 

“ Yes , but spare another 2 minutes here .” 

She nodded yes and I continued “ Why are we meeting again and again . Is there something common for both  in our destiny ? “

“  As I said earlier , I don’t know .”

“ Okay now at least we know each other so can we meet again here next weekend . Can we exchange our contacts ? “

 Finding her somewhat uncomfortable , I pulled my card from my wallet and said “ Well if you ever feel I deserve to hear from you in future , do call me ? “ 

Next Friday I got a call “ Hi , it’s Rita here .  How are you ? “ 

“ I am good , nice to hear from you .”

“  We met last weekend in the hotel and you wanted Siya to come again. For your info Siya will be there alone on the weekend . I wanted you to meet her so I  planned accordingly . But please don’t tell Siya that I gave you this info ? You can understand .” 

“ Thanks Rita . You are a nice girl . You are already engaged otherwise ‘ Main tumhin par line maarta = मैं तुम्हीं पर लाइन मारता ‘  . '' Both laughed loudly on this 

Next day I also planned to go solo and told Alok about my plan .  At 9 am I was in the same hotel and sat at the corner table where Siya used to sit . Siya came a few minutes later looking towards her favorite spot which was already occupied by me. I waved at her and signaled to join me . Siya came and sat on the chair opposite to me. 

“ So , we are together again . How are you ? “  I said

“ I am good . Why are you alone today , I am not seeing your buddy Alok today ? “ 

“ Ya , he had some work but you too are solo today ? “ 

“ Yep , Rita is meeting her BF .” 

“ And so are you ? “ 

“ We are just new friends , no BF .” 

“ Okay , when our friendship grows we may be BF and GF . “  I said . 

“ Not yet thought about it .” 

“ But why ? “ 

