Paradise Regained - Part 1 in English Fiction Stories by S Sinha books and stories PDF | Paradise Regained - Part 1

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Paradise Regained - Part 1


Anil, an executive in the private sector, goes to Rome with his colleague for some official work . There he meets an Indian  girl . Read how they meet  start loving then get separated  and finally get united ….

Working in the private sector is not easy . Unlike any government or PSU job , there is no job security nor any pension for peace in future . There is always pressure of fulfilling a target within the deadline or risk of a sword of lay off hanging over the neck to butcher all future plans of life . I was extremely tired of  occupational hypertension. While  I was relaxing after giving my presentation to an international client and waiting for either the boss's kudos or a warning of negative appraisal if my presentation  failed to please my client . 

Shortly I got an email from my boss saying “ Well done my boy Anil . Tons of  Kudos to you . Our clients have accepted your proposal . They have asked you to come to Rome and give a final presentation there . Get ready for an early flight to Rome . Your Schengen visa is still valid so there is no problem . I am getting your flight booked for Friday .”

I was repeatedly going through the email and rejoicing . On the intercom my boss's secretary called me “ Good afternoon sir and congratulations .  Boss wants  to see you immediately , so please come down to his chamber . “ 

“  Thanks for your wishes . I will be there shortly .” saying  I hung up and proceeded to the boss's office on the top floor .  Knocking gently on the door I entered his room .Asking me to sit and relax, the boss said “ Well , I have asked our travel agent for your air tickets . Do you want to take one of your juniors to assist you or can you handle it all alone ? “

“ Truly speaking I can get it done myself but after all my assistants also expect some credits . If there are no cost constraints it will be better if I can take someone with me . “  I said hesitatingly .

“ No Anil , there is no cost issue . Okay , both of you get ready for Italy . Do you want to take the girl in your team , Vijaya  with you ? .“ Boss said with some laughter which I could easily hear  . 

I was silent for some time .  He might have imagined that there was some seriousness on my face , so he said “ I guess you are not comfortable with Vijaya . Is it ?   Or if you like I can send both Vijaya and Alok with you . “

“ No sir , that’s not the reason . She is expecting and it  might not be a good time  for her to be far away from home . “

“ Oh, I see . Then you take the other guy Alok with you . Is it ok ?”

“ Yes sir , Alok will be better . His visa  is also valid .” saying Thanks a lot I left his cabin 

Coming back to my cabin I called Alok and conveyed him the good news . Then I called Vijaya  and said “ I could have taken both of you on this trip but  deliberately I didn’t recommend your name due to your  … “ 

Before I could finish she said “ I can Understand . You did the right thing, otherwise I would not  have accepted it .”

“ Ok , my entire team deserves a treat . So you too come to the Hotel Grand for dinner . You won’t be allowed to come alone , Vijaya . “ 

“ Then what ? “ She asked 

“ Your hubby must accompany you .Do you want me specially to invite him ? “ 

“ No thanks . Your words are enough . “ 

I enjoyed dinner at the Grand with my teammates involved in the project . 

After two days, I along with Alok  was on an AirIndia flight for Rome . My boss had knowingly booked a Friday flight so that we could enjoy the weekend in Italy . After nearly nine  hours of pleasant flight we were at Rome international airport .The PA system of the flight announced that the outside temperature was 34 C.  It was the first week of July and I never expected Europe to be in its 30s , which is considered to be too hot here . Anyway after a hassle free custom and immigration clearance we were welcomed by our client’s representative at the exit . He drove me to a nice hotel where we checked into two separate rooms . The man said “ You relax and be comfortable . One car will be here all the time for you . If you want to drive yourself you can but if you want a driver , we can arrange for you . “

“ Yes , we do need a driver . “  Alok said 

“ Ok , he will be here shortly . I will text his details in a few minutes . You can call or text him whenever you need the car . We will see you on Monday at 10 o'clock in the morning at the venue . Till then goodbye. “ 

After a few hours of rest Alok and I decided to visit some places of interest in Rome . We stepped out of the hotel and texted our driver to pick us up at the main entrance lobby  of the hotel. In another 15 minutes we were at the entrance of the Colosseum .There was a small queue of some 20 persons to buy entry tickets . It took hardly 10 minutes to get to the Colosseum , a world heritage site besides being a beautiful piece of art and architecture and its structural sophistication and enormity . It was built by the Roman emperors between 70 - 82 CE . It’s the place where the emperor , his cohort and the people came to watch the terrifying gladiators . It’s a nice place of tourist attraction . 

However neither I nor Alok was much interested in spending more time in  the Colosseum . We finished there in about an hour or so  and proceeded to the walled city state ‘The Vatican city ‘ .  A small Vatican city enjoys the status of a country , the smallest country in the world. It is the seat of the Pope and catholic holiest place . The Vatican is nearly 4 Km from the Colosseum and we reached there shortly. We had planned to finish these two major attractions of Rome  today itself and keep Sunday reserved to give a final touch to our presentation  . 

As we entered the Vatican it was too hot . At first we stopped at an ice cream parlor and got a big size ice cream for both . There I noticed a beautiful Indian girl enjoying her popsicle . I felt as if I had seen this girl earlier but couldn’t figure it out . She was in white shorts and white sleeveless top and a white hat over her head  . She appeared like a fairy from Paradise , at least for me .  It seemed she had anticipated the heat and dressed accordingly to counter the heat . We were in a queue to get into the St. Peter’s Basilica . The Indian girl was ahead of me .  But soon she got in arguments with the security at the entrance . 

The guard said “ Sorry mam , I can’t allow you in the holy Basilica .” 

“ But why , I have the tickets .” She said flashing her ticket . 

“ No , you should have seen the notice board displaying  - men and women both are required to cover their knees and shoulders . You can have your hat but not men . Your shorts are well above your knees and your top is also sleeveless . So please get out of the queue and let the next person come in. You can come some other day or time with a proper dress code . “ 

“ I don’t have time . I am leaving Rome tonight . “  said the girl 

“ In that case there are some shops outside the wall and you can buy some dresses and come . “

The girl left murmuring angrily saying “ My foot . “

As I was staring at the girl and watching me she said “  Stop staring at me . Why don’t you mind your own business .”
