The Angel Inside - 38 in English Love Stories by Khyati Makwana books and stories PDF | The Angel Inside - 38 Drunken deed

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The Angel Inside - 38 Drunken deed

Author's POV

It had been a minute since Amy tried to comfort Jay, she yelled at the waiters to bring water for Jay in panic. One of the waiters hurriedly bought a glass of water which she immediately inched near Jay's lips to drink. His face had turned red. She was afraid of he had some sort of allergy to the ingredients in the dish.

The coughs had slowly died down after drinking water. She placed the glass of water on the table. While Jay rubbed on his temples doubting if the alcohol had started to affect him. Amy planned to make a call to Alex and skip the plans. She looked back at Jay who had been sitting stiff. The dining room of the restaurant was noisy, so she decided to go to the balcony and make a call. She looked back at Jay who had his head down on the table.

Amy: Doctor? Doctor you hear me?

She tapped onto his back and after a second he lazily hummed, slowly lifting his already dizzy eyes at Amy.

Amy: Doctor. Sit here Okay! I'll be right back. Yeah?

Jay: yeah!

He spoke in a slurry voice and giggled while Amy hurriedly left to make a call and order Alex to send a car near the place. She sighed and returned back just to find Jay missing.

She frowned and looked around in search of him, thinking that he might have left the place she went towards the door. Suddenly there were loud noises of glass smashing behind her. She turned to look, and the sight baffled her. It was her husband smashing the bottles of wine targeting the heads of a few men near the bar counter.

The floor had red liquid dripping around and it was hard to differentiate if it was the dark red wine or the dark red blood. The men screamed in agony yelling curses at Jay and giving threats to kill him. She looked back at Jay who had been losing his temper. She had never seen her husband that fierce and rageful. She never encountered such a side of him.

Jay had now grabbed another bottle to smash while some of the waiters and staff tried to stop Jay but also feared of getting hit by him. She didn't waste time and dashed to him and snatched the bottle away.

She held him by his shoulder and wiggled him to bring his senses back but he was headstrong and wanted to kill the men who were already groaning in pain. She forcefully dragged him out of the restaurant and no one didn't dare to stop her because they knew she was their boss's sister.

Jay wobbled on his steps while Amy had his arm wrapped around her shoulder while her hand held his arm, her other hand gripped his waist to hold him straight.

Amy: Doctor it was just one shot and you are acting as if you downed a whole bottle.

She complained and in response, Jay giggled and cackled.

Amy: Why did you hit those men?

And suddenly his laughter died at the question. He snatched himself away from her grip.

Jay: Those bastards deserved it.

Amy had barely heard him cursing but this venomous tone of his contained loathe and hatred. He didn't look pleased at all by her question.

Amy: why?

Jay: they were gawking and were spewing shit about you!

Amy stood dazed, though she was used to it and ignored people who slut shamed and insulted her, but Jay was the first one who tried to protect her against them. Her heart felt warm. But soon she ripped herself apart from this feeling deliberately trying not to get attached to him.

Amy: why do you care? There is a whole world out there that does the same. Would you kill all of them?

Jay: I would burn them alive.

He spoke while his voice deepened. His blue eyes stared into her brown ones gazing intensely. Amy never knew Jay had an aggressive side. What Amy knew him for was - A man who wouldn't drive past the red signal on the road while being on the verge of getting kidnapped, who would preach peace and calm. And wouldn't dare to break the laws was now talking about committing a crime.

Amy knew he wasn't in his senses. So she let out a half chuckle and broke their eye contact.

Amy: Conor. You're drunk.

He looked at her dazed and smiled in realisation.

Jay: Yeahhhhhh! I'm drunk.
Wait! I'm drunk? But I don't drink.
And I broke those guys head!
I broke the promise.

He pouted like a kid, later acted shocked and now he was pouting again while Amy stood dumbfounded and stared at him. A moment ago he was talking about killing people, and now he was acting like a kid. This duality was hot.

Amy: What promise?

Jay: I wouldn't hit anyone. You see non-violence. Mom will scold me. Will you complain about me to her?

Amy: uh... Noo.

She replied puzzled.

Jay: really? Pinky promise?

He stuck out his pinky finger to her while her eyebrows twitched not knowing what he meant. He later locked her pinky finger to his sealing the promise and giving her a cheeky smile.

Amy found him childish but his cute smile and bangs covering his forehead somehow made him look cute. She realized his glasses were missing. But he was drunk, wouldn't matter after all.

Amy: are you done? Now follow me.

She spoke a bit rudely and walked further. After walking a few blocks away she turned back to check on Jay who was now sitting on the footpath cross-legged at the same place she left him to follow her. He was looking at the sky for God knows what. She huffed in annoyance walking back to him.

She looked down at him her figure towering.

Amy: what now?

She crossed her arms to her chest looking like a mother whose kid wasn't ready to move further from the toy store.

Jay: The stars look so bright. So beautiful.

Amy wondered what kind of stars was he talking about. They lived in the city and all covered in pollution and cloudy sky, the stars being visible there was just next to impossible.

Amy: huh? Where are they?

She looked up at the empty sky.

Jay: don't you see? They are there?

She followed his gaze and to add to the joke he was looking at the small bulb lights that decorated the streets. She looked back at him whose eyes glittered at the sight with a beautiful smile painting his lips. She couldn't help but adore the sight.

Amy: you like stars?

He just continued smiling and nodded while looking at the lights.

Amy: let's leave now.

He frowned at her and shook his head.

Amy: Doctor!

She rasped. People around passed by looking at the duo. Some were adoring the couple and some were whispering things but it wasn't like Amy would care about it.

Jay: Pick me. My legs hurt.
He whined back at her.

Her wrapped arms now landed on the sides of her waist.

Amy: fine.

Amy didn't know why was she even entertaining his tantrums. Maybe she wanted to reach back home and yet she wanted to stay and watch her dear husband's kiddish self.

She crouched on her knees turning her back at him. She gestured to him by waving her hand forward near her shoulder. He soon understood and wrapped himself like a koala around her. While her hands rested on the side of his thighs for safety.

She stood up and started walking whereas Jay kept babbling in his drunk slurry voice and played with Amy's hair. A few minutes had passed when Jay would play with her hair or either tickle Amy's neck. Though Amy never felt ticklish, she still felt it was sensual. He was tracing her nape and neckline through his finger pads. Amy couldn't understand his intentions.

Sometimes he would tuck the hairs on the back of her ears. Amy didn't pay much attention to it. Both of his arms were wrapped around Amy's shoulders. But still, he would free his hand and do things to distract her.

Amy: Doctor. Hold me tight or you'll fall.

It was an order more than a request.

Jay: I'm falling already.

He rasped.

Amy: huh?

Amy was perplexed but didn't question. She missed his slurry whispered words. "For. You."

It was still a busy road and people around would gaze at the weird duo. All of a sudden Jay covered Amy's face with his one free hand.

Amy: doctor what are you doing?

She was irritated now and somehow got rid of his hand on her face.

Jay: The men around are looking at you, I don't like them.

Amy: why don't you beat them like you did before?

Amy knew the reason people staring at them wasn't her but the man she carried on her back. She was annoyed and wanted to shut the brunette resting on her shoulders. It seemed to be silent for a while but there was a reply.

Jay: I can't break my promise. I promised my mom. I lost my grandma because of it.

His voice turned heavy while Amy kept walking and listened intently to him.

Jay: One day I had a fight at school and mom was angry because my teacher had complained about my oh so bullies and me. I went to the garden with Grandma cause she was the only one who would entertain my stubborn ass and would always pamper me. We would spend hours where she would give me lessons to make me realize my mistakes. It was a habit. But that evening changed everything. Some goons attacked us and she ..... She died. Just .....because of me. If I hadn't been stubborn and visited the park that day. She would still have been alive.

His voice sounded broken and heavy and with little signs of him being drunk. He took pauses when he felt overwhelmed. But he wanted her to know.


That's what Amy thought of him. It was so easy. Just one accidental shot of vodka downed, and guilts from the past came back alive. It was just so easy for him to break the walls to his vulnerable state. But Amy didn't spoke any of them. She knew she can't be this open and vulnerable to anyone. Maybe it wasn't in her fate neither it was her nature. She even felt embarrassed once her periods were over.

She looked back at herself remembering how much of an attention-seeking bitch she had been to Jay. In the world of business, no one could lure her. No matter how much rich and powerful people were. She believed in competing and capturing it rather than becoming a slave for it. But her husband had proved her wrong. He lured her with chocolates and ice creams and damn how easily she agreed to it.

She had been annoying but he handled her all. She couldn't lie, no one had ever comforted her like this. Since her identity as a girl had stayed hidden. She kept it all to herself. She beared the pain in silence. It was a luck that she was able to handle herself all these years and wouldn't shed a tear on others to calm her misery. She found such things as a sign of weakness.

She believed in holding it all and burning to avenge till she got what she wanted, which was to get revenge and take her plans further. She believed in ending her misery by making the ones pay who made her life miserable.

She kept silent letting the brunette mourn over his past. While he snuggled his face in the crook of her neck like it was the safest place to hide all his vulnerability.

After a while, Amy found Jay still. She predicted that he might have slept after weeping over his past.

She looked around, the surroundings were a little unknown to her and God knows what lane Alex had sent his car to. Or maybe he was somewhere around the corner watching drama from afar. She knew he might be enjoying her show. She was already pissed. An hour had passed by carrying Jay on her shoulders.

She looked around only to spot a black car in her peripheral vision and there he was. Her dear brother surely had a death wish. She walked a meter and secretly looked back, only to see the car following them. He was following them. She fished her phone out of her pocket with her free hand. She called him and after a few seconds of ringing, the call was answered.

Alex: hello.

He spoke trying his best to keep himself from laughing.

Amy: Park! You better come here or I'm gonna make you walk funny for weeks.

She wasn't joking when she said she would kick him in the balls. He knew his sister was a Satan sent from hell and in few seconds the same black car was now waiting before her.

She opened the door making Jay shift in first and she did later. She sat right behind the driving seat where Alex was. She kicked his seat while Alex cackled in reaction. There was another laugh that could be heard on the passenger seat in the front. It was Candice.

Amy: I see we got company.

Candice chuckled nervously and directly changed the topic.

Candice: well how did this happen? He never drinked.

Amy: accident.

Amy shrugged.

They drove to the house while Jay had been cuddling Amy and was asleep all the time while his sister stared at them in awe. It was surprising to find Jay being that comfortable with any woman or it was the vodka that made him do things.

Finally reaching the house Amy had Jay hoisted on her shoulder like a ragdoll while Ms.Jenny stood at the door opened for them. Candice looked at the couple with her jaw dropped on the floor whereas Alex found nothing new in that. Alex simply lifted Candice's chin breaking her from the trance.

Alex: Flies might get in.

He spoke while winking his eye at her and slowly leaned down and bid a bye to Amy with a slow hand wave. And like always amy ignored them and went inside. Call it her style of saying byes. Alex and Candice drove off too.

Amy dropped Jay on the couch as she fell beside him. She left for the kitchen to have a glass of water after Ms.Jenny left to her home. She needed the energy to drop Jay to his room. She reached the living room finding Jay missing again.

She groaned in annoyance until she heard the door shutting upstairs. He had entered her room. She left upstairs following him. Slamming the door open she found Jay sitting on the bed giggling at something.

Amy: You're awake? Go back to sleep in your room.

She said pointing her finger at the door asking him to get out while Jay whined.

Jay: You are so selfish! You are kicking me out.

Amy: yup I'm selfish. so leave.

He whined again making amy sigh in defeat.

Amy: fine sleep here.

He had a little happy victory dance and later stared at her with a pout.

Jay: But I stink. I wanna shower.

Amy facepalmed with the next impossible task, she knew she couldn't set Jay on his own. He was drunk. God, how much a small drink could affect a grown-ass man.

Amy: fine go shower. I'm accompanying you.

To which Jay threw a pillow at her face.

Jay: Pervert!
He screamed.

Amy had her temper rising. He was picking on her nerves.

Amy: Go on your own then! And don't break your bones there.

Jay wobbled his way to the bathroom, acting grumpy, he shutted the door at Amy. A few minutes had passed in silence while Amy waited outside not sure what to do. She blankly stared at the door. She could hear the water running. Maybe he managed well. She remembered that Jay didn't have clothes in her room. She dashed to his room's closet and brought his clothes.

It was almost 20 minutes and she had been waiting walking back and forth. Until she heard him scream. She didn't waste time and opened the door with the spare key she had, only to find Jay in the bathtub covered in a huge layer of foam while he cackled and spilled more drops of body wash in it. She was sure he had emptied the whole bottle.

Amy: Aren't you done?

Jay: It's fun.
He giggled blowing the foam around and splashing water around and on her. She was exhausted already and handling this kid wasn't an easy job.

Amy: It's enough now! You need to sleep!

She sounded like a mom scolding her kid. Jay on the other hand froze and stared at her biting his lips. It was his habit whenever he was nervous or anxious.

That look on his face had caught her off guard as her eyes unintentionally stuck at Jay's wet frame. Her eyes devoured every inch of his features. His brown hair that dripped droplets of water while his wet bangs rested on his face. Her eyes traced further on his lips which had turned crimson red due to biting at her intense gaze. It was addictive. His shoulder blades and collarbones were all on display exposing his golden honey skin while the foam around covered the rest of him. He looked ethereal.

She stared at his half-naked self which was covered in foam. It surely did things to her. It wasn't like she hadn't seen men naked. She lived in a place surrounded by men. Not just any place but underworld.

Those men who would call their perverse actions dominant, displaying themselves as macho with all glory of their well-built bodies and have women lurking at their feet or would buy women and display them like their damn possession or like a trophy on their laps.

But this man before her was a definition of pure innocence. He looked so beautiful yet so naive. He wasn't like the bold masculine ones she had seen before, he was masculine yet tender and sweet. She finally broke away from her trance and looked away, mentally cursing herself for gawking at the brunette. Throwing a towel at Jay's face she kept the clothes in the nearby shelf.

Amy: Wear your clothes! And dry your hairs.

She didn't speak further and left the bathroom at the speed of light to calm her senses from running wild. She threw herself on the bed while her thoughts were havoc.

After a while Jay was out, it was a relief for her that he managed to wear his clothes right. She noticed his bit damp hairs that added to his features.

He dumped himself on the bed beside her and wrapped his arms around her waist not shying away at all. She knew he would hold her when she was asleep and never confess about it. He snuggled his face in the crook of her neck while his after-shower scent lingered in her nostrils. He was Irresistible.

Her mind was in chaos, she knew that things were slowly slipping out from her hands. It wasn't going as planned. But she couldn't stop herself. She needed to do something but there was a long way to go. She had to grab a hold of herself.

A pretty long chapter! Hope you guys enjoy it and comment your suggestions about it!
Peace ✌️