The Unseen Power - 1 in English Thriller by rudra tiwari books and stories PDF | The Unseen Power - 1

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The Unseen Power - 1

The planet Thainer
Planet Thainer far apart from Earth about 1lakh lightyear there ruler homan want to capture a planet called sankudu which is said to have a power which will make him the most powerful being in the dimension but it is said that it can be only handled by a person who will born in next 10 day according to there astrologer he will take birth on 26 July on that day no one will born but if it happened so the second one will be more powerful
Today is is 16 July
Story begins :
On the planet Thainer
Homan- so only ten days are left to born of the warrior who can handle that power
Minister- yes my majesty
Homan- Start preparing for the battle against sankudu
Minister- ok I will give your order to all for start preparing for the battle
Homan- is my son key is ready
Minister- sorry but it will take 2 or 4 more day because his power cannot be handled by the machine we built but we have it formula so we have to just increase it's power
Homan- oo that's good means his power have increased more
Minister- yes majesty his power level is above 20,000
Homan- what I can't believe twen-twenty thousand but how? tell me!!
Minister- i also can't believe in starting but when I checked his report it is real his anger is making him more and more powerful
Homan- i want to meet him take me there now
Minister- but you can not meet him now in his anger he not see anyone he have killed 7 of our scientist's
Homan- can i just see him
Minister- yes my majesty
Homan- take me there
Minister- i am going to give order to ready the space ship 🚀 because we have taken him too far from the planet
After some time ⏰
Minister- the spaceship is ready it will take nearly 2 days to reach
Homan- come with me
While in homan was in spaceship on the planet sankudu
There ruler name was Era
A spy camera running shouting start preparing for battle people of thainer
Era- what the hell are you telling
Spy- i am telling right
Era- how
Spy- when I was in the roaming in the market then I saw to soldier who were talking about to attack sankudu on 25th July because order have to given to them
Era- Go start preparing for battle
Spy- and one more thing there son key have gained 20,000 power level
Era- what the hell are you telling 20,000 ha!ha! say you are joking ya
Spy- no my majesty how can I joke in this situation
Era- i have seen the most powerful person with 236 power level how can we handle his power mean he can alone destroy our planet
Spy- i if you follow me so it is nice to go out of the planet
Era- as a king I can't do this but take my wife and all people out of here i have something which can stop our planet to destroy
but what is that you will see it in next part
So follow
Written by,
Rudresh Kumar tiwari