Over thinking caused by social media in English Philosophy by Shreyas Ghadge books and stories PDF | Overthinking caused by social media

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Overthinking caused by social media

   Now to introduce social media in simple language means the most entertainment tool in people's life is "social media". But fundamentally, as much entertainment as social media provides, it often forces us to overthink. Basically it is in man's hands to think too much and keep himself away from it. But still there are some situations that man creates which makes him feel sad because of social media. In fact, social media has become equally important these daysis Because after a certain age everyone gets busy with their work so a small glimpse of what is happening in their life is only and only through social media. Not only this but also in some social fields, social media also conveys important news to many people. But with the massive use of social media, there has been an equal amount of discomfort somewhere. In fact, what kind of issues cause people to overthink this whole topicThat is what is being presented in brief. Actually, not all social media is bad. In fact, where there is a large amount of benefit from something, there is also a large chance of loss. When we hear about social media from childhood, every person somewhere thinks that we too should join this field. In fact, from childhood to old age there is the same tendency. In such a situation when slowly about social media i.e. WhatsAppAnd after immersing oneself deep in the field of Instagram, one becomes knowledgeable about everything. Gradually he starts to understand how many people we get to know because of this social media. But these things happened naturally. Of course, once you get on social media, your fellow friends will match you on it, but there is a chance that you will be friends with some strangers too, which may end up dragging you into it more than you want to. A picture of sadness somewhere in the futurecan create.

                            So let's take a look at some of the events created by social media that I have seen and after experiencing it somewhere feels that life without social media was not boring at all. Maybe she didn't get to have fun, but there was a certain happiness in her heart. It was as if each person had a different attachment. And along with this there was no fault in my mind. One of the most closely guarded aspects of social media is "affection." When you're new to social media, this is about affinity.Each person speaks to you on their own. Each person creates a mood based on the post you make. Often gives his own feedback on it. And after seeing this our mind becomes very happy. And these are completely natural things that are different from something new or curious about. It is not only seen in social media but also in our life when we talk to a new person there is a different curiosity to know about them.Gradually this affection also develops but as the whole thing starts to become easier, somewhere that curiosity fades. So social media is not a part of some world apart. From time to time social media also comes with certain types of updates which make every human being in the mood to know some new things better. For example, if it is a person's birthday, put his photo status on top and write some loving words about him.Puts in the form. And somewhere along time another curiosity arises in our mind that tomorrow when my birthday comes, they should also give some kind of respect. Even then, many people's mood is such that they didn't even send me a simple message on my birthday, so why should I? This kind of negative feeling was also seen in many places. In fact, through social media, every person's birthday has also been facilitatedThere are also few people who feel from their heart that they should wish the other person a happy birthday. Some people even wish to do something even though there is no emotion in their heart and words while wishing birthday wishes. And also with time these things also start to feel boring somewhere. Not only this, but if a person is unhappy, instead of thinking about the real reason for his sadness, it is more about putting the state of sadness in the form of a word in our mind.I still don't know what the reason is. It is obvious that any person can make us sad at one time or another, so the cause of that sadness can be found by exchanging thoughts among ourselves, but we still don't know what kind of reaction he wants by putting the status on top. Not only this, but because of this social media, it can also be said that the humanity of the human being has been eroded somewhere. The thing is different that after 2020 many people have made the same habit of studying at home but actuallyThe education that comes in the classroom can never be found on social media. That concentration can be achieved only and only in the classroom. Sometimes, by looking at the status of some people, it can be guessed that only and only he wants to show where exactly he went for a walk today. And in the tone of showing that, it can be said that the joy of the place where he actually went for a walk in Germany was somewhere gritty. Sometimes some things are so funny on social media that one can stop laughingNo. And this thing has been seen in the case of most of the girls. Two girls are angry with each other. They ride together in the car. After seeing each other's face, they get jealous somewhere in their hearts. When the girls post their picture with each other, it shows how deep-rooted this friendship is. And when you see that post, somewhere you can't stop laughing and think what can you do to show the world.L has been done but the damage is also being done. However, doing too much of anything will lead you to a pit one day. Some news outlets have also benefited from this social media display game. For example two players Sourav Ganguly and Virat Kohli unfollowing each other on Instagram is by no means a big news but still it became a topic of discussion for people.

                                 So, if someone in your life doesn't share your birthday status because of social media, instead of feeling sad that people knew about your birthday and reacted accordingly, be happy. If someone forgot to comment on your post, reminding them is a waste of time. After you post a photo on social media, even if no one likes it, you go to that beautiful placeThere is a feeling of happiness even though it is happy that it happened. Do things that you can enjoy doing instead of feeling sad that you didn't when a friend went to some new place on social media. Not necessarily what is seen on social media is only and only limited to emotion. Many people have also posted photos with fake emotion faces while posting photos. And naturally, after a time, all these things seem temporary. Like this thingThey only give me pleasure only at times. If a person posts status after going somewhere repeatedly, he also comes alive after a period of time. Therefore, living life without social media also often creates a feeling that the happiness in the mind is doubled. We lose our happy and precious time somewhere in misery because of these small social media posts. So the simple way is to try to live a life with minimum social media and maximum without social media