The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 1 - 68 in English Spiritual Stories by MB (Official) books and stories PDF | The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 1 - 68

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The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 1 - 68

Canto LXX.

The Maidens Sought.

Then with the morn's returning sun.

King Janak,when his rites were done,

Skilled all the charms of speech to know,

Spoke to wiseŚatánanda so:

“My brother,lord of glorious fame,

My younger,Kuśadhwaj by name,

Whose virtuous life has won renown,

Has settled in a lovely town,

Sánkáśyá,decked with grace divine,

Whose glories bright as Pushpak's shine,

While Ikshumatírolls her wave

Her lofty rampart's foot to lave.

Him,holy priest,I long to see:

The guardian of my rite is he:

That my dear brother may not miss

A share of mine expected bliss.”

Thus in the presence of the priest

The royal Janak spoke,and ceased.

Then came his henchmen,prompt and brave,

To whom his charge the monarch gave.

Soon as they heard his will,in haste

With fleetest steeds away they raced,

To lead with them that lord of kings,

As Indra's call Lord Vishṇu brings.

Sánkáśyá's walls they duly gained,

And audience of the king obtained.

To him they told the news they brought

Of marvels past and Janak's thought.

Soon as the king the story knew

From those good envoys swift and true,

To Janak's wish he gave assent,

And swift to Míthiláhe went.

He paid to Janak reverence due,

And holyŚatánanda too,

Then sate him on a glorious seat

For kings or Gods celestial meet.

Soon as the brothers,noble pair

Peerless in might,were seated there,

They gave the wise Sudáman,best

Of councillors,their high behest:

“Go,noble councillor,”they cried,

“And hither to our presence guide

Ikshváku's son,Ayodhyá's lord,

Invincible by foeman's sword,

With both his sons,each holy seer,

And every minister and peer.”

Sudáman to the palace flew,

And saw the mighty king who threw

Splendour on Raghu's splendid race,

Then bowed his head with seemly grace:

“O King,whose hand Ayodhyásways,

My lord,whom Míthiláobeys,

Yearns with desire,if thou agree,

Thee with thy guide and priest to see.”

Soon as the councillor had ceased,

The king,with saint and peer and priest,

Sought,speeding through the palace gate,

The hall where Janak held his state.

There,with his nobles round him spread,

Thus to Videha's lord be said:

“Thou knowest,King,whose aid divine

Protects Ikshváku's royal line.

In every need,whate'er befall,

The saint Vaśishṭha speaks for all.

If Viśvámitra so allow,

And all the saints around me now,

The sage will speak,at my desire,

As order and the truth require.”

Soon as the king his lips had stilled,

Up rose Vaśishṭha,speaker skilled.

And to Videha's lord began

In flowing words that holy man:

“From viewless Nature Brahmárose,

No change,no end,no waste he knows.

A son had he Maríchi styled,

And Kaśyap was Maríchi's child.

From him Vivasvat sprang:from him

Manu whose fame shall ne'er be dim.

Manu,who life to mortals gave,

Begot Ikshváku good and brave.

First of Ayodhyá's kings was he,

Pride of her famous dynasty.

From him the glorious Kukshi sprang,

Whose fame through all the regions rang.

Rival of Kukshi's ancient fame,

His heir,the great Vikukshi,came,

His son was Váṇa,lord of might;

His Anaraṇya,strong to fight.

His son was Prithu,glorious name;

From him the good Triśanku came.

He left a son renowned afar,

Known by the name of Dhundhumár.

His son,who drove the mighty car,

Was Yuvanáśva,feared in war.

He passed away.Him followed then

His son Mándhátá,king of men.

His son was blest in high emprise,

Susandhi,fortunate and wise.

Two noble sons had he,to wit

Dhruvasandhi and Prasenajit.

Bharat was Dhruvasandhi's son,

And glorious fame that monarch won.

The warrior Asit he begot.

Asit had warfare,fierce and hot,

With rival kings in many a spot,

Haihayas,Tálajanghas styled,

AndŚaśivindus,strong and wild.

Long time he strove,but forced to yield

Fled from his kingdom and the field.

With his two wives away he fled

Where high Himálaya lifts his head,

And,all his wealth and glory past,

He paid the dues of Fate at last.

The wives he left had both conceived—

So is the ancient tale believed—

One,of her rival's hopes afraid

Fell poison in her viands laid.

It chanced that Chyavan,Bhrigu's child,

Had wandered to that pathless wild,

And there Himálaya's lovely height

Detained him with a strange delight.

There came the other widowed queen,

With lotus eyes and beauteous mien,

Longing a noble son to bear,

And wooed the saint with earnest prayer.

When thus Kálindi,248fairest dame,

With reverent supplication came,

To her the holy sage replied:

“Born with the poison from thy side,

O happy Queen,shall spring ere long

An infant fortunate and strong.

Then weep no more,and check thy sighs,

Sweet lady of the lotus eyes.”

The queen,who loved her perished lord,

For meet reply,the saint adored,

And,of her husband long bereaved,

She bore a son by him conceived.

Because her rival mixed the bane

To render her conception vain,

And fruit unripened to destroy,

Sagar249she called her darling boy.

To Sagar Asamanj was heir:

Bright Anśumán his consort bare.

Anśumán's son,Dilípa famed,

Begot a son Bhagírath named.

From him the great Kakutstha rose:

From him came Raghu,feared by foes,

Of him sprang Purushádak bold,

Fierce hero of gigantic mould:

Kalmáshapáda's name he bore,

Because his feet were spotted o'er.250

From him cameŚankaṇ,and from him

Sudarśan,fair in face and limb.

From beautiful Sudarśan came

Prince Agnivarṇa,bright as flame.

His son wasŚíghraga,for speed

Unmatched;and Maru was his seed.

Praśuśruka was Maru's child;

His son was Ambarísha styled.

Nahush was Ambarísha's heir,

The mighty lord of regions fair:

Nahush begot Yayáti:he,

Nábhág of happy destiny.

Son of Nábhág was Aja:his,

The glorious Daśaratha is,

Whose noble children boast to be

Ráma and Lakshmaṇ,whom we see.

Thus do those kings of purest race

Their lineage from Ikshváku trace:

Their hero lives the right maintained,

Their lips with falsehood ne'er were stained.

In Ráma's and in Lakshmaṇ's name

Thy daughters as their wives I claim,

So shall in equal bands be tied

Each peerless youth with peerless bride.”