The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 1 - 66 in English Spiritual Stories by MB (Official) books and stories PDF | The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 1 - 66

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The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 1 - 66


The Envoys'Speech.

Three nights upon the road they passed

To rest the steeds that bore them fast,

And reached Ayodhyá's town at last.

Then straight at Daśaratha's call

They stood within the royal hall,

Where,like a God,inspiring awe,

The venerable king they saw.

With suppliant palm to palm applied,

And all their terror laid aside,

They spoke to him upon the throne

With modest words,in gentle tone:

“Janak,Videha's king,O Sire,

Has sent us hither to inquire

The health of thee his friend most dear,

Of all thy priests and every peer.

Next Kuśik's son consenting,thus

King Janak speaks,dread liege,by us:

“I made a promise and decree

That valour's prize my child should be.

Kings,worthless found in worth's assay,

With mien dejected turned away.

Thy sons,by Viśvámitra led,

Unurged,my city visited,

And peerless in their might have gained

My daughter,as my vow ordained.

Full in a vast assembly's view

Thy hero Ráma broke in two

The gem of bows,of monstrous size,

That came a treasure from the skies.

Ordained the prize of hero's might,

Sítámy child is his by right.

Fain would I keep my promise made,

If thou,O King,approve and aid.

Come to my town thy son to see:

Bring holy guide and priest with thee.

O lord of kings,my suit allow,

And let me keep my promised vow.

So joying for thy children's sake

Their triumph too shalt thou partake,

With Viśvámitra's high consent.”

Such words with friendship eloquent

Spoke Janak,fair Videha's king,

ByŚatánanda's counselling.”

The envoys thus the king addressed,

And mighty joy his heart possessed.

To Vámadeva quick he cried,

Vaśishṭha,and his lords beside:

“Lakshmaṇ,and he,my princely boy

Who fills Kauśalyá's soul with joy,

By Viśvámitra guarded well

Among the good Videhans dwell.

Their ruler Janak,prompt to own

The peerless might my child has shown,

To him would knit in holy ties

His daughter,valour's lovely prize.

If Janak's plan seem good to you,

Come,speed we to his city too,

Nor let occasion idly by.”

He ceased.There came a glad reply

From priest and mighty saint and all

The councillors who thronged the hall.

Then cried the king with joyous heart:

“To-morrow let us all depart.”

That night the envoys entertained

With honour and all care remained.