The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 1 - 45 in English Spiritual Stories by MB (Official) books and stories PDF | The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 1 - 45

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The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 1 - 45

Canto XLVII.Sumati.

Thus to Lord Indra,Thousand-eyed,

Softly beseeching Diti sighed.

When but a blighted bud was left,

Which Indra's hand in seven had cleft:213

“No fault,O Lord of Gods,is thine;

The blame herein is only mine.

But for one grace I fain would pray,

As thou hast reft this hope away.

This bud,O Indra,which a blight

Has withered ere it saw the light—

From this may seven fair spirits rise

To rule the regions of the skies.

Be theirs through heaven's unbounded space

On shoulders of the winds to race,

My children,drest in heavenly forms,

Far-famed as Maruts,Gods of storms.

One God to Brahmá's sphere assign,

Let one,O Indra,watch o'er thine;

And ranging through the lower air,

The third the name of Váyu214bear.

Gods let the four remaining be,

And roam through space,obeying thee.”

The Town-destroyer,Thousand-eyed,

Who smote fierce Bali till he died,

Joined suppliant hands,and thus replied:

“Thy children heavenly forms shall wear;

The names devised by thee shall bear,

And,Maruts called by my decree,

Shall Amrit drink and wait on me.

From fear and age and sickness freed,

Through the three worlds their wings shall speed.”

Thus in the hermits'holy shade

Mother and son their compact made,

And then,as fame relates,content,

Home to the happy skies they went.

This is the spot—so men have told—

Where Lord Mahendra215dwelt of old,

This is the blessed region where

His votaress mother claimed his care.

Here gentle Alambúshábare

To old Ikshváku,king and sage,

Viśála,glory of his age,

By whom,a monarch void of guilt,

Was this fair town Viśálábuilt.

His son was Hemachandra,still

Renowned for might and warlike skill.

From him the great Suchandra came;

His son,Dhúmráśva,dear to fame.

Next followed royal Srinjay;then

Famed Sahadeva,lord of men.

Next came Kuśáśva,good and mild,

Whose son was Somadatta styled,

And Sumati,his heir,the peer

Of Gods above,now governs here.

And ever through Ikshváku's grace,

Viśálá's kings,his noble race,

Are lofty-souled,and blest with length

Of days,with virtue,and with strength.

This night,O prince,we here will sleep;

And when the day begins to peep,

Our onward way will take with thee,

The king of Míthiláto see.”

Then Sumati,the king,aware

Of Viśvámitra's advent there,

Came quickly forth with honour meet

The lofty-minded sage to greet.

Girt with his priest and lords the king

Did low obeisance,worshipping,

With suppliant hands,with head inclined,

Thus spoke he after question kind;

“Since thou hast deigned to bless my sight,

And grace awhile thy servant's seat,

High fate is mine,great Anchorite,

And none may with my bliss compete.”