The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 1 - 25 in English Spiritual Stories by MB (Official) books and stories PDF | The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 1 - 25

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The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 1 - 25

Canto XXV.The Hermitage Of Love.

Soon as appeared the morning light

Up rose the mighty anchorite,

And thus to youthful Ráma said,

Who lay upon his leafy bed:

“High fate is hers who calls thee son:

Arise,'tis break of day;

Rise,Chief,and let those rites be done

Due at the morning's ray.”151

At that great sage's high behest

Up sprang the princely pair,

To bathing rites themselves addressed,

And breathed the holiest prayer.

Their morning task completed,they

To Viśvámitra came

That store of holy works,to pay

The worship saints may claim.

Then to the hallowed spot they went

Along fair Sarjú's side

Where mix her waters confluent

With three-pathed Gangá's tide.152

There was a sacred hermitage

Where saints devout of mind

Their lives through many a lengthened age

To penance had resigned.

That pure abode the princes eyed

With unrestrained delight,

And thus unto the saint they cried,

Rejoicing at the sight:

“Whose is that hermitage we see?

Who makes his dwelling there?

Full of desire to hear are we:

O Saint,the truth declare.”

The hermit smiling made reply

To the two boys'request:

“Hear,Ráma,who in days gone by

This calm retreat possessed.

Kandarpa in apparent form,

Called Káma153by the wise,

Dared Umá's154new-wed lord to storm

And make the God his prize.

'Gainst Stháṇu's155self,on rites austere

And vows intent,156they say,

His bold rash hand he dared to rear,

Though Stháṇu cried,Away!

But the God's eye with scornful glare

Fell terrible on him.

Dissolved the shape that was so fair

And burnt up every limb.

Since the great God's terrific rage

Destroyed his form and frame,

Káma in each succeeding age

Has borne Ananga's157name.

So,where his lovely form decayed,

This land is Anga styled:

Sacred to him of old this shade,

And hermits undefiled.

Here Scripture-talking elders sway

Each sense with firm control,

And penance-rites have washed away

All sin from every soul.

One night,fair boy,we here will spend,

A pure stream on each hand,

And with to-morrow's light will bend

Our steps to yonder strand.

Here let us bathe,and free from stain

To that pure grove repair,

Sacred to Káma,and remain

One night in comfort there.”

With penance'far-discerning eye

The saintly men beheld

Their coming,and with transport high

Each holy bosom swelled.

To Kuśik's son the gift they gave

That honoured guest should greet,

Water they brought his feet to lave,

And showed him honor meet.

Ráma and Lakshmaṇnext obtained

In due degree their share.

Then with sweet talk the guests remained,

And charmed each listener there.

The evening prayers were duly said

With voices calm and low:

Then on the ground each laid his head

And slept till morning's glow.