The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 1 - 22 in English Spiritual Stories by MB (Official) books and stories PDF | The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 1 - 22

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The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 1 - 22

Canto XXII.Dasaratha's Speech.

His tortured senses all astray,

While the hapless monarch lay,

Then slowly gathering thought and strength

To Viśvámitra spoke at length:

“My son is but a child,I ween;

This year he will be just sixteen.

How is he fit for such emprise,

My darling with the lotus eyes?

A mighty army will I bring

That calls me master,lord,and king,

And with its countless squadrons fight

Against these rovers of the night.

My faithful heroes skilled to wield

The arms of war will take the field;

Their skill the demons'might may break:

Ráma,my child,thou must not take.

I,even I,my bow in hand,

Will in the van of battle stand,

And,while my soul is left alive,

With the night-roaming demons strive.

Thy guarded sacrifice shall be

Completed,from all hindrance free.

Thither will I my journey make:

Ráma,my child,thou must not take.

A boy unskilled,he knows not yet

The bounds to strength and weakness set.

No match is he for demon foes

Who magic arts to arms oppose.

O chief of saints,I have no power,

Of Ráma reft,to live one hour:

Mine aged heart at once would break:

Ráma,my child,thou must not take.

Nine thousand circling years have fled

With all their seasons o'er my head,

And as a hard-won boon,O sage,

These sons have come to cheer mine age.

My dearest love amid the four

Is he whom first his mother bore,

Still dearer for his virtues'sake:

Ráma,my child,thou must not take.

But if,unmoved by all I say,

Thou needs must bear my son away,

Let me lead with him,I entreat,

A four-fold army144all complete.

What is the demons'might,O Sage?

Who are they?What their parentage?

What is their size?What beings lend

Their power to guard them and befriend?

How can my son their arts withstand?

Or I or all my armed band?

Tell me the whole that I may know

To meet in war each evil foe

Whom conscious might inspires with pride.”

And Viśvámitra thus replied:

“Sprung from Pulastya's race there came

A giant known by Rávaṇ's name.

Once favoured by the Eternal Sire

He plagues the worlds in ceaseless ire,

For peerless power and might renowned,

By giant bands encompassed round.

Viśravas for his sire they hold,

His brother is the Lord of Gold.

King of the giant hosts is he,

And worst of all in cruelty.

This Rávaṇ's dread commands impel

Two demons who in might excel,

Márícha and Suváhu hight,

To trouble and impede the rite.”

Then thus the king addressed the sage:

“No power have I,my lord,to wage

War with this evil-minded foe;

Now pity on my darling show,

And upon me of hapless fate,

For thee as God I venerate.

Gods,spirits,bards of heavenly birth,145

The birds of air,the snakes of earth

Before the might of Rávaṇquail,

Much less can mortal man avail.

He draws,I hear,from out the breast

The valour of the mightiest.

No,ne'er can I with him contend,

Or with the forces he may send.

How can I then my darling lend,

Godlike,unskilled in battle?No,

I will not let my young child go.

Foes of thy rite,those mighty ones,

Sunda and Upasunda's sons,

Are fierce as Fate to overthrow:

I will not let my young child go.

Márícha and Suváhu fell

Are valiant and instructed well.

One of the twain I might attack.

With all my friends their lord to back.”