The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 1 - 5 in English Spiritual Stories by MB (Official) books and stories PDF | The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 1 - 5

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The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 1 - 5

Canto V.Ayodhyá.

“Ikshváku's sons from days of old

Were ever brave and mighty-souled.

The land their arms had made their own

Was bounded by the sea alone.

Their holy works have won them praise,

Through countless years,from Manu's days.

Their ancient sire was Sagar,he

Whose high command dug out the sea:61

With sixty thousand sons to throng

Around him as he marched along.

From them this glorious tale proceeds:

The great Rámáyan tells their deeds.

This noble song whose lines contain

Lessons of duty,love,and gain,

We two will now at length recite,

While good men listen with delight.

On Sarjú's62bank,of ample size,

The happy realm of Kośal lies,

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With fertile length of fair champaign

And flocks and herds and wealth of grain.

There,famous in her old renown,

Ayodhyá63stands,the royal town,

In bygone ages built and planned

By sainted Manu's64princely hand.

Imperial seat!her walls extend

Twelve measured leagues from end to end,

And three in width from side to side,

With square and palace beautified.

Her gates at even distance stand;

Her ample roads are wisely planned.

Right glorious is her royal street

Where streams allay the dust and heat.

On level ground in even row

Her houses rise in goodly show:

Terrace and palace,arch and gate

The queenly city decorate.

High are her ramparts,strong and vast,

By ways at even distance passed,

With circling moat,both deep and wide,

And store of weapons fortified.

King Daśaratha,lofty-souled,

That city guarded and controlled,

With towering Sál trees belted round,65

And many a grove and pleasure ground,

As royal Indra,throned on high,

Rules his fair city in the sky.66

She seems a painted city,fair

With chess-board line and even square.67

And cool boughs shade the lovely lake

Where weary men their thirst may slake.

There gilded chariots gleam and shine,

And stately piles the Gods enshrine.

There gay sleek people ever throng

To festival and dance and song.

A mine is she of gems and sheen,

The darling home of Fortune's Queen.

With noblest sort of drink and meat,

The fairest rice and golden wheat,

And fragrant with the chaplet's scent

With holy oil and incense blent.

With many an elephant and steed,

And wains for draught and cars for speed.

With envoys sent by distant kings,

And merchants with their precious things

With banners o'er her roofs that play,

And weapons that a hundred slay;68

All warlike engines framed by man,

And every class of artisan.

A city rich beyond compare

With bards and minstrels gathered there,

And men and damsels who entrance

The soul with play and song and dance.

In every street is heard the lute,

The drum,the tabret,and the flute,

The Veda chanted soft and low,

The ringing of the archer's bow;

With bands of godlike heroes skilled

In every warlike weapon,filled,

And kept by warriors from the foe,

As Nágas guard their home below.

There wisest Bráhmans evermore

The flame of worship feed,

And versed in all the Vedas'lore,

Their lives of virtue lead.

Truthful and pure,they freely give;

They keep each sense controlled,

And in their holy fervour live

Like the great saints of old.