When Ego Fell In Love - Part 5 in English Love Stories by Anupama Raam books and stories PDF | When Ego Fell In Love - Part 5

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When Ego Fell In Love - Part 5

After sagar seeing mardini with someone else ... Somehow he felt pain in is heart... Suddenly he stopped looking towards Mardini.... After all these everything was going well . Mardini her boss having a fine and tasteiest dinner they are into some deep discussion after a while mardini saw sagar .. she is confused was he following me... Why he is everywhere... Oh god 🙏... Her boss asking her mardini are you okay is everything is comfortable then she said yes sir everything is okay.. no issues.. after that sagar leaves that place and mardini also leaved that place ..her boss is ready to drop her ... Then she also agreed for that ... While driving he asked like mardini are you single

Mardini was taking a time to answer that qstn yes sir I am.. then don't you have any crushes now . She is like no sir as of now I dont have any interest in such things ... Okay Mardini it's a good thing...would u like to listen songs mardini... she said Ha sir please play the songs... Both are in a good mood and finally she arrived at her place and she told thanks for everything sir .. he is like it's my pleasure good night..good night sir... After mardini going into her room
She was so much interested about Sagar so
She called to that number but he is not pick the call..... After sometime he call back
She immediately picks the call and said like hi but he replys like who is this .. even though he know that number but still he asked that intentionally... Now mardini was in frustration. Sorry sir it's a wrong number and she end that call.... Again he call back to that number know i got it it's mardini right... Tell me mardini whats the News she is like again in a silent mode .... Had your dinner he was like yes ..so you called for this .. no sagar but i want to know why are you in that hotel today i saw you there ..... So he was like full frustrated ... Excuse me medam i don't have any intention to follow you okay ... Wait wait Sagar so are you looking at me there ...so you are noticing me right .... Again sgaar was like shit ....no i was just saw you by accidentally..mardini was stated to giggling

He was like miss mardini i have a work so i don't have time to chit chat with you bye
The call was winde up by sagar .... But mardini was happy for his replys ...and she remembered again again his replys and his face .... At that time her friends were miss mardini medam please stop you dreaming about your soulmate... If everything is completed please let me sleep tonight okay stop disturbing me ... Plave have a nap my queen After all these mardini was like sorry guy's sorry but i am so happy today love you 🥰 and she given forehead kiss to her friend and she fall to sleep
Hope you guys liked this part