The Angel Inside - 37 in English Love Stories by Khyati Makwana books and stories PDF | The Angel Inside - 37 A Simple Date

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The Angel Inside - 37 A Simple Date

Jay's POV

It was the end of the first week of my official day off. Playing video games was a major source of killing my time. Amy rather played with me or slept cuddling me. Cuddling, playing, eating, and sleeping were something we did together. She wouldn't exactly demand me directly to sleep or cuddle with her. She would rather just hold my hand and drag me to the bed to sleep.

Making her eat was a tough thing. She would puke at times or be moody. It pained me to look at her condition. She couldn't walk straight. She sometimes felt dizzy. Then too she had the guts to pretend she was okay. Ms. Jenny would often make her homemade remedies while I tried my best to distract her from the pain by talking or playing with her. And today was finally her last day of pain. And tomorrow maybe she'll turn to her usual cold self.

For now, we two were playing UNO. Looking at my cards secretly my eyes darted at Amy with a teasing look. While she sucked her lollipop and gazed at her cards. Her lips unintentionally turned into a pout while the white stick rested in between her lips as she kept changing its side after every few seconds.

I placed the number 9 in blue while she placed a 7 in blue.

I had a 2 in the same color. Luckily I had many great cards to finish the game early.
After taking up turns for a while, I had just 1 card left to win. While I had made Amy draw cards with all 2's I had put in. I was finally winning.

It was Amy's turn as her pink-tinted lips of a lollipop curved into a smirk. She landed her 4s, reverses, and skips making my jaw drop to the floor, within a few seconds she spilled her last card chortling a UNO to end the game. She didn't even give me a chance.

I was about to win...! My little moment of happiness was ruined. That was unfair and cruel. I crossed my hands to my chest acting grumpy as we had a bet, the one who loses treats an Icream tub to the winner. She chuckled looking at me.

Ice cream and chocolates were something she could never resist. I held the ice cream tub from the fridge, turning my gaze to Amy. I could see her eyes sparkling like a kid. She gave me big doe eyes and pouted, acting all cute.

I placed the tub on her lap while she seated crossed-legged on the couch. Before I could even reach for a spoon she already had one in her hand. Wasting no time she opened the lid and drugged the spoon in the ice cream, having huge scoops, she stuffed it in her mouth while I seated beside her watching TV.

Her mouth was now smeared with ice cream and I couldn't help but glance at her while watching TV, to not get caught.
I knew she was aware of me gazing at her because she side-eyed me with every big scoop of delicacy resting on her lap.

She continued eating like someone would snatch her ice cream away. She didn't even have a brain freeze, and neither her teeth were sensitive. Sometimes I wondered if she was a human.

After a moment, her eyes shifted towards me, licking her cream-coated lips. She handed me the tub with another spoon while I gave her a suspicious look.

Amy: Fine. I cheated! I had extra cards of 4's okay. And power cards too.

She confessed lowly while trailing off at the end.

My pupils dilated and my mouth gaped.

Me: I knew it! Now that's unfair.

I gasped.

Amy: You see you were the one who betted an Ice cream! Okay! Have them...

She showed me her big doe eyes again, melting me. I slowly took the tub smiling, rather we both shared the Icecream.
People say periods turn a girl into a woman, but my wife turned into a kid. A cute one though. In a blink of an eye, a month had passed since our wedding. Things seemed better. A lot better.

There was a sound of the doorbell ringing and surprisingly the person was Alex. His eyes blinked at me who stood at the door opened for him and then Amy who continued to stuff ice cream in her mouth while watching TV.

Alex: Seems like you guys had fun!

He exclaimed flashing his contiguous smile.

Me: Kinda.

I chimed back with the same energy. Finally, Alex's voice gained Amy's attention.

Amy: what are you doing here?

She finally spoke after swallowing her ice cream-filled mouth down her throat.

Alex: that is rude! Don't you know we talked about your sweet date this coming week? I'm here to give you the schedule mademoiselle.

He spoke with a kiddish voice while Amy was clueless. I realized what he had been talking about. I had forgotten to inform about it to Amy.

Me: Uhh.. that day it was me on the call and I kinda forgot to tell her about it.

Alex's face twitched later into an understanding one.

Alex: Oh okay! It's fine. Anyways now she knows too.

He squealed in excitement while Amy kept a blank face. Her eyes shifted between me and her brother while her poker face conveyed she wasn't ready. Alex seemed to understand that too and in a blink of an eye his cheeky smile turned into a poker face.

Alex: Quit being a bitch, Amy. And about your company, I and your sista-in-law are handling it well.

He spoke in a sassy 'DUH' tone while Amy sighed, muttering a fine at him. Though both of them spitted curses and the dirtiest profanities at each other, unlike me and Candice. Still, the relationship between them contained love and care. Maybe cursing at each other like sworn enemies was their language. Whereas Candice and I never spoke any rude words at each other. Even if I scolded her, the next second it would be me feeling guilty and later pampering her.


The next day was our official first date perfectly planned by my brother-in-law. It was a plant sanctuary. It was one of my favorite places. We strolled through the valley of flowers of different species and beautiful colors. A smile plastered on my face as my eyes diverted to Amy who walked beside me in a white shirt loosely clinging on her body with jeans at the bottom.

It was something simple but it looked ethereal when it was her wearing them. A few of her purple hair strands fell to her face as the breeze hit her loose hair. And God forbid, she could be the death of me. My hands itched to touch her soft hair and tuck them back into place.

She wasn't joking when she said 'Whatever she wears is fashion.' She was a model. As if God himself had carved her features. I didn't know if the white shirt on her had some amount of see-through or rather it was me being a pervert to drool over her perfectly shaped biceps under the fabric. God! I had been losing my sanity. We didn't talk or acted like a Lovey- Dovey couple, neither we walked hand in hand like a typical partner did. It was comfortable nothing felt cringe.

Before I could make a move on her, she ruffled her hair back by combing through her fingers. She hadn't noticed me hesitating but now suddenly her attention diverted to me and my cheeks burned. I felt flushed. I looked away to act like nothing had happened. She looked concerned.

Amy: what's wrong doctor? You turned red. Are you sick? We can go back.

I quickly shook my head cause I couldn't let go of this precious opportunity. This one week, I want to make a place in her life rather than being a namesake husband on paper. She looked forward doubting my state.

We walked further and further strolling through huge acres of land and enjoying the beauty of botany. This was one of the popular places where people would visit at weekends for peace. The crowd would visit at large on holidays. Surprisingly it was a weekend and still, I couldn't see any other human being except for the staff members working there.

"Seriously no one's here today," I mumbled unconsciously which was loud enough for Amy to hear.

Amy: It's reserved for us today.

My jaw dropped. I knew Amy was rich enough to buy anything she wanted but it was insane. I realized my face and identity isn't a secret so it made sense. I couldn't imagine the crowd suffocating me, so I rather agreed to the idea. It was peaceful.

After roaming around this huge plant nursery that spread across acres of land, the tender afternoon had now turned into the evening which I didn't even notice. I found myself giving long lectures about each species on the land and blabbering about it to Amy who had been listening intently to me all this time while her hands were casually shoved in her pockets and kept nodding at my words.

I couldn't help myself facing the secondhand embarrassment. I gave her a sheepish smile while she kept staring at me with a light smile.

Me: Uhh, Did I bore you?

She nodded and I was desperate enough to apologize. As embarrassment coursed through my veins. I looked down contemplating to speak.

Me: I'm so sorry I bored you all this time. I didn't realize-

My words trailed off when I found Amy had broken out from the trance and was now frowning at me.

Amy: huh?

She questioned cluelessly.

Me: Did I bore you?

Amy: No you didn't.
She shook her head. Her simple reply made me sigh in relief.

I took a seat on the nearby bench beneath the shade of a tree. I was tired of walking for hours as Amy copied my actions.

The day went past so early. I looked at Amy who had her eyes closed while she leaned back on the support. I smiled and took my sweet time to take in her features.

We returned from the sanctuary and executed our further plan to eat dinner at a nearby restaurant.

It felt like a dream everything felt unreal and each moment of having her by my side created havoc in my insides.

We had finally reached the restaurant and the classy set up yet with a funky bar look and why not it when it was Park Alex who owned it, so everything was designed like his kitschy and vibrant personality. The calm yet uncomfortable surroundings with all the elite classes around were something that gave me anxiety.

This restaurant was owned by Alex and he told me the story behind it, even if he was a CEO of a fashionable brand. He once worked here and was ill-treated by the owner daily. And to get his revenge he bought the same property once he was rich enough.

Revenge was something both the siblings were experts at. They both planned way clever and evil to break one's ego in the worst way ever. My thoughts broke when the waiter approached us for the order.

My eyes diverted to the menu brochure on the table with all the big and funky accent names of the dishes. The restaurant was famous for its funk-named dishes which changed accordingly to the coming festive themes. Amy was quick to choose a dish as she named it to the waiter, while I was quite puzzled and never faced such weird themes of food.

To get over the tough part I quickly mumble" Same as hers." to the waiter while Amy kept an unreadable expression.

Amy: Are you sure?
She sounded a bit concerned. I slowly nodded at her.

While our dishes were being prepared Amy had left to the nearby balcony to take an urgent call. There were a group of men who had been drinking and had been gawking at Amy as if she had been sitting naked.

And to be very sure they were my bullies from high school. I had tolerated them enough because I had promised my mom to think before I took any violent actions. Or in short, never use violence.

Though people thought of me as an understanding calm person but deep inside I knew I was a rebel. I was way stubborn but I needed to change and hold onto my temper.

I had this huge urge to punch them in the guts and pull out their nerves from the body but my sane self told me that I was just being possessive of my wife. I kept my calm. Maybe I was just being paranoid.

The dishes were served and Amy had returned. I glanced at the dish which was noodles and had some fancy decorations around it.

Amy took a few bites and it encouraged me it was not that bad. I gripped the fork and slurped the noodles in my mouth. And it was the moment of reveal.

My eyes widened and my tongue burned. The noodles were damn spicy. I was never a fan of spice. I couldn't tolerate that well. I coughed at the taste catching Amy's attention who casually ate her meal as if it had nothing in it.

She stopped and looked at me concerned.

Amy: What's wrong?

She realized my face turning red, and I hissed. I coughed harder while Amy stood up to pat my back rubbing it to ease my condition.

I wanted water immediately. I noticed a glass of water beside the plate. I didn't take a second to chug the glass of water down my throat. Instead of easing the burning sensation, it burned even more and I could feel my ears releasing the imaginary smoke. My eyes felt teary as I huffed the air through my lips to find relief.

Amy looked tense as if she was trying to stop me from drinking before. Hell, what kind of water is it?

Me: what is this?

I coughed while asking. Amy sighed.
Amy: Vodka.

I was doomed.

Thank you guys for all the support and motivation and keep tuned up for the next updates.
Peace ✌️