Logic And Reasons Behind Hindu Beliefs - 8 in English Fiction Stories by Ved Vyas books and stories PDF | Logic And Reasons Behind Hindu Beliefs - 8

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Logic And Reasons Behind Hindu Beliefs - 8

Why do we use flowers for the worship of God?

From time immemorial, flowers have been used for the worship of God. The practice of using flowers for worship is common in the Hindu religion as well as in religions all over the world. Those who practise religions that do not have idol worship also use flowers for worship.

Flowers are amongst the most beautiful things found in nature. Should we not offer the best to please God? All religions consider nature as God. So we believe that the flowers given by nature attract God. Theists believe that when the gods come down to Earth at the time of worship, they come to that place which is fragrant and very beautiful. The place where flowers are used naturally looks beautiful and spreads fragrance around. The main reason for using flowers in the place of worship is to make the place fragrant, to induce single mindedness in the devotee, to make the devotee calm and to keep away unwanted thoughts. 

Flowers are used, as per one's desire, during marriages andauspicious occasions. The belief that flowers make the gods happy is like the belief that they make guests happy. Putting up festoons and using mango leaves for worship during auspicious occasions is also for this reason. The scent of the mango leaves keeps the place clean.

Some scents can absorb the pollutants in the atmosphere. Science also agrees that fragrant substances attract positive energy .Offering a flower to God is equivalent to making a sacrifice.

In reality, A flower becomes the fruit containing the seed. It is the plant of the future. Isn't sacrifice pleasing to God?



Why is namaskar better than shaking hands?

We have more or less forgotten to do namaskara (joining our hands in Anjali hasta-palms joined together facing each other) when we greet someone we meet. When we speak to somebody or we see someone off, we say hi or bye. Though we know that doing namaskara is Indian culture and shaking hands is western culture, we have accepted the handshake just as we have fallen for all matters that are English. We are under the illusion that doing namaskara is old fashion while shaking hands is the character of the modern society.

Many people do not know the benefits of joining hands in namaskara. Doing namaskara properly involves joining hands such that all the corresponding tips of the ten fingers of both hands touch each other. Then there is pressure on the finger tips, because of which the nerves in that area become dynamic. These nerves energise organs like the ears, eyes and brain to which they are connected. So it is possible to remember those we speak to for a long time. Isn't it the appearance, speech and movements of a person that help us to remember him? When we join hands in namaskara, the energised eyes, ears and brain do their job properly.

When we shake hands with a person, the germs is his hands may stick to our hands. The germs responsible for diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera, typhoid, hepatitis-A, influenza may spread through dirty hands. The eggs of intestinal worms are also spread in this way. When we shake hands with one person and then shake hands with another person, we spread diseases. Thus doing namaskara is medically a better and safer option.