Logic And Reasons Behind Hindu Beliefs - 6 in English Fiction Stories by Ved Vyas books and stories PDF | Logic And Reasons Behind Hindu Beliefs - 6

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Logic And Reasons Behind Hindu Beliefs - 6

Is it beneficial to chant the Gayatri mantra?

The Gayatri mantra is considered as the best among all the mantras. The message conveyed by the mantra, the tones used in the mantra, the vibrations of sound while chanting the mantra, the result on respiration, the effects on the brain and health- considering all these facts, it is considered as the supreme mantra. In the Rig Veda composed by Maharshi Vishwamitra, this mantra is in the Gayatri metre. Hence it came to be called the Gayatri mantra. This mantra is a prayer to Lord Surya, the Sun. So it is also called Savitri or Savitr mantra. Through the mantra we pray that our intellectual capacity be enhanced.

According to one study, when the Gayatri mantra is chanted with proper intonation, sound waves change in 1,10,000 ways. This change has the specific ability to influence our breathing pattern. It sharpens the capacity of the brain and has a positive influence on our health. The Gayatri mantra should be chanted every day at sunrise and sunset. The shastras specify that the instruction for this mantra should be received from the father. The mantra should be chanted only after receiving the instruction. There are many people who learn this mantra with the help of books or audio recordings. It may not be beneficial to them if they do not recite it with proper intonation. Because every letter and every tone carries equal weightage in this mantra.



Why do we apply mehendi during marriage?

Indian weddings are not celebrated without mehendi. In North India, applying mehendi is one of the marriage rituals. A cursory glance makes us feel it is a part of decoration, which adds to the gaiety and celebrations during marriage. Young girls apply mehendi not only during marriages but also during other festivals and special occasions. In the Malnad region, both men and women compulsorily apply mehendi during Nagara Panchami.

Nowadays, people use the mehendi that is available in the stores in the form of a tube. But in villages, they make a fine paste of mehendi leaves and use it. This is natural mehendi and has many medicinal properties. It protects the skin and nails from some kinds of infections. It has the ability to reduce stress and heat in the body. It is applied to the skin because it is a coolant. It prevents skin diseases like ringworm. People apply it to their hair to prevent dandruff. Mehendi can be consumed under the guidance of ayurvedic experts. Consuming this reduces blood sugar and fat.

There is a specific reason as to why a bride applies mehendi during marriage. The days during and after marriage are wrought with tension and stress for any young girl. Because of this stress, some girls suffer from headache and fever. During the marriage days, she also feels tired. Mehendi has the ability to overcome stress and tiredness. Hence, mehendi is used for decorative, ritual and medical reasons. . . . . . . . .