You're my favorite rhythm... - 25 in English Love Stories by Pramila books and stories PDF | You're my favorite rhythm... - 25

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You're my favorite rhythm... - 25

Do you know who the real musician is?
A person who touches millions of hearts in billion ways.


"The meaning of love is well defined when you meet a RIGHT PERSON" Janani said with some excitement.

"Why did you say that to me now?" Ananya couldn't understand what was in Janani's mind.

"I just said in general, why? Did you remember anyone when I said that?" Janani seems to want to know something from Ananya.

"Nothing like that..." Ananya turned her face to the other side to hide the emotions on her face.

"I know you're smart but I absolutely hate the fact that you're a smartass" Janani sadly speaks the dialogue that should be spoken angrily.

"So... you hate me?" Ananya's words do not seem to contain any sadness.

"You have done in eight months what could not have been done in a year, It is because of your smartness that you are leaving us" While telling this to Ananya, tears began to flow in Janani's eyes.

"I didn't know that my Janani was so weak" Ananya said this while hugging Janani.

"Please dear... Don't go... Can't you stay with us for a little while longer?" Janani hugged her back.

"I will definitely be with you if such an opportunity arises in the future, Moreover, a mobile phone is enough to contact anyone in any corner of the world" Ananya was trying to pacify Janani.

Ananya (in mind) : I don't know Janani, "Will my eyes ever get dry again?" Nothing can be more beautiful than a stranger coming into your life and handling you when you almost gave up on yourself. The pain of finding out that the person who made your life so beautiful is no longer yours is excruciating. Now I'm in such stage. I don't want to tell anyone about this love of mine, I want to bury it inside myself.

Ananya : I don't know what destiny has planned for me but i know one thing, Janani will always have my heart.

J : You too... You're the one who can never be replaced.

Someone : Maam Charan sir is waiting for you in the meeting hall.

J : Ananya I will be back soon, till then wait for me.

Ananya : As you wish...

A few minutes after Janani left, her phone started ringing.

"This has become a habit for this Janani" Ananya said in a worried tone.

A huge shock awaited Ananya when she picked up Janani's phone to see who was calling her.

Janani's mobile display shows "Anand buddy", with the Photo of Janani with Anand.

Actually this is an unexpected shock for Ananya. Ananya never expected that Janani and Anand already know each other. Janani entered the room at that time.

J : Hey... Who is calling?

Janani understands from Ananya's look that she is trapped.

Ananya : You already know him, am I right? Now I understand why only I get so many privileges. If so, he is the reason why you are so friendly with me.

J : You don't need to be angry about this. It's true that I knew him before, he is Charan's best friend but that's not the reason why I was friendly to you.

Ananya : Whatever the reason, it was wrong of you to hide this from me. For so long I thought that I got this opportunity because of my talent. I cannot accept that I am here because of Anand's influence. My confidence has been shattered today.

J : You have misunderstood. We chose you because of your talent. We know you are Anand bro's friend only after we chose you. It has nothing to do with him, all he wants is your safety. He may not have told you that if he told you this you would not accept it.

Ananya : I cannot accept any compromise you make. I want to leave now, please don't try to stop me.

Annanya left without even looking back at Janani's face. Initially, Janani gets along well with Ananya because she is Anand's friend, but as time goes by, Janani falls for Ananya's true love and care. Now Ananya misunderstood Janani which made Janani very upset. Actually Janani is angry with Anand because he stopped her from telling the truth to Ananya. Janani goes after Ananya to pacify her but before she goes Ananya is gone.


Ananya waited for a taxi at the intersection. A white Chevrolet stopped in front of her. The window of the car rolled down. It was AJ.

"Do you want me to give you a ride?"

For a moment, Ananya don't know what to say because she never expect him. When she saw him, she did not know where the anger that had been on him for so long had gone. She could only force out a smile. Anand's eyes glittered like a sea of stars, she didn't dare to look directly at him.

Although every move Anand makes is charming, but she thought maintaining distance is the most comfortable feeling. Because she was afraid that she would be trapped in such a dazzling and mysterious place and can't extricate from it.

"So, you're trying to forget me, right?"

Ananya was drinking water and when she heard what he said, she almost choked on a mouthful of water. "Cough cough..."

Anand frowned slightly and lightly patted on her back as he gently asked "Are you alright?".

"Yeah, I'm fine.... Why did you ask me that?" Her muscles tensed up.

"How else do you think I should ask?" Anand looked at her seriously. After a little break he continued "No calls, no messages, even no proper response to my calls and messages. What else do you have that i don't know? Don't you dare hide anything from me... bla bla bla"

Ananya smiled faintly as she heard his grunts. His magnetic voice hit her brain and make her blush. it was like cellist in the deep forest, that shaking her heartstrings.

"Atleast do you have time to have a meal with me?" Anand pretended to be angry with her.

Her rationality tells her to deny him but inexplicable emotions still stir in her heart. Because She didn't dare to see the disappointment and sadness in his deep eyes.

"I always felt that my relationship with him was strange, i wanted to escape, but fate always joked with me. I didn't feel sleepy nowadays, looking at the neon lights outside the window, it was getting darker and darker and my heart was also getting emptier and emptier. So it turns out that people miss a person to the extreme. Now the moment I see you, all my emptiness is wiped away. I don't know why but i feel it in my bones. No matter how hard i try to pull myself away from you, my heart pull hearder and brings me right back to your memories, that I'm afraid you've become my heart. My heart lost it's shine the movement it realized your love wasn't mine.

I slowly accepting the fact that life doesn't always go the way we want. Now i realize you are in the every line i have ever heard and just like that you become the lyrics of my favorite song. You deserve a slow and a infinity love like how your songs flow. I thought to call you as a 'Homeland' but i forgot that homelands are taken away.

The hardest part was not losing you, it was learning to live without you. It is Only in the absence that the true weight of the love is felt.

Now Nothing worries me whether you're mine or not, I'll always be yours. I wish you could look into my eyes and see what you mean to me.

I don't know what destiny have planned for us but i know one thing that i can't unlove you.

Yes, I love you... and i know, we don't have a future together. But so what? I want us to be happy in the present, even if that's all we have.

Even the most beautiful stories have some bad chapters in them and that's okay.

May be in another life... Let's meet again as strangers, You ask my name and i will ask about your day. Let's fall in love all over again... And i will make you mine..."

Ananya slowly put her head on his shoulder...

Anand who had been talking without a break for so long became quiet.

" Anu... Are you alright?"

"I'm all good"

Closing her eyes, tears silently streamed down her face.


To be continued...