Reasons for Night Sweating in English Health by S Sinha books and stories PDF | Reasons for Night Sweating

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Reasons for Night Sweating



                                           Reasons for Night Sweating 


You may be sweating in summer or when out in the sun or while doing workouts or jogging or doing any kind of exercise . It’s normal but if you are sweating while asleep at night , that too frequently , might not be normal . It’s natural to sweat due to variations in body temperature during the night . Some people sweat a lot and wake up damp or drenched in sweat while asleep .  This is not normal and If this happens more than once it might be too bad . Besides, it's annoying .

Night sweat may be harmless but sometimes this might be due to some underlying reason or illness . In such cases you may need doctor’s advice .  However there are some steps you can do yourself to reduce night sweating .

Sleep Dress and Sleep Environment - Sleepwear  and Sleep Environment affects your sleep . We all like cozy sleeping environments .  so keep in mind -

Unfit sleepwear may raise body temperature and may cause sweating . Keep the room temperature low . Dress light instead of overdressing and wear a breathable fabric which wipes out sweat .

Select a better bed material or mattress , foams reduce airflow which can cause sweat . 

Avoid fleece or flannel and synthetics .

Your Medicines - You might be on medications which affect your brain which controls  body temperature and sweat glands . Some of such medications might be - 

Hypoglycemia medicines 

Hypertension medicines 


Hormone therapy drugs 

Antiretroviral drugs 

Discuss with your doctors who may suggest alternative drugs or adjust your doses . 

Drinking Before  Bedtime - After a tiring day at work some people like to drink in the evening or during dinner. That may sound relaxing but it might raise your body temperature and may be a cause of your sweating. Alcohol affects our airways and may cause difficulty breathing ..Besides , it’s a stimulant . Both these may be the cause of night sweating . 

So if you are having sweat in your sleep, avoid drinking before bedtime or at least minimize it and don’t make it a habit . Maintain a regular bedtime and wake up time . 

During  or Around Menopause - Hot  Flashes in menopause is common which can be a reason for night sweating . In most cases  Frequency of hot flashes is more for nearly one to two years after menopause , then it reduces itself . 

A few tips for menopausal sweating -

Avoid smoking , drinks ( alcohol ) , caffeine and other things which are triggers .

Keep your sleepwear light , your  bedroom temperature and atmosphere as already discussed .  

If you experience sweating and wake up, try to cool yourself by - uncovering your neck and feet , keeping a cool washcloth on your head for sometime  and running cold water on your wrists .

Mind your lifestyle adjustments like control your weight , limit stress .

If it’s due to menopause, talk to your doctor who may suggest some medicines to reduce sweating . 

Is it a Sweating Disorder - Though rare but some people might suffer from hyperhidrosis - it’s a condition in which the body releases excess sweat due to unknown reasons . In rare cases hyperhidrosis may be dangerous and you need doctor’s advice . Some  useful tips in such cases - 

Use quality antiperspirants but keep in mind they don’t reduce sweating .

Wear loose fitting breathable wears like cotton open knit or loose weave , having air vents .

Avoid heavy shoes and tight socks / synthetic socks . . 


Other Underlying Medical Causes - Night sweating may happen due to some underlying medical conditions for which you must see your doctor . Such causes may be - 

Autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis , some cancers like leukemia , prostate cancer , heart problems , HIV or AID , Hyperthyroid , some infection like TB , Obesity ,  sleep disorder like sleep apnea . 

 If you experience sweating frequently while asleep or wake up drenched in sweat , you must talk to your doctor . 

Your Stress Level - If you are anxious or stressed , you may have a hard time when trying to sleep or if you wake up in between you may find it too hard to sleep again . An overactive mind accelerates the brain and body resulting in sweating . 

So try to reduce stress yourself by - 

Avoid screen time on any electronic device a couple of hours before bedtime . You may try reading instead . 

Make your room sleep friendly by reducing light or keeping  faint soothing light , avoid sound in the room or have soft sound or music and a comfortable cool temperature . 

Discuss with your doctor if you have persistent anxiety or depression . 

Take dinner at least two hours before bedtime .

Avoid heavy meal dinners


