Wrong Love Right Love-Part 14-Statue in English Love Stories by Nithyashree V books and stories PDF | Wrong Love Right Love-Part 14-Statue

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Wrong Love Right Love-Part 14-Statue



Dhilip’s POV

“Wait! Rohini!”, I called, running behind her as students packed their bags and headed outside our classroom. She, along with Srithika, turned back and smiled at me. I greeted the two girls with a simple ‘Hi’.

“Yo Rohini, shall we talk?”, asked I, at which she shrugged and Srithika chuckled. “No, I want to discuss our Algo Design projects as they are similar. Just 5 minutes…”, justified I, in my meek and hesitant voice. 

“Oh, you have a point. Fine, let’s do otherwise. What if our metrics overlap completely?”, she agreed, nodding along. She turned at Srithika and shrank her eyes at which the latter extended her right palm and gestured for us to carry on. As she headed towards the entrance door to the floor to head towards the lifts, I escorted Rohini so that we stood near the empty staffroom.

“Yea, so what are you guys including? Disk scheduling anyways doesn’t have burst time, to the best of my knowledge…”, she began. I chuckled, blushing and shaking my head along.

“What happened?! It's just one duration here..”, she dragged, chuckling at my weird actions, at that point.

“Yo, no, actually, I wanted to talk about something else. Sexy! You indeed believed in my words”, I revealed, continuing to chuckle. She blushed, closing her eyes and slamming her own forehead. Aye! Did she smile or blush? Her wide smile with inviting dimples resembled a lot like her blush. Aww, so cute. Why did I fail to notice you back then, Rohini medam?

“Sorry, go on, Dhilip”, she permitted me.

“Yo Rohini! It just flashed through my mind that you never loved Kavin”, I spoke out.

“What!”, she exclaimed, narrowing her smile and raising her eyebrows. Tears accumulated in her royal black eyes. My meek and hesitant eyes grew blank. Oooo! Fuck! Did I cross my limits and intrude into her personal space?

“What do you mean? Is this what you wanted to tell me? Is that why you stopped me?”, asked she, extending her palms to grab my collar. I caught her palms firmly and tightened them in mine. Ooo, what a feeling! It was the first time I caught her hands and above all, brought them closer. I felt as if my heartbeat would jump out of my mouth, thereby swallowing back the same.

“Hey, calm down!”, I reassured her. “Listen to me. I have an explanation…”

“How could you say that?”, she trembled, interrupting me and releasing her hands from my capture. She sobbed, continuing, “I have been missing Kavin literally every second since I left my old college in Trichy. Every trivial moment brings his special smiling face in front of my eyes. And you?... Someone inferred it right that guys can never understand emotions.” She slammed her head once again, this time, with a force having a higher magnitude than before, bulged her wet eyes, concluding, “Why the hell did I feel like sharing the very matter with you? Urgh!”

She began walking away, wiping her tears along. “Rohini! Stop!”, I exclaimed, at which she only displayed her left palm without even looking back at me.

“Yo, why don’t you wait for me to complete it? You loved him but he triggered it, failing which you would have never ever thought about the same. What did you just opine about love during the free hour? A justice for me and another for you, in the same matter of love. What are you up to?”, said I, raising my meek and hesitant voice a bit more.

She withdrew her foot about to step out of the entrance door. She turned back and looked into my eyes as I headed toward her. She rolled her eyeballs hither and thither on my stern face, as I held both her hands firmly, and completed, “His possessiveness was the particular reason that made you fall for him. Didn’t you say by yourself that love happens over time and naturally and not just for a specific reason? The reason is just for name sake, isn’t it? Ask yourself if you ever felt anything for Kavin over time since the day both of you met…”

“In that case, why do you think I miss him?”, she cross-questioned me. 



I agree that love is unanticipated. I also agree that the identity of our lover is a true mystery
until we feel the love!

Following the same lines, one thus ends up falling for a bad partner-the wrong love. It's fine!

Making a wrong decision is common among ordinary homosapiens like you and me.

However, correcting our blunder and returning to our right love is a worthy question whose
answer may either be a ‘YES’ or a ‘NO’ or sometimes a combination of both! There is only one
superpower that can answer this query: ‘TIME’


I turned away and breathed a warm smile. “That's because you have forced yourself to love him. Nothing big happened between the both of you for you to fall for him. Just imagine, you were hanging out with a classmate and both of you became friends as you observed matching wavelengths over time, and one fine day, he exhibited his possessiveness upon you, and done, you are in love! Sexy! Do you agree with me?...”

“No, I don’t. I know better about my heart…” Fuck! She ran towards the lifts as their doors painted with a silver-like color slid open.

“Perhaps, he had a slight crush on you, whose response has been your limitless love. But, it doesn’t work this way. Otherwise, consider why he didn’t propose to you?”, my soft words hurried. She escaped into the lift but stood dumbstruck like a hoisted statue to commemorate a great leader from History, renowned to have sacrificed his own personal life for the nation.

Rohini medam, I really hope you give my words a thought. Why do I feel that she never loved him? Instead, she was made to love him. Yes yes, possessiveness is cute but can’t force emotions. Perhaps, that's why the heavens have brought her here to my life. I blushed recollecting how she had proposed to me on 5th January 2022, back in my original life.


“Hello! Machan, I’m at the library. Yeah...Sir, sorry. Sir, please!”, exclaimed a student; his red ID indicated that he was from the Civil Department. He joined his hands and apologized to the librarian who had snatched his smartphone right away. 

“Don’t you know the rules, man? Is this your father-in-law’s house?”, yelled the librarian. I chuckled as many others too roared a burst of laughter. Sexy! My eyes happened to go over Rohini, sitting at the corner diagonally opposite my seat. She was too busy skimming through her notes, to notice me. 

“You can’t use phones to study but not talk like this in the library. Confiscated! Get a letter from your HOD and take it back. Humm”, concluded he, locking the phone in his drawer and taking his seat.

I sat alone, on a four-seater table, in the university library. My back was engrossed in gluing itself to the backrest, as always while my fingers couldn’t stop operating the grey touchpad as I prepared the Algo Design report. I sighed at the poor student continuing to plead to the strict librarian who shook his head and waved his hand. He followed him, as he went on for rounds within the library.

“Ooo! This is finally done! Need to get a printout and leave”, thought I, breathing hard at my screen. I smiled at Rohini who hardly noticed me! Sexy! Hmm, why am I not lucky enough in love? Nah! Not me, Rohini is a reserved girl but my right love. Tell me, guys, how do I tackle her? That's the issue…Ooo, no Dhilip, I’m reliving my story with Rohini but not sure if I can feel love for her…Hmm, you still have a long way to analyze, Dhilip saar!

Fuck! She happened to arrest my meek and hesitant eyes. I waved and greeted her with a ‘Hi’. So awkward! Urgh! Dhilip, what’s wrong with you? Why are you beginning to lose your senses when she is around? See, don’t make a wrong decision once again. Reliving is a brilliant opportunity that hardly a soul will win, in a lifetime.

I just turned off my laptop and closed it. I held my breath, witnessing Rohini sitting opposite my seat at our table. Ooo, what’s this? I caught her black pupils dilating a bit, at me.

“Thanks!”, she began, blushing and gesturing a thumbs-up at me. Ooo, this time, I legit felt her blush!

“Why?.. In fact, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have spoken to you in such a manner, last evening. Forget it! Like…I just shared my opinion. It's your call, at last…”

“Yo Dhilip!”, she imitated me. We chuckled. “What are you sorry for? I’m glad you opened my eyes!”, she whispered happily. She nodded readily and I couldn’t stop myself from blushing back. Aye! Control, Dhilip! Why are you blushing at her?

“Urgh...Huh...Like…”, dragged I. She covered her mouth with her right palm, closed her eyes, and burst into a soft round of laughter. I rested my chin upon the right hand and blushed at her beautiful curvy and dark eyelashes. Being white like an albino or pink like a rose isn’t beautiful; facial features too count. Going along the same lines, I somehow feel that beauty lies in every little thing we observe.

What does Rohini have in store for Dhilip?

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