Ayngaran Foundation Implementing Veda Education Methoed For New Generations in English Spiritual Stories by Sasi Krishnasamy books and stories PDF | Ayngaran Foundation Implementing Veda Education Methoed For New Generations

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Ayngaran Foundation Implementing Veda Education Methoed For New Generations

Veda education

Ayngaran Foundation is a spiritual non-profit organization based in Palani, founder of sasi Krishnasamy and chairman of Vince Thomas located at Tamil Nadu, that aims to promote a new and better way of life for everyone in the world based on the divine plan for humanity. One of its main activities is education, which it provides to poor children up to elementary level. The foundation believes that education is the primary source for children to keep their life in a safe way and to overcome poverty, illiteracy and unemployment. The foundation also supports Vedic education, which is the core foundation of India’s culture and heritage. The goal of Vedic education is to promote harmonious development of the individual and society

One of the main activities of Ayngaran Foundation is to promote Veda education, which is the core foundation of India's culture and rich heritage. Veda education is the study of the ancient scriptures that contain the wisdom and knowledge of the sages and seers who realised the ultimate truth of existence.

The goal of Veda education is to promote harmonious development of the individual and society by imparting the values and principles of dharma, which is the righteous way of living in harmony with oneself, others, nature and God. Veda education also aims to foster spiritual awareness and self realisation by teaching various methods of meditation, yoga, mantra chanting and rituals that help to calm the mind and connect with the soul.

Ayngaran Foundation has established a meditation centre called Veda Bodhivanam, which means "the forest of Vedic wisdom", where people can learn and practice Veda education in a serene and natural environment. The centre offers various courses, workshops and retreats on Vedic topics such as Vedanta, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Puranas, Agamas, etc. The centre also provides accommodation and food for the participants and volunteers who wish to support the project.

Ayngaran Foundation believes that Veda education is not only relevant but essential for the modern world, as it can help to solve many of the problems and challenges that humanity faces today. By learning and applying the Vedic teachings, one can achieve peace, happiness, prosperity, health, harmony and enlightenment in this life and beyond.

Some of the benefits of Veda education are:

It helps to form character by encouraging a simple life, good behaviour and high ideals.

It imparts the values and principles of dharma, which is the righteous way of living in harmony with oneself, others, nature and God.

It fosters spiritual awareness and self-realization by teaching various methods of meditation, yoga, mantra chanting and rituals that help to calm the mind and connect with the soul2.

It provides a holistic and integrated approach to knowledge that covers various disciplines such as science, mathematics, social science, grammar, etc.

It enables one to solve many of the problems and challenges that humanity faces today by applying the Vedic teachings.

It offers various resources and guidance for learning online or offline according to one’s convenience and preference.

Some of the differences between Veda education and modern education are:

Veda education was based on the teachings of the Vedas and other ancient scriptures that contained the wisdom and knowledge of the sages and seers who realized the ultimate truth of existence.Modern education is based on the curriculum prescribed by various boards and authorities that focus on various subjects and disciplines.

Veda education emphasized critical thinking and originality, while modern education emphasizes memorization and regurgitation.Veda education encouraged students to question, explore and discover the secrets of nature and life, while modern education often discourages students from expressing their opinions or challenging the established facts.

Veda education aimed at the holistic and harmonious development of the individual and society by imparting the values and principles of dharma, which is the righteous way of living in harmony with oneself, others, nature and God1. Modern education often neglects the moral and spiritual aspects of education and focuses more on the material and competitive aspects.

Veda education was imparted in a natural and serene environment, where students lived with their teachers in a close bond of friendship and respect1. Modern education is imparted in artificial and stressful environments, where students often face pressure, competition and alienation from their teachers and peers.

Veda education was flexible and adaptive to the needs and interests of each student, while modern education is rigid and standardized for all students1. Veda education allowed students to learn at their own pace and choose their own subjects of interest, while modern education imposes a fixed syllabus and timetable for all students.

The role of teachers in Veda education is very important and significant. Teachers are not only the transmitters of knowledge, but also the guides, mentors and role models for the students. Teachers are expected to have faith in the inherent potentialities of each student, as the Atman (Self) is lodged in the heart of every creature. Teachers are also expected to have love for knowledge and the capacity to communicate it effectively to the students. Teachers are supposed to be interactive and encouraging in the classroom, stimulating the students to think and express their opinions. Teachers are also supposed to be humble and respectful towards the students, as they are considered as manifestations of God. Teachers are also supposed to be spiritual seekers themselves, practicing various methods of meditation, yoga, mantra chanting and rituals that help them to calm their minds and connect with their souls. Teachers are also supposed to be examples of dharma, living a simple, righteous and harmonious life.

The role of students in Veda education is also very important and significant. Students are not only the receivers of knowledge, but also the co-creators and explorers of knowledge. Students are expected to have curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, as learning is considered as a means to self-realization. Students are also expected to have respect and gratitude for their teachers, as they are considered as their spiritual friends and guides. Students are also expected to be participative and expressive in the classroom, asking questions and sharing their views. Students are also expected to be diligent and disciplined in their studies, following a strict schedule and avoiding pleasures, comforts and luxuries. Students are also expected to be spiritual seekers themselves, practicing various methods of meditation, yoga, mantra chanting and rituals that help them to calm their minds and connect with their souls. Students are also expected to be embodiments of dharma, living a simple, righteous and harmonious life.

Veda education and Ayurveda are related but different fields of knowledge. Veda education is the study of the ancient scriptures that contain the wisdom and knowledge of the sages and seers who realized the ultimate truth of existence. Veda education covers various disciplines such as religion, philosophy, literature, grammar, etc. Veda education aims at the holistic and harmonious development of the individual and society by imparting the values and principles of dharma, which is the righteous way of living in harmony with oneself, others, nature and God. Veda education also fosters spiritual awareness and self-realization by teaching various methods of meditation, yoga, mantra chanting and rituals that help to calm the mind and connect with the soul.

Ayurveda is one of the four Upavedas or secondary Vedic teachings, along with Gandharva Veda (music), Sthapatya Veda (directional science), and Dhanur Veda (martial arts). These Upavedas apply Vedic knowledge along specific lines to supplement the Vedic quest for wholeness and liberation1. Ayurveda is the science of life that deals with the prevention and treatment of diseases by using natural methods and remedies. Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). Thus, Ayurveda translates to knowledge of life2. Ayurveda is based on the concept of universal interconnectedness, the body’s constitution (prakriti), and life forces (doshas). Ayurveda aims at maintaining or restoring the balance between the body, mind, spirit, and the environment. Ayurveda uses various therapies such as diet, herbs, massage, oil treatments, detoxification, etc