Little light - 3 in English Moral Stories by Kishanlal Sharma books and stories PDF | Little light - 3

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Little light - 3

before leaving Agra, he told Najma,"I want to make you mine..'
"I tried my best in every way but my mother is not ready to marry me a Hindu boy means you."After listening Tapan, Najma said him.
"If your mother is not ready for our marriage,so we take another way."
"What another way?"
"We do the court marriage."
"I live you deeply from my are the first and last man to come in my life.I will not let other man in my life.But I will not be able to rebel against my mother to marry you."
"Najma I don't understand the definition of your love
"When I was a little girl then my father died Mother was Young.. They whole life was in front of her..She could have married. If she wished.But she didn't do this keeping my future in her mind.,"Najma said,"I love my mother very much.I will not be able to marry you by rebelling against my mother.But that is not mean.I will marry another man.It is clear if I will marry, I will only marry you."

Despite Tapans much persuasion, Najma was not ready to marry him by rebelling against her mother..Then he left Agra angry with Najma.
Therefore he never wrote a letter, nor called her nor did he never try to know about her.Tapan was extremely upset with Najma but he did not forget her for a single moment.Najma was the first woman to come in his life.And who forget his first love.
At night Najma cooked food and placed it on dining table.Tapan said looking at the dishes,"Have not forgotten my choice yet?"
"You were the first man to come in my life.Hiw I can forget moments pasand with you? Your like and dislikes".
Years after someone had fed with so much love.He ate to much in taste.Laying in bed at night, he spoke to Najma,"May I ask you a question?"
"You kived your mother very much,so by revolting against your mother you did not get ready to marry me,"Tapan said,"but after your mother passed away, there was no hindrance in our marriage."
"So you could call me
"I thought but
"But what?
"You were angry with me so you may forgotten me and got married"
"So you did not trust your love,"Tapan said,"I had gone away from you but I didn't forget you even for a moment I kept your memories in my heart every moment."
The night was passing slowly but they had no sleep.Two separated lovers who met after so many years.Both talk was not ending.And after a long talk Najma asked,"When you will go?
"May be day after"
"Have met after so many years and will leave me so soon"Najma said after listening to Tapan,"Won't let you go so soon"
"Thirty years ago I went alone.But now I Will not go alone,"I will take you with me "",
"Take me? Najma spoke with surprise",
"I want to marry you but your mother didn't let happen it.And I could not take you.But this time i will not listen to any one."
"At this age our marriage,"Najma spoke with surprise,"What will people say?"
"First your mother----now if for fear of people no now no argument"
"Now at this age what benefits of our marriage.i am a twinkling lamp now.Dont know when the lamp extinguishes
"I live in the dark.There is darkness in my life for some time,then I will consider my life blessed