You're my favorite rhythm... - 23 in English Love Stories by Pramila books and stories PDF | You're my favorite rhythm... - 23

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You're my favorite rhythm... - 23

People don't always say "I love you"

Sometimes it sounds like,
"Be safe"
"Did you eat?"
"Call me when you reach home"

And a love that will never dilute, even when the water get deep and dark.


"I love you for infinity...."

"WHAT?" she asked, slightly shocked and confused.

"It's ok... if you don't like it we can choose something else... I think it will be good" The lyrics played on the screen.

Only then Ananya realize that he was talking about songs. One second her mind wondered if what he had said could be true, the next she convinced herself that it was unlikely.

"You in my heart...
I really want you GIRL...
Had a dream about you GIRL...
I will never let you go...
You in my soul...
I won't forget you GIRL...
I promise you...
I promise i won't lie...
I promise you...
Together we can fly...
I promise you...
I promise i won't hurt you ever again...
I want you to love me again...
Just be all mine..."
[Woren Webbe - I promise you]

They would sing two or three songs like this. Ananya couldn't understand the changes in her, when he was singing all these songs for her, that feeling were so new to her.

Unbeknownst to her, tears began to well up in her eyes and flowed down her soft cheeks and reached his hands.

Those tears brought him back to his senses, who had lost himself in her closeness and in the music, clutching the arms of his sweetheart...

"Hey Anu... what's wrong? "

Ananya gently released away from his arms and moved two feet away from him.

"Why are you crying?... Have I done anything wrong?"

"I don't... I don't know why I'm crying. But one thing I know for sure is that there can be no happier person in this world than me right now... Happy tears"

Her words brought a soft smile in Anand's face. Without any second thought he stretched out his hands and hugged her like she was the last girl left in this (his) world.

"Did you know, Anu...? You are not just a fan girl or a friend, you are more than that to me."

He patted her head lovingly and said,
"Never cry or laugh at your best friend's choice because you are one of them"

Ananya nodded with smile on her face.

"Excuse me... May I know what's going on here?" When they both turned in the direction of the voice there was David leaning against the wall with one leg folded and both arms crossed.

His mind : Oh no... Devil David is here... Now how to keep Ananya away from him? No that was not possible, he had seen her. How can I introduce her to him?

Ananya : Hey dude... Finally... How do you doing, man?

David : What a pleasant surprise Ananya... I never expected you here.

Ananya : This Ananya is the one who does unexpected

David : When are you going to stop giving such knee-jerk dialogue?

AJ (In mind) : Am i visible to them?

AJ : Wait... wait... Both of you know each other already?

Ananya : I met him for the first time at your first concert and after that we both became friends.

Anand : How dare you both hide this from me?

"What is there to hide? We are just friends." While saying this David came close to Ananya and put his hand on her shoulder.

Anand quickly grabbed Ananya's hand and pulled her towards him.

AJ : You said you're not going to work today, so why did you come now?

David : I'm not here to manage your appointments. Mom called you as Jaju kept crying and you didn't pick up the call so they sent me to fetch you.

Ananya : I'm also very eager to see Jessica, please guys... take me with you.

AJ : Even if you refuse to come with me, I will surely drag you to my home. WAIT.... How do you know her name is Jessica? I don't remember ever telling you her name before.

Ananya : You didn't tell me, David bro told me.

David : One night when we were chatting for a long time I accidentally told her about this matter.

Anand (In mind) : What's between you two to talk until midnight?

Ananya : There is nothing wrong with this and what you have done is truly a great thing.


[Jessica, is the gift that God gave to Anand without asking.
One day at midnight Anand was going home after finishing all his work. It was very difficult to drive in the heavy rain that day. On the way he saw an auto standing in the middle of the road and stopped the car to ask if there was any problem. A pregnant woman was throbbing in pain in that auto.

The auto driver was trying to help the woman but he couldn't do anything as the auto repair. Seeing this, Anand took her to the hospital in his car. Unwilling to leave the woman there alone, he stayed there all night until the baby was born. There the nurse, thinking that Anand is the father of the child, give the child in his hand.

Anand carried the baby in his arms without any hesitation.

Anand : Awww... You are too little.

The child, who had been crying for so long, stopped crying and started laughing as soon as she reached Anand's hands. Anand Never experienced such a feeling before.

As he looked at the child, Anand remembered that someone once told him that angels are born in this world every day. He placed a soft kiss on the child's forehead.

What happened after that was not a pleasant event. Shortly after the child's birth, the child's mother died of seizure. Unfortunately she never got a chance to see her baby's face even once. No matter how much Anand searched, he could not find the child's father.

The hospital administration admitted the child to an orphanage with the help of the police. From that day Anand made it his job to visit the orphanage every day for that child. A month passed and one day Anand brought the child to his home.

When he first said that this child was going to grow up in our house, his parents were not interested at first. No matter how much Anand's parents told him, Anand's mind did not change and finally they changed their mind and accepted the child. But the situation there today is different, even if Anand gives up the child, his parents will not give up.

Since then the child is growing up in Anand's house as his daughter with the name of Jessica Anand Joshva]


Ananya : But i can't understand one thing... Why haven't you adopted her yet?

Anand : You can ask David for that too...

Anand quickly left the place and David and Ananya followed him. As Anand drives the car, Ananya comes to sit in the front seat but David stops her and makes her sit in the back seat with him.

All the way Ananya and David have a good funny talks... and Anand was watching them through the mirror and jealousy was burning inside him.

Ananya happily spends her time with both of them, unaware of the fight between David and Anand for her...!!!

Ananya : You are a time killer bro.

David : Did you know? I'm pretty good at finding ways to pass the time, i can tell you a joke, or

Anand : Or He can tell you stories about his exes...

Ananya : That's so crazy, have you had love stories in your past?

David : I have 98 love stories to tell you. But I don't know if you would believe me if I told you those stories.

Ananya : Haha... 98 stories? Are you a love angel?

"How do you know about it?" David yelled a little faster in shock. He later realized she was joking.

"I can be angel or devil for beautiful girls like you... Anyway Keep this secret to yourself and don't tell anyone."

Anand : Because even if you tell it to someone else, they won't believe it.

David : You just shut up...

Ananya : Guys... Why are you two always fighting like cat and mouse?

David : Oh c'mon Ananya... Did you not see that, he is the one who is coming to fight me...

Anand : ME...?

David : Yes... it's you... Mr.Anand Joshva.

Ananya : Guys okay fine.... stop it...

If they start fighting, even the god can't stop them. Ananya was laughing a lot and enjoying listening to their funny discussions/fight.

But little did the three of them know that today would be the last day they would be happy and laugh a lot. No one knows the game of time....


To be continued....