Little light - 1 in English Moral Stories by Kishanlal Sharma books and stories PDF | Little light - 1

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Little light - 1

Tapan was surprised to see the lock on the door.seeing him an old man came to him before he thought anything or got any question in his mind,"To whom you want to meet."
Tapan said,"Najma"
"Banna has become the Principal of the college,She lives in a college bungalow,"That old man told Tapan about Banna.
"Thanks."he boarded again in auto rikshaw
He came to the Delhi to meet a publisher.After meeting publisher he went to Agra to meet Banna,.He spent many years in this city.He saw the changes in the city from his childhood to youth.Some sour and sweet memories we're also associated with this city .Whom he could not forget even after wanting After thirty years he came to this city.Thirtthy years is enough..The city must have changed a lot in the last thirty years.Many classmate may still meet but he didn't want to find any one.What did he di by searching them?.When there was no contact in the last thirty years..He did not even have contact with Banna. Still he came to meet her .And at last he reached Najma's bungalow.A woman was cleaning the lawn he asked her,"The principal madam is in the bungalow?
"You have to talk about admission,"the woman said after listening to him,"She doesn't meet anyone at the bungalow.You meet her in college."
"I don't want to talk about admission.You go and said her Tapan has come."
That woman went in.
"Tapan__you. On hearing Tapan's name ,Banna came running.The gap of thirty years dies not diminish.Tapan was middle aged.Najma was fat as she was middle aged.Her eyesight was also reduced,so he started applying glasses.
"Thanks God you recognized me.I think you forget me?"
"Where were you for so many years?"Najma couldn't control herself . Seeing Tapan after seeing so many years.She cried and wept,"In this way someone goes away.For thirty years you did not even try to know whether I am alive or not?Was this your love?"Najma kept crying and not knowing what she said?Tapan stroked her back.
Najma was silent after losing her heart..She wanted to say something after separating from Tapan,then Tapan put a finger on her lips,"Do you intend to return me from outside?"
"Sorry"Najma realized her mistake and took Tapan with her in.
"You sit here.First I make tea for you."Najma went to the kitchen.Tapan thought
"I am Najma..I also study in this college"Tapan studied in Agra collage.One day Najma came to him and introducing herself said,"
"I have read your poems in newspaper.Heart touching, touched my heart."
Tapan was a student of literature.He was fond of writing poems.His poems was also published in newspaper.Najma was quite. Impressed by reading one of his poem. and went to. Meet him.Both became friend in first meeting.
Najma was also impressed by Tapan's simplicity and personality.Najma was beautiful.Tapan was impressed by her beauty.After becoming friends,they spent a lot of time together.
They both spend college holidays together.Sometimes they go to Tajamahal and Lalkila sometime Sikndraa or Sikri.They both sat for many hours on the side of the Taj.They both eat and drink together
